Once Upon A Time Is Now
Part 1
A young man walked through the tunnels on his way to see his father and grandfather. Clutched in his hand was what he considered very good news. He wondered briefly how his announcement would be received.
Upon his arrival in the cavernous library, he looked for the familiar faces. Seeing no one, he turned to walk away then turned back as soft snoring sounds carried over from a nearby chamber.
He smiled to himself realizing his grandfather must be taking his afternoon nap. He turned and walked towards the chamber where his father lived.
"At least I can talk to him first," he mumbled to himself.
His father’s chamber was empty as well. With a sigh, he tapped out a message to Pascal asking if he knew the whereabouts of his father.
A return message came and the young man turned and headed for the Chamber of the Falls.
He walked in to find his father sitting down, leaning back against the rocks, head back, eyes closed, deep in thought.
He could tell by the look on his father’s face that he was lost in his thoughts, remembering a time from twenty or so years ago when he had been in love with a woman. That woman eventually became his mother and he smiled fondly thinking of the portrait of his parents hanging in his father’s chamber. They had truly been in love.
The young man turned to leave so his father could be alone with his thoughts.
The young man smiled and came forward. "Hi, Dad. I’m sorry to disturb you."
Vincent, lifted his head and opened his eyes to look upon the son that Catherine had given him. He had just been lost in the memories of her and was once again surprised by how much his son looked like his mother. Other than inheriting the rich blue of Vincent’s eyes, Jacob was a carbon copy of his mother. He had his father’s stature and grace but his handsome face was a pure reflection of Catherine.
Vincent motioned for his son to come and sit beside him.
Jacob did as he was asked and looked over at his father. "Are you reminiscing again?"
Vincent nodded shyly. "Memories are like an old book, it’s nice to go back and visit with them again."
Jacob shook his head clearly not understanding. "But it brings you such pain..."
Vincent smiled. "But what a sweet pain it is."
"Those are Aunt Brigit’s words."
Vincent chuckled. "Yes..." He looked curiously over at his son. "Your excitement flows through you, bursting to be released...Tell me."
Jacob shot to his feet and began to pace, his restless energy causing him to take on his father’s qualities. "Dad, I received some good news today and I wanted to share it with you."
Vincent sat quietly and waited for his son to continue. When he was met with continued silence he leaned forward and caught his son’s eye. "Jacob, seeing how worried you are about telling me, I wonder how good the news can be. You should know that whatever you want to say cannot be as half as bad as what I’m thinking right now..."
Jacob turned and half smiled at his father. He was right. His father had never been prone to the theatrics he experienced from his grandfather. His father had always allowed him to go to the world Above and spend as much time up there as need be in the world he considered his mother’s.
Vincent sighed at the silence. "Jacob..."
Jacob threw up his arms helplessly. "Okay, okay...you know what I’m feeling anyway, so I may as well tell you..."
He came over and sat back down. "I got a letter delivered today to Uncle Peter’s. It was an acceptance letter from Columbia Law School."
Vincent smiled and reached forward grasping his son’s shoulder. Since Jacob had turned twelve he was less open to hugs from his father. "Jacob, that’s wonderful news."
Jacob looked up in relief. "You’re not angry?"
"How could I be angry? You’ve made me very proud. You’re not quite nineteen and already you’re entering law school."
Jacob smiled. "Yeah, pretty wild, huh?"
Vincent laughed. "Yeah! Pretty wild!"
"Think Grandfather will be as happy?"
Vincent grimaced. "I wouldn’t count on it...he’ll rant and rave for awhile and remind you of the dangers of the big city. He’ll warn you to be careful but in the end...I think he’ll be just as proud of you as I am.""Thanks, Dad. I don’t suppose you’d want to come with me when I tell him, do you?"
Jacob looked up hopefully and Vincent laughed. "Let’s get it over with..."
Vincent went to get up when Jacob shook his head. "Grandfather was sleeping when I looked for you earlier..."
Vincent shrugged. "He’s probably awake by now."
Vincent went to get up again and stopped when he felt his son’s hand on his arm. He turned and looked at him, a question in his eyes.
Jacob looked down at the ground. "Columbia Law, Dad! Can you believe it?""Yes."
"Mom went there..."
"I know..."
Jacob looked up with tears in his eyes. "Dad, do you think she would be proud?"
The image of his young son missing out on having his mother in his life flooded through him, Vincent blinked back his own tears as he looked at the face of his son. "I think your mother would be extremely proud of you."
Jacob got to his feet and leaned over and helped his father get to his feet. Vincent groaned at the soreness in his knees and straightened up slowly to his full height.
Jacob playfully hit him in the stomach and laughed. "Can’t hack it anymore, hey, old man."
He took off running. Vincent shook his head in amusement and ran after him. Jacob was fast but with Vincent’s incredible power he could still catch him.
Vincent chased Jacob thorough several long tunnels, it took him a while, but he eventually caught up with Jacob near his chamber. He grabbed his son around the waist and lifted him in the air.
"Aww, Dad!"
"I guess I can still hack it!"
"Okay, you win! You’re not as old as you look!"
"Old! I just caught you, didn’t I?"
Jacob grumbled. "You cheated..."
Vincent chuckled. "You’re just a sore loser...come on, let’s tell your grandfather your news."
Vincent and Jacob walked into the library together. Father was sitting bundled up with blankets drinking his afternoon tea.
He looked up and smiled. "What have you two been up too? Vincent, you look winded."
