Devin wouldn’t get Jacob’s e-mail for several days. Right now, high above the state of Washington, Devin was struggling to keep his Cessna airplane in the air. He was losing the battle and the plane was getting closer to the ground.

His hands flew over the controls as he attempted to get control of the aircraft. He winced as he heard one of the engines sputtering.

He began speaking to himself. "This may be the last thing you do, old boy."

He glanced at the controls and realized he was close to impact. It was pitch black in the forest and he couldn’t see the ground. He sent out an SOS call with little hope that it would be heard.

He closed his eyes and thought briefly about the world Below New York City. He thought about his father as he braced himself for impact.


Three miles away, a daughter and her mother sat by a campfire. It had been a long day for both of them. Life in the thickly wooded mountains was harsh and survival was always the most important thing on one’s mind. The mother had spent an entire day tending to her enormous garden and the daughter spent her day hunting. She was only able to catch a few rabbits and a wild turkey and then she had to come home to clean them.

They were taking turns reading out of a book. The mother was wrapped in a blanket while the daughter fed wood into the fire.

The daughter suddenly cocked her head and looked over at her mom. "Can you hear that?"

The mother listened then shook her head. "No, I don’t hear anything."

The daughter was already up on her feet and standing on the top of a nearby rock, head still cocked at an angle trying to listen.

Her mother spoke softly. "Honey, I..."


Suddenly, she hopped off the rock. "Mom, someone’s in trouble. It sounds like an airplane going down." She helped her mom to her feet. "Why don’t you go inside? I need to go see what’s happened."

The mother started walking to the house. "Honey, how can you be sure of what you heard?"

The daughter rolled her eyes. "Mom! I’ve heard the planes make deliveries here every month for almost 19 years. I think I know what one sounds like."

They entered the house and the mother helped the daughter pack a duffel bag. Inside the bag were flares, matches, a blanket, a first-aid kit, rope, a knife, some granola bars and beef jerky.

The daughter grabbed a nearby rifle and made sure it was loaded. She grabbed some extra ammunition and put it into her pocket. She handed her mother the other gun. "Keep it with you!"

The mother nodded. "Jennifer, please be careful!"

"I will, Mom." She handed her mother a 2-way from the set by the door. "I’ll keep in touch."

Jennifer grabbed the duffel bag and put it onto her back. She went out the door and then came back and gave her mother a peck on the cheek. "Don’t worry. I’ll be fine!"

She left and started the trek through the woods.


Her mother watched her go into the dense trees. She admired her daughter’s statuesque frame. She was tall and lean and extremely well muscled for a woman. Life in the mountains was hard and her daughter was always outdoors doing the things most men did.

They lived alone together buried in the thick mountains of the state of Washington. They hadn’t always lived alone. There was a mountain of a man who they lived with up until 5 years ago when he died suddenly in his sleep.

The woman thought fondly about the man they called Hank. She remembered waking up one day and the first person she met was Hank. He was an older gentleman, probably in his late sixties back then.

She had been in a coma-like state and one day, out of the blue, she opened her eyes. Hank came over, sat her up and she looked into the most unusual face she had ever seen. In front of her stood a girl, about 4 years old, she had beautiful long blond hair and big green eyes but the most unusual thing about her was her features. They could only be described as cat-like.

The young girl smiled at her shyly and the woman’s heart melted. Hank came forward and held the little girl’s hand. "This little filly has been waiting almost four years for you to wake up."

The woman looked at him in confusion. Hank cocked his head. "Ma’am she’s your daughter."

The woman blinked in surprise and looked back at the little girl. She smiled weakly as her eyes closed and she fell back asleep.

The little girl looked up at Hank. "Is my momma gonna wake up again?"

Hank smiled. "I think she will. Next time we’ll be ready. She kinda surprised us today, huh?"

The little girl nodded. Hank came over and picked her up. "Jenny girl, old Hank here is hungry how about you?"

"Uh, huh!"

"Wanna help old Hank make dinner?"

Jenny nodded. "Can I stir the batter for biscuits?"

Hank pretended to think. "Well, I reckon you could try. You ever do anything like that before?"

Jenny giggled. "Grandpa Hank!"

He tickled her and set her down on the kitchen floor as he grabbed the ingredients for her dinner. He put the mix for the batter into a bowl and pushed it towards Jenny.

He laughed as she dug into mixing the batter. She was such a precious child and was so easy to care for. He looked back at the woman asleep on the bed and wondered if he would ever find out the circumstances of this child’s unusual looks.