Jacob kissed his grandfather’s cheek and laughed. "Dad tried to chase me, I had to let him catch me..."
Vincent rolled his eyes. "What he means to say is I had to prove to Jacob that I can still out run him."
Father chuckled. "Good for you, it’s important these days that the younger generation be aware that the older generation is not headed out to pasture yet!"
Vincent pretended to be offended. "Older generation, you must mean you!"
Father chuckled and began to cough. Jacob automatically handed him some water. "Drink up, Grandfather."
Father sipped and looked at the two of them and smiled. "So who’s up for a game of chess?"Jacob groaned and Vincent smiled as he leaned forward. "I’ll play but first, Father, Jacob has some news he wishes to share."
Father looked up at Jacob expectantly. Vincent turned and felt Jacob’s trepidation. He remembered feeling the same thing many times standing there in his son’s place. He waited for Jacob to look at him then chuckled at the fear evident in his son’s eyes.
Vincent cocked his head, trying to prompt his son into telling his news. "Jacob, your grandfather is waiting."
Jacob sighed and took a deep breath. "I received an acceptance letter today from Columbia Law School."
He closed his eyes and cringed, waiting for the explosion of wrath. After a few seconds, he tentatively looked up again. "Grandfather, did you hear me? I said..."
"Well, of course I heard you Jacob! I’m not deaf!"
Jacob looked down, clearly distressed by his grandfather’s outburst until Vincent continued for him. "Father, I’ve told him how proud I am that he has accomplished so great a feat at such a young age."
Father nodded. "Well of course, Jacob...that goes without saying. We are all very proud of you but it does seem to pose a few problems, doesn’t it..."
Jacob looked surprised and Vincent shook his head, wondering. "What kind of problems, Father?"
Father shrugged. "Well, for one...where has Jacob been schooled and how has a nineteen year old finished college so quickly and entered into a graduate school..."
Jacob shook his head. "Grandfather, Uncle Peter and Uncle Joe fielded all of those questions for me a long time ago. Now that I’m no longer a minor, those types of questions won’t come up again and if they do I’ll give them same answers I’ve always given. My father is away a lot on business and my two uncles helped me with my education."
Father scowled. "Well, how do you plan on attending this school?"
Jacob began to pace, outlining his ideas. "I have the money from Mom to pay for it so that’s not an issue the only thing that will change is that I will need to move into Uncle Peter’s during the school year."
Father nodded and stayed quite as he and Vincent took in this new information.
Jacob looked over and realized he wasn’t going to be interrupted so he continued. "I’ll need a permanent school address and access to the internet and the best place for that is at Uncle Peter’s. Uncle Joe and Aunt Jenny’s house is way too crowded with all those kids and Aunt Diana’s is too far away. Besides, I’ll have access to the tunnels anytime I want and you two can always come and see me. I can come home on weekends and holidays..."Vincent nodded. "I take it you have discussed this with Uncle Peter?"
Jacob nodded. "He was the one that suggested it. I’m just glad that after you got me back as a baby, Uncle Peter had the foresight to put a tunnel access in the basement of his house. It has made it convenient over the years."
Father grumbled. "Hurmph, I don’t see what you need with the world Above! It’s dangerous up there. Criminals and murderers and..."
Jacob touched his grandfather’s hand, effectively stopping the tirade. "None of them will be sitting next to me in class. Grandfather, I’ll be perfectly safe!"
"Safe! In the world Above there is no such thing as safe! Surely that’s apparent from your rocky start in life."
Jacob winced at the reference to his birth. He had heard the stories from Aunt Diana about how his mother had been kept captive for the months leading up to his birth. He knew she had been kept alive for the sole purpose of giving birth to him. He also knew how, after his birth, she was murdered. He knew he was then kept a prisoner by the mad man who wanted to raise him as his own son. Thankfully, his father and Diana had gotten him back.Vincent noticed his son’s demeanor and shook his head at his Father, warning him to stop.
Father looked down, quite embarrassed by his thoughtless comment. He sighed and looked again at Jacob. "Jacob, forgive an old man his foolishness. Please, tell me about the school..."
Jacob looked at the man who he was named after. He could never stay angry with him. Deep down he knew his grandfather was only trying to protect him.
He looked at his father who nodded and smiled. Jacob turned back and excitedly began to speak. "Well, once I finished my junior year, I went to see Uncle Joe. I told him I wanted to follow in my mom’s footsteps. He asked what kind of law I wanted to practice then reminded me my other grandfather had worked in corporate law. I said I wanted to be a lawyer for the DA’s office. He told me he would help me anyway he could."
Vincent nodded. "Joe’s been a good friend and a helper. It’ll be nice to have someone show you the ropes."
Father shook his head as well. "I remember your Uncle Peter and I stumbling our way through medical school together. Your father’s right. Use your Uncle Joe any time you can. I know he’d be happy to help."
Jacob looked down timidly and blushed. "I chose Columbia Law because Mom went there. I know it seems silly but somehow I feel like maybe she’ll be there with me, looking over my shoulder."
Vincent reached for his son’s shoulder. "It’s not so silly, Jacob. Sometimes, I still feel your mother’s presence beside me. Near..." Vincent shook his head to dispel the images. "I think it’s nice for you to try to connect with her in some way. I know if she were here she would do anything to try to see you through this."
Jacob smiled. "Thanks, Dad."He did something he hadn’t done in years. He came forward and hugged his father. Vincent held him tightly and sighed at how wonderful it felt to hold his son again, even if it was just for a second.
Jacob patted his back and Vincent released him. Jacob smiled at him. "I guess I’m not too big for a hug after all, huh?"
Vincent nodded. "You’re never too big to find comfort in the arms of someone who loves you. I love you, Jacob. Remember that, always."
"I love you too, Dad." He turned to Father. "Grandfather, is it okay if I invite some guests tonight to announce my news?"
Father sat there with tears in his eyes at the love that was clearly between father and son. There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t wish he had allowed Catherine and Vincent to follow their dream of a life together. Vincent deserved so much more than his life had allowed him.
For over twenty years, Vincent stayed true to his love for Catherine. Other women like Diana and a few others, who eventually ended up leaving the tunnels, had tried to turn Vincent’s head but he either ignored their advances or he just wasn’t interested.
The painting of him and Catherine done by a mysterious artist still hung in Vincent’s chamber. Vincent always said it was so that Jacob could feel like his mother was a part of his life. Father knew it was so Vincent could keep her close.
Father also knew that Vincent still had dreams about Catherine. Mostly he relived the horror of losing her but sometimes he would picture her out on a lake in a boat on a serene sunny day. Those were always happy dreams for Vincent, he would put himself out in the boat with her and they would spend a lazy afternoon in the sun.
Father sighed at the lonely life his son had endured without Catherine. Then he looked at the ball of energy that was his grandson and realized that Vincent had indeed been lucky to have shared in his son’s life.
Father was pulled from his reverie by Jacob’s voice. ‘Is it okay, Grandfather?"
"I’m sorry, Jacob, I was daydreaming...what did you ask?"
"I asked if it would be alright if I invited guests and announce my acceptance at dinner tonight?"
"It most certainly is!"
Jacob smiled. "Thanks! I’m going to call Uncle Joe and Aunt Jenny and see if they can come for dinner, if not I’ll have to tell them about it later." Jacob shot from the room to go and complete his tasks.
Father chuckled then looked up. "Vincent, why don’t you go and ask William if he could get Samantha to make a cake for tonight?"
Vincent nodded. "Perhaps I will. Jacob would be pleased with the little celebration."
He left and headed for the kitchen.
Vincent visited with some of the community members before he entered the kitchen area. It was a flurry of activity. He spotted William supervising Samantha as she cooked something over a huge pot on the stove.
Samantha smiled first after she looked up. "Hi, Vincent!"
Vincent nodded. "Good afternoon, Samantha...William."
William came over towards Vincent. "What can I do for you, Vincent?"
Samantha held up a spoonful of whatever she was cooking and interrupted him. "Maybe Vincent would like to try my newest creation?"
Vincent looked at her with interest. Samantha had been cooking under William’s supervision for many years and her dishes were extremely tasty. Vincent smirked with the knowledge that the student had surpassed the teacher once again.
William turned to her and gruffly admonished. "You know it’s not ready yet! A good cook never let’s someone else taste their creations until they have decided for themselves that it is of superior quality."
He turned back around and Samantha rolled her eyes then smiled at Vincent.
Vincent hid his grin and turned to William. "I’ve come to ask a favor of you and I want you to be honest with me if it can’t be accomplished."
William nodded, curious. "What’s this favor?"
"Jacob has an announcement to make tonight and it will be a cause for celebration. Father and I were hoping to persuade Samantha or you to bake a cake for the occasion."
Samantha’s eyes lit up but she wisely stayed quiet. She looked at William’s back then frowned when he wasn’t answering right away.
She thought it was worth his wrath to answer Vincent. "I can do it, William. This stew is almost finished and the salads are completed and other side dishes are ready to be put on to warm..."
William nodded. "Okay, I still have inventory to take and a list to get ready to get over to the store, so if you can handle it..."
She smiled. "No problem! I’ll start on it soon."
Vincent bowed his head gratefully. "Thank you, both of you."
Samantha cocked her head and tried to get to tell her Jacob’s secret. "So what’s the big news?"
Vincent chuckled. "You’ll have to wait to hear it from Jacob."
She thought for a second then her eyes brightened. "But what should I write on the cake?"
Vincent thought for a moment about what to write then decided to keep it simple. "Congratulations."
"That’s it?!"
Vincent shrugged and Samantha rolled her eyes again. "Not very forthcoming with info are you? Never mind..." She walked away talking to herself. "A chocolate cake with strawberry filling and a white butter cream frosting..."
Vincent listened briefly then turned to head back to his chamber.
Jacob ran through the tunnels to Peter’s house.
Peter gasped in surprise when Jacob banged the hidden door against the wall as he flew into the kitchen.
Jacob looked down in embarrassment. "Sorry, Uncle Peter."
Peter chuckled. "Your mother used to race around here much the same way. She was always chasing after Susan."
Jacob smiled. He loved to hear stories about his mother.
Peter looked at him. "So what is so urgent that you had to race up here?" He thought for a moment and answered his own question. "Oh...I bet I know. You told your father and grandfather the news...right?"
Jacob nodded and Peter continued. "Well...how’d they take it?"
Jacob smiled. "Good, my Dad was proud and Grandpa issued his usual warnings but then he was excited for me. I came up to use the phone to call Aunt Jenny and Uncle Joe. I want to invite them...and you to dinner tonight. I’m announcing my acceptance news to the community."