Two weeks went by and each day the woman got stronger and stayed awake for longer periods of time. She had managed to say a few words recently and Hank thought it was time he got some answers. That night, he finally sat down and pulled up a chair beside her bed.

He looked at her pointedly. "I can’t keep calling you ma’am can I?" The woman shook her head but didn’t offer anything so Hank continued. "Do you remember your name?"

Her face contorted and tears fell from her eyes as she shook her head. Hank looked at her in disbelief. "Damn! You can’t remember anything?"

"No! I’ve been trying so much it hurts. I get these extreme headaches...they’re almost blinding."

Hank reached for her hand. "Don’t try so hard. When your memory comes back it comes back. Until then maybe I should call you..."

The woman’s brow furrowed as she tried to pull something from her memory. "C...C...I can’t remember!"

Hank smiled. "Well...C...C...Carol? How’s Carol?" The woman shrugged then smiled. Hank laughed. "Carol it is!"

Carol pointed at her daughter. "Her name?"

Hank looked over at the girl coloring on the floor. "Jenny."

Carol’s face contorted in pain. "No!"

Hank blinked in surprise. "But that’s what I thought you called her when I found you. You rolled over, moaning in pain, clearly in labor and I delivered her for you and you said the name Jenny."

Carol winced again. "Jennifer, please call her Jennifer!"

"Okay, I...I didn’t know. We never heard from you again until two weeks ago."

Carol grimaced. "How long?"

Hank reached for her hand. "Four years."

Carol sank against the pillows in disbelief. Four years of her life wasted in bed. She looked at Hank incredulously. "You’ve taken care of me and my daughter for four years?!"

Hank shrugged. "Someone had to. I took one look at that pretty little daughter of yours and realized that you must have been in some kind of trouble. I thought it best to keep your whereabouts private until you woke up. I didn’t know it would take so long."

Carol shook her head. "Still, four years to be saddled with a woman who never woke up and a highly unusual infant..."

"Jenny...ifer is a great kid. Other than the touch and go month we had in the beginning she was pretty easy to raise."

"Jennifer was sick?"

"Yeah, but I got her though it."

Carol sighed. "Thank you."

Hank cocked his head uncertainly. "I was hoping you could tell me about her daddy?"

Carol blinked as a blinding shot of pain went through her mind. She gasped for breath and held her head in her hands. "I...can’t..." She screamed out.

Jennifer ran to her side. "Momma?" She looked up at Hank. "Grandpa Hank, what’s wrong with my Momma?"

Hank’s brow furrowed as he patted Jennifer’s hand. "I don’t know, baby...I just don’t know."

Weeks flew into months. Hank took to letting Jennifer stay home with her mother during the day. She would read to her from books all day and at night Hank would do physical therapy with Carol.

Her strength was gradually returning and one night Carol came to him. "Hank, can I ask you something?"

Hank motioned to the chair by the fireplace indicating she should sit. Jennifer was asleep in her room and Carol knew they wouldn’t be overheard.

"Hank, how did you find me?"

Hank thought for a moment. "I was a cross country truck driver before I retired. I was driving through upstate New York out on a back country road on my final run. Outta the trees comes this pregnant woman and falls in front of my rig. Luckily, I stopped in time and when I rolled you over you were in labor. I helped you to the truck and you screamed that the baby was coming out. Sure enough, when I checked there was this head poppin outta ya. I took one look at the baby and knew you was in some type of trouble. I put you in my sleeper with the baby and you fell asleep. You didn’t wake up until now."

Carol shook her head. "I didn’t have any ID or purse or anything?"

"Honey, you only had on a thin hospital gown that was covered with blood and sweat and all kinds of stuff."

"Hank, why didn’t you take us to a hospital?"

Hank looked over at her. "Well, if I’m being honest its cause I thought you were an addict. You had track marks up and down your arms. I figured they would blame Jennifer’s looks on your drug use. I didn’t want them to take the baby away from you and do all kinds of testing on her either. I thought you’d be awake the next morning and could answer my questions. I didn’t know it was gonna be four years."

"Hank, I don’t know much but I know I wasn’t an addict."

"Me too, local doc said you had a lethal dose of morphine in ya. Near as he could figure the baby you delivered stopped the morphine from killing you. Your vital signs were way down though almost non existent for a long time."

Catherine frowned. "So I have no way of knowing about my life before you found me..."