Peter nodded towards the phone. "You know where it is..."
Jacob walked over, picked up the phone and dialed the number by heart. He waited while it rang.
Soon enough a small voice answered the phone.
Jacob smiled. "Is this little Joey?"
"Hey, Joey it’s your buddy, Jacob!"
Joey screamed and laughed. "Jakey, Momma, Jakey’s on the phone! You come see me, Jakey?"
Jacob thought for a minute. "How about tomorrow? Maybe we could go to the park?"
"No girls?"
Jacob laughed. "Well, I don’t know if that would be fair for your sisters. What do you think?"
"Don’t care, they’re mean!"
"Why are they mean?"
"They yelled at me!"
Jacob knew Joey had been hollered at because he had probably done something wrong. "What’d you buddy?"
"Nuffing! I cut Maria’s dolly’s hair and then put Amy’s make-up on her. Then I painted her toe nails with Brittany’s polish and I took Kelly’s retainer and put it in her mouth. I even cut Debbie’s shirt up and dressed up the dolly."
Jenny smirked as she watched her son on the phone. She knew he was talking to Jacob, Catherine’s son, she smiled knowing Jacob would offer him big brotherly advice.
Jacob covered his mouth as he laughed. Each one of Joey’s sisters had a reason to be mad at their little brother. He knew Joey had gotten into trouble so he tried to show he was sided with Joey’s parents. "Well, that probably wasn’t such a good thing to do was it, buddy?"
Joey’s eyes grew round. "No, I guess not. Should I pologize?"
"Yeah, buddy. I think you should."
"Mommy tried to make me but I wouldn’t...Daddy just laughed."
Joey looked up as Jenny came forward. "Momma’s here I have to go. See you tomorrow, Jakey."
Joey handed his mother the phone. "Momma, Jakey says I have to pologize!"
Jenny smiled. "Jacob is very smart. I think you should go find your sisters right now."
Joey took off running, fell and bumped his head on the nearby coffee table. He looked up with tears in his eyes and rubbed the spot he hit. Jenny knew he was holding back the tears and her heart broke to see him turning into such a little man. She held out her arms as she balanced the phone on her shoulder. "Give me a second, Jacob."
Jacob listened as Jenny cuddled her son and kissed his head. He heard her say. "All better now." Then he heard Jake take off running again.
Jenny sighed as she came back to the phone. "Hello, Jacob."
"Hi, Aunt Jenny! I would ask how it’s going but I have a feeling it’s been a rough morning..."
Jenny chuckled. "It’s been a rough week. You’re Uncle Joe has been putting in a lot of hours this week and Joey has missed him so much he’s driving me crazy. Now Uncle Joe says he has to work tomorrow too and I don’t want to break the news to Joey."
"I mentioned to Joey that I could take him to the park tomorrow...is that all right with you?"
Jenny sighed. "Jacob, I would love you forever if you would do that!"
Jacob laughed. "You’ll love me forever anyway.""That’s true. So what can I do for you? I know you couldn’t have called to set up a play date with Joey..."
"No...I called to invite the family to dinner. I have an announcement to make."
Jenny suspected she knew what it was but she wouldn’t let on. She knew Jacob and Joe had worked hard putting an application together for Columbia Law.
"Well, it’s a school night but let me see if Debbie will watch all the kids so Uncle Joe and I can come."
"Aunt Jenny, just bring everyone, it won’t be a late night."
"Won’t Father be mad?"
"Grandfather won’t care and Dad hasn’t seen you two in a long time."
"Okay, okay. I’ll call Uncle Joe at work and tell him and we’ll meet you in the dining room at what 6:00?"
Jacob nodded. "That’s great, Aunt Jenny see you tonight."
"Bye, Jacob."
Jenny hung up and called her husband.
"Joe Maxwell."
"Hi, honey!"
Joe smiled at his wife’s voice. "Hey, babe! What’s up?" His brow furrowed angrily. "Don’t tell me, I have to talk to Joey again right?"
Jenny chuckled. "Nope, Jacob handled it for you."
"Jacob came over?"
"No, he called to invite us to dinner Below. He has a big announcement to make."
Joe sat back in his chair looking smug. "I bet I can guess what the news is!"
Jenny nodded. "Me too! I told him we could be there about 6:00, please tell me that you’ll make it!"
Joe nodded. "For this, I’ll be home by 5:00 and we’ll head over early. Maybe Vincent and I can have a cigar together."
Jenny’s nose crinkled. "I can’t believe you started him on that disgusting habit!"
"Twice a year is not a habit! Just think with all that walking we might get Joey tired out and to bed at a decent hour...I’d love to spend a night alone in bed with my wife."
"Ha! Every time you say that, Joe Maxwell, I get pregnant! Six kids, I’ve had enough!"
Joe thought about his family. Debbie was 15, Kelly was 14, Brittany was 13, Amy was 11, Maria was 10 and little Joey at 5 was commonly referred to as their accident. Jenny had a hard time carrying him. She had stayed on bed rest for the last five months of the pregnancy. Joe would never put his wife through that again. If it hadn’t been for the world Below he didn’t know how they would have made it through.
He smiled. "I’m done too, honey. That last one did us both in. Thankfully, I took care of the problem, huh?"
Jenny smiled. She knew Joe felt guilty about the hard time she had with Joey’s pregnancy but she had to tease him. "Yeah, what if it didn’t work?"
"It’s worked for five years."
Jenny laughed. "It better work tonight!"
Joe sat up as someone entered his office. "Gotta go, babe. I promise...I’ll be home early!"
Joe hung up the same time Jenny heard a crash upstairs. She sighed and headed to see what happened.
Meanwhile, Jacob called his Aunt Diana.
A clipped voice answered. "Bennett."
"Hey, Aunt Diana!"
The red headed woman smiled into the phone. "Hey, Jacob! How ya been?"
"Good, what about you?"
"Can’t complain!" Diana hadn’t heard from the world Below in a few weeks, she was curious. "What’s up?"
"I’m calling to invite you to dinner tonight. I know its last minute but I have an announcement to make and I was hoping you could be there for it..."
Diana grimaced. "Damn, Jacob I can’t! I’m working on this case and I’m meeting a guy tonight...wait...what time is dinner?"
Diana nodded. "All right, I can come until 8:30 and then I have to leave, if you can make your announcement by then I’ll be there to hear it, otherwise..."
Jacob smiled. "I’ll do it in the middle of dinner if I have to, Thanks Aunt Diana."
"No problem, kid!"
Diana hung up the phone and stared at it. She thought back to the first time she had found out about Jacob and the months she and Vincent spent looking for him. She remembered the relief she felt at finding him and she shuddered when she remembered killing Gabriel, the man responsible for the death of Jacob’s mother.
Her mind took her to Jacob’s naming ceremony and the few months that followed it. She spent hours Below with Vincent and Jacob and the community Below. The people there had become very important to her.
Then another case came up and she immersed herself in it. Her visits Below became less frequent. She always helped whenever she could and she made it a point to attend Jacob’s birthdays and Winterfest but somehow she was never able to separate herself from her work. There was always another case... She looked at her watch and closed the curtain over her work. She would need the time to clear her mind of the case.
Jacob greeted his guests as they entered the dining chamber. He had reserved seats for all of them at a table with his father, grandfather and Mary, the woman he considered to be his grandmother. These days she was often found close to his grandfather’s side.
Diana came first and Jacob hugged her then led her to the table.
Vincent stood immediately and hugged her. "Diana, it’s so good to see you."
She smiled warmly up to him. "Hi, Vincent. It’s good to see you, too."
Father struggled to stand and Diana went to his side. "I hope you’re not going to stand on my account."Father chuckled and sat back down. She bent over and offered him a hug and then went around and hugged Mary as well.
"Hello, Mary. You look well."
Mary smiled. "Yes dear, the children always keep me busy. You look good too...not working too hard, I hope."
Diana blushed and looked away. Her eyes sparkled when she saw Joe and Jenny come in with their family.
Jacob was struggling to remain standing after Joey ran into his arms and almost knocked him over. The girls walked sedately behind their parents. Jacob kissed Jenny on the cheek then extended his hand to Joe.
He nodded with his head towards his father. "I saved you two places by my Dad. I though the kids might enjoy sitting with their friends..."
He looked at the girls who looked hopefully over at their parents.
Joe nodded. "You go say hello to Father and your Uncle Vincent first."
Each of the girls shot over and hugged and kissed Father and Vincent then did the same for Mary and Diana.
Father blinked at the onslaught then chuckled at their exuberance. "I take it you were told to say hello before you could find your friends?"
The younger girls blushed guiltily but Debbie recovered quickly. "No, Father. We wanted to come over and say hello and thank you for inviting us tonight."
She said it with such sincerity that Father almost bought it until he saw the twinkle in her eye. "Just like your Father, get...all of you...have a good time!"
The younger girls took off and Debbie smiled and kissed him again. "Thank you!"
Jacob came forward with Joe and Jenny. Everyone hugged each other hello and then sat down to visit.
Father turned to Jenny. "My dear, your girls get prettier every time I see them."
Jenny smiled. "Thank you, Father. They enjoy coming here, every one of us does."
Jenny cringed when from across the room she heard Joey scream. He giggled loudly and Joe got to his feet. "I got it, honey." He looked at the others at the table. "Excuse me please, while I go corral my son."
Joe made his way over and Father watched as he bent over and put his son on his lap. Joey waved his arms around, obviously telling Joe the story. His face soon fell as Joe whispered in his ear. Clearing being reprimanded, Joey looked over at Father who made a funny face. Joey laughed then looked in dismay at his father, then pointed at Father who pretended to be oblivious to the situation.
Joe had caught Father teasing Joey so he let it slide. He reminded Joey to be good and to also go and thank Father for being invited tonight.
Joey walked over to Father and kissed him on the cheek. "Hello, Father. My daddy says I should thank you for being ‘vited for dinner. Are we having hot dogs?"
At Jenny’s stern look Joey changed his question. "I mean whatever we have, I’m gonna like it and I’ll eat it all gone."
Father nodded. "That’s good because we are having brussel sprouts and spinach."
Joey looked up in horror then looked down with tears in his eyes knowing his fate. "Okay..."
Vincent saw the tears and leaned over and whispered. "I think the kids are getting macaroni and cheese."
Joey looked up with relief. "Oh, thank God!"
"Joseph!" Jenny reprimanded.
"Sorry, Momma!"
Joe hid his smile and looked at Joey. "You can go now. Your food stays on your plate only, understand?!"
Joey nodded then skipped away.
Jenny sighed. "It’s so different raising a boy from a girl. The girls were so quiet and content to play with their dolls or read from a book. Joey hates to read and unless he’s breaking something or taking it apart, he’s not happy!"