Hanks stood up. "Sure you do!" He tapped lightly on her head. "Buried in that noggin is the truth and one day we’ll find it."

Carol was pulled from her memories by a call from Jennifer on the 2-way.

"Mom, I can smell smoke. I’ve got another mile or so to go but something has definitely happened. Are you doing okay?"

Carol spoke into her 2-way. "I’m fine, honey. How are you?"

Jennifer chuckled. "Chip and Dale are following me. I’ll be fine."

Carol grimaced. Chip and Dale were two grown wolves that Jennifer had found as abandoned pups and nursed back to health. She turned them loose a year ago and every once in a while they came back around.

Carol worried about Jennifer being out there with two adult male wolves but she knew Jennifer would be careful around them.

Jennifer spoke again. "Mom, I gotta climb so I’m signing off. I’ll call in you a half an hour."


Jennifer started to climb up the side of the steep mountain. She was very agile and quickly made short work of the climb.

Gasping for breath at the top, she scanned the horizon. She found smoke about another half a mile away. She quickly headed down the other side of the mountain and started her trek.

She ran through the trees anxious to see if there were any survivors. Chip and Dale ran alongside of her playfully biting at her heels.

Jennifer tripped over one of them and fell to her knees. "You knuckleheads!"

Chip came forward and licked her face. Dale sat back anxiously waiting for her to get up and play some more.

Jennifer got to her feet and shot them a disapproving look. "Bad puppies!"

Chip and Dale put their ears down and hung there heads after being reprimanded. Dale recovered first and whined at Jennifer.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on! Just don’t bite!"

The two wolves followed happily next to her until she came to the clearing. The plane wasn’t on fire at this point through Jennifer thought it once had been. There was still a bush smoldering off to the side.

The wolves whined as Jennifer walked forward. The cockpit of the plane was intact and Jennifer noticed a man belted into the pilot’s seat.

She ran around the side of the plane and opened his door. She felt for a pulse then reached for her knife and cut off his seat belt. She hated to move him until she assessed his injuries but the cockpit was crushed in and she knew she would have to get him out anyway.

The man moaned as she tugged on his legs, freeing them from underneath a piece of metal. She got him to the ground then dragged him to a spot under a tree.

She laid him flat on his back and quickly felt up and down his arms and legs. She felt that one of his legs was broken and there was a deep gash on the other one. She thought that possibly the arm on the same side as the broken leg was broken as well, his ribs seemed to be intact but there was another deep gash in his forehead that was bleeding profusely.

She started a small fire and looked over at Dale then pointed. "Dale, bring me the bag. Bring me the bag, Dale."

Dale wagged his tail and picked up the bag in his mouth then came and sat by her, releasing it and letting it fall at her feet.

"Good boy, Dale."

Jennifer quickly brought out a jug and stood. She looked over at Chip. "Find me water, Chip."

Chip cocked his head then turned and took off running. Jennifer ran after him and about a half a mile away was a lake. She filled the jug and headed back to the crash site.

She cleaned the man’s head wound then put antiseptic on it. She threaded a needle and poured alcohol over it and began to stitch the man’s cut. Luckily, it only took five stitches. She sat back satisfied with her work.

She leaned over again and with her knife slit the man’s pant leg up to his thigh. The deep cut was still bleeding and she followed the same procedure. She cleaned the wound, poured antiseptic on it, then stitched it.

She sat back and sighed. The emergency work was now complete She debated about whether she should set his bones here or back at the house.

She heard her mother call out over the 2-way.

She dug into her bag for hers. "Yeah, Mom. Sorry I forgot to call. I found the plane crash. There was one guy, the pilot. He’s alive but he’s pretty banged up. I stitched his head and leg. He has one broken leg and I think a broken arm. I’m just sitting here trying to decide if I should set them at home or here."

Carol’s voice carried back over. "How will you get him home, honey?"

Jennifer shrugged. "I’m not sure. I might wait until morning...would you be okay alone?"

Carol sighed. She would never put unnecessary pressure on her daughter. "Honey, you do what you have to do. If you’re tired it would be better to start fresh in the morning."

Jennifer nodded at her mother’s words. "That’s what I was thinking, Mom. I’ve got the blanket and food. I built a fire and Chip and Dale have been helping me. I think I’ll set this guy’s leg and arm with branches then redo them at home. I’ll start out at first light. Call me if you need to, Mom."

"Okay, love you, Jennifer."

"Me too. Night, Mom."

Jennifer looked