Mary smiled knowingly. "You should find him a different book. I bet if you tell him stories like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn or Treasure Island, he’ll settle right down."
Jenny thought about it. "I guess I always considered those books as being too old for him. I should try it..."
Jacob smiled. "He can borrow my books. In fact, tomorrow after I take him to the park, I’ll come over and start reading to him Tom Sawyer. He can listen to me before he takes his nap."
Joe nodded. "That’d be great, kiddo! It would save Jenny some of her sanity. I have to work again tomorrow."
Diana looked intrigued. "The District Attorney’s working on a Saturday? Must be a big case!"
Joe shrugged and cast a sideways glance at Jenny. Diana picked up on the meaning immediately. She knew Joe didn’t want to discuss it in front of his wife. "It must be dangerous," she thought to herself. "I’ll talk to him later."
Vincent caught Jenny’s eye. "Jacob has a ton of books he liked to read as a young child. All of the classics...you’re welcome to borrow them any time you wish."
Jenny laughed. "I’m willing to try anything. I don’t know how he’s going to settle down to start school this year."
Joe chuckled. "Someone’s going to get a phone call every morning..."
Jenny looked at him ruefully. "As long as your secretary puts it right through to you, it should be all right."
Joe shook his head. "We’re in big trouble aren’t we?"
Mary smiled. "Perhaps you should send him to school with Vincent. I bet within a week or two he’ll have him settled down."
Jenny laughed. "I wouldn’t wish that on anyone! Not even my worst enemy."
Vincent shrugged. "Perhaps Joey would like to come Below and sit through some of our classes. He would be welcomed and the other kids will have him settled down before regular school starts in September."
Jenny looked at Joe for confirmation. After 17 years of being together she could read the answer on his face.
She smiled and nodded. "Vincent...if you’re serious..."
Father leaned forward. "Of course he is my dear, the younger children have lessons three times a week in the morning. I often fill in for Eric or Vincent and I know that either of them would welcome Joey."
Jacob piped in. "Why don’t you have the girls take turns walking him here. I’ll teach them each how to call for help on the pipes and after the morning is over they can either hang out or head back home..."
Joe nodded. "Sounds like a solid plan to me...thanks everyone. Jenny and I have had a real problem trying to figure this all out."
Peter showed up and walked over to the table. "What’d I miss?"
Father smiled at his old friend. "Certainly not your meal!"
Peter laughed. "I got here just in time."
They scooted an extra chair up to the table and everyone greeted Peter. Dinner was served and the conversation flowed easily between the friends. After dinner, the hall began to buzz as people wondered when Jacob’s announcement would be.
Father looked over at Jacob who nodded his consent.Father stood and held up his hand and the room immediately quieted. "Please everyone, Jacob is ready to make his announcement."
Jacob walked to the front of the room and looked out at his friends and family.
He made a point to let his gaze settle on his table and the special guests sitting there. "Thanks everyone for coming. As some of you may already know, my mother attended school at Columbia Law here in New York. She practiced law with my grandfather until she met my Dad then she started work with the DA’s office. Well, I guess her determination to make a difference somehow rubbed off on me and I’m going to follow in my mom’s footsteps. I am pleased to announce that I have been accepted into the fall term at Columbia Law."
The hall erupted in cheers and Jacob smiled at all the well wishers. Samantha and William wheeled out a huge cake that said Congratulations on it and Jacob blew out the candles that adorned it.
The cake was served and people came up to offer their support.
Pascal and his wife, Marci came up with their three kids and Jacob hugged each of them. Mouse and Jaime came next with their two kids and Sara followed them. Kanin and Olivia came over followed by their son Luke and his two little sisters. Then a steady swarm of people kept him busy the rest of the night.
Joe held up a handful of cigars and looked at the men in the room. Vincent smiled and nodded to everyone to follow him and Father to the library.
Joe bent over and kissed Jenny’s cheek. "Is it okay if I go? You gonna be okay?"
Jenny smiled. "Yeah, I’ve got Diana here and Mary and look..." She pointed across the room. "...here comes Rebecca. Go, I’m fine!"
Father came forward and placed his hand on Mary’s shoulder and then looked at the other women. "You ladies are welcome to join us."
Mary’s nose wrinkled. "Ugh! You’ll be smoking those disgusting cigars!"
Overhearing the conversation as she walked up, Rebecca laughed. "I could burn every candle I’ve ever made and it still wouldn’t be enough to dispel the smell of that smoke."Olivia nodded. "I know, and the smell in the clothes! Horrible!"
Joe smiled and left with the men.
Olivia rolled her eyes at Kanin as he watched his friends leave. "Go, Kanin," she prompted.
Kanin flew from the room and quickly caught up with the men.
Peter leaned forward conspiratorially. "Ladies, I brought some wine to toast Jacob’s success. William will open it for you if you decide to partake..."
He walked away as the women looked at one another and giggled. It wasn’t long before there was an open bottle on the table in front of them.
Diana made her excuses said her goodbyes and left.
Vincent had seen her come out the dining chamber entrance and he stopped and came back to her side. "Diana, you have to leave so soon?"
She shrugged. "I’ve got to work. I told Jacob I could stay until 8:30 and look it’s quarter to 9."
"Let me walk you out."
Diana shook her head. "I’m only going out the park entrance, it’s what 2 blocks?"
Vincent smiled. "Still."
He turned and they began to walk together. He looked over at her again. "Thank you for coming and being a part of Jacob’s announcement."
She chuckled. "I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. It’s hard to believe time has passed this fast. It seems like only yesterday when we brought him home."
"I know. The time did seem to pass too quickly."
She touched his arm. "And now he’s heading into the city everyday to attend the same school his mother went to. How’s that making you feel?"
"I have no words...proud seems so...trivial."
"Everyone was so happy for him. You did a great job, Vincent. I think Catherine would have been pleased at how well he turned out."
Vincent nodded. "Diana, that’s one of the nicest things I’ve ever been told."
She shrugged. "It’s true. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done." She turned and looked at the door. "This is where I go up. Take care, Vincent."
Vincent moved forward and opened his arms.Diana hugged him back. "See you around."
"Bye, Diana."
After she left, Vincent turned and headed to the library.
The men looked up as he entered the room. Vincent smiled and took the cigar Joe had offered him. Peter held a lighter for him and Vincent took a long drag.
Joe clapped him on the back. "Congratulations old man, you raised one fine kid!"
Vincent laughed. "It takes a village."
Father pretended to be offended. "Are you saying that we’re a village?"
Peter laughed as he cracked open the bottles of wine and began to pour it into glasses. "Hell, with the way this place keeps growing you’re almost a city!"
Kanin looked up. "I couldn’t believe it when I got released. There must’ve been over thirty new people living here."
Pascal, Cullen and Mouse walked in. Mouse turned to the two men. "See...told you...party’s in here."
Father motioned them in and Joe handed them cigars as Peter passed around drinks. "We’re celebrating Jacob’s acceptance."
Pascal looked around the room. "Without Jacob?"
Vincent clapped him on the back. "Jacob wanted to spend some time with his friends."
Joe moaned. "Great, my daughters will be drooling over him all night. Debbie and Kelly both have huge crushes on him and Brittany, Amy and Maria tease them endlessly. You can’t believe the wars your son causes in my house."
Vincent shrugged. "Joe, your daughters are all quite beautiful as well."
Joe laughed. "Yeah and there all fighting about which one of them is gonna get your kid to marry them!"
Father shook his head in disbelief. "They’re all too young and Jacob is heading to law school."
Pascal raised his glass high in the air. "A toast...to a young man who is a fine representation of our world and what it can accomplish!"
Everyone raised their glasses then took a swallow.
Mouse sputtered and coughed. "Good..."
Peter smiled. "Jacob is an exceptional kid. He’ll be living with me during the school year...at least during the week. Why do I have a feeling my house is about to be bombarded with young girls?"
Cullen laughed. "He is a good looking kid, isn’t he?"
Vincent nodded quietly. "Thankfully he received his mother’s looks."
Mouse noticed Vincent’s mood change. He put his hand on Vincent’s arm. "She was...beautiful."
Vincent smiled. "That she was Mouse."
Kanin came over. "Beautiful inside and out. I never told you this, Vincent, but after I was sent to prison, Catherine would come and visit me."
Joe looked at him as if he had just discovered a secret. "Ohhhhh, so you’re the guy she went to see! I remember her coming up in the middle of the day saying she was headed to the tombs. I often wondered why since it wasn’t that often she had to go there. I mostly sent the interns. Ha! I even began to think the mysterious love of her life was in prison."
Kanin laughed and cocked his head towards Vincent. "That one over there was the love of her life. I was just lucky she was good enough to sit with me at least once a week."
Vincent lowered his head. "Catherine felt guilty that she made you come forward. She knew you would serve some type of time."
Kanin nodded. "I know...she and I discussed it. She understood that I was okay with it before she..."
Kanin’s voice trailed off and Father tried to cover the silence. He held up the wine bottle in the air. "Another round! Whose turn is it to toast?"
The men came forwards and Father filled their glasses. Several more toasts were made. In fact, Father, Peter, Cullen, Mouse and Kanin each took a turn making a toast.
Visions were becoming blurry when the reality started to sneak back in.
Joe was first to be hit with it when his daughter Brittany came in. She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell in the room. "Ugh! Guys smell so yucky."
Joe came over and put his arm around her. "You keep thinking that way, sweet pea. The only guy that smells good is your Daddy."
Brittany pushed his arm off. "Right now my Daddy smells like a bar floor!" She chuckled. "Mom’s gonna be mad at you..."
Cullen gasped in pretend horror. "Ooooo, someone’s in trouble!"
Joe rolled his eyes and looked at Brittany. "I take it it’s time to leave?" He looked at his watch and groaned. 10:00! "I’m in trouble. I gotta go guys. These kids need to get home. Brit, where’s Mommy?"
Jenny walked struggling with a sleeping Joey in her arms. "I’m right here." She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Woo, it stinks in here!"
Joe came up and took Joey from her arms. "Just guys hanging out!" He looked at his other daughters. "You guys ready?"
They all began their goodbyes and Vincent came over and hugged Jenny. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "It was a good night. I liked to pretend that Catherine was watching over us. She’d be so proud."
Vincent’s eyes filled with tears as well. "Yes."
They hugged again as Joe herded his family towards home.
Kanin stood up as well. "I need to go too, Olivia will want help with the girls."
Mouse nodded. "Yeah, Jaime too!"
Kanin and Mouse left and Pascal shrugged. "I better go check the pipe chamber then head home to Marci.
Peter nodded. "Yeah, I need to head home too. I’ll need my sleep for the rush of college girls in my house."
Father laughed. "You have the whole summer."
Peter smiled and patted his friend on the back. "At my age it may take me the whole summer."
Peter and Pascal walked out leaving Cullen, Vincent and Father alone. Father twirled a piece of the chess set that Cullen had presented him with years ago. He held the queen lovingly in his hands. It was a depiction of Catherine and Vincent was her king. With a sigh, he set it back on his board.
Cullen looked over at him. Would you like to play a game, Father?"
Father nodded. "I think we could begin one, yes!"
They sat down and started to play.
Vincent stood up. "I’ll be back shortly, I just want to check on Jacob."
Vincent walked to the dining chamber and was pleased to see that most of the people had left. The young children were gone and it was mostly the older kids close to Jacob’s age that sat around.
Next to Jacob sat a beautiful blond haired girl. She too, looked exactly like her mother. Young Cathy was born here when her mother, Lena came Below for shelter. Lena had married one of the tunnel men and they had another two kids. Cathy’s younger brothers sat across the room at another table.
Vincent looked around the room at his students. "There’s still school tomorrow and it’s getting late..."
In a hurry to obey, the children shot to their feet and headed to their chambers. They all loved Vincent dearly and knew they weren’t being disciplined, his comment more of a suggestion then an order. The oldest kids remained behind.
Vincent looked with amusement at Jacob and Cathy. They had grown up together and were unusually close. Cathy was older by about a year but you could never tell by the way she hung on his every word. "Joe’s girls are going to be disappointed," he thought to himself.
Jacob was oblivious to anyone’s affection for him. He was too much like his father in that aspect. Jacob looked at girls with a fondness but had yet to feel an attraction for anyone so strongly that he felt he needed to pursue it.
Vincent often wondered if Jacob was in fact "turned off" because so many girls had tried to push a relationship on him. Vincent thought back to the times in his life when he felt that certain women had maybe tried to "pursue" a relationship with him. Lena, Diana, Stephanie, the daughter of a helper, all of these women at one time tried to have something with Vincent but lost out to either Catherine herself or her memory.
Sensing his melancholy, Jacob looked up at his Dad. "What’s up, Dad?’
"You had a good party."
Jacob chuckled. "I did. Thanks for the cake."
"You’re welcome."
"It was sure nice of Aunt Diana, Uncle Joe and Aunt Jenny to come."
"They were so much a part of your life growing up. I can’t see them missing such a special event."
"Yeah, I need to go see Aunt Diana soon, she couldn’t stay long."
"Her job is important to her Jacob. It always has been."
Jacob looked at his father. For the first time in his life something came to his mind. "Dad, is that why things never...you know...like...happened between you two?"
The others at the table, knowing something private was going to be discussed, quietly left them alone.
Vincent looked down at the ground. He never withheld the truth from his son no matter how painful it was. "Jacob, I never loved a woman more than I loved your mother. If it wasn’t for you being born, I probably would have followed her in death.""Dad..."
Vincent sat down at the table. "No, let me finish...you’re old enough to hear this. Your mother was my life, without her I no longer wanted to exist. She told me at her death about you, about your birth. She told me that she and I had loved and produced a son."
This was the first time he had heard this story and Jacob looked confused. "Dad, if you two were...you know...doing it...you must have realized that she could get pregnant."
Vincent shook his head, trying to come up with the words to explain their odd relationship. "Jacob, you’re mother and I hadn’t progressed that far into a relationship when I became very sick...not physically sick. More mentally...I was...lost to myself."
Jacob said nothing trying to understand. He knew his father occasionally "zoned out" and battled with the violent side of his nature. Jacob had seen the change only a few times over the years when Vincent was called upon to protect the tunnels from some outside source.
Vincent continued. "I hid myself away in a cave. I thought I was a danger to the people here Below. Your mother came to me in that cave. I don’t remember anything from that time. Grandfather said we were alone in there for several hours before he finally came in. I can only assume that the time we spent alone was when you were conceived. I...don’t remember."
"You never..." Jacob blushed. " Um...at any other time?"
Vincent shook his head. "No."
"Mom never told you about me?"
Vincent sighed. "I...think she tried to once. She had come to me not long after I was feeling better. She needed to tell me something and I ended up changing the subject. When she found out I couldn’t remember her name, she didn’t tell me what she wanted to talk about."
Jacob’s eyes grew wide. "Wow! You must’ve been sick! I bet Mom was pissed."
Vincent chuckled. "You’re mother never got "pissed." She held me and told me she would talk to me some other time. I didn’t know it would be at her death."
He gasped as he remembered their last moments together.
Jacob touched his arm in comfort. "I wonder if she ever got a chance to see me?"
Vincent sniffled and quickly tried to reassure his son. "She must have, she said you were beautiful."
Jacob smiled. "Thanks for telling me the truth, Dad." He stood up. "I better get to bed. I want to leave early and e-mail Uncle Devin before I pick up Joey and take him to the park."
Vincent stood and walked with him. "Have fun in the park, Joey’s quite a handful. Oh, and don’t forget to bring him back down here for the reading class."
"Joey’s not so bad. He just needs to burn off some energy...I wonder what Uncle Devin is up to?"
Vincent shrugged. "Herding rhinoceros or maybe swinging from vines in the rainforest..."
Jacob laughed. "I hope he gets my e-mail before school starts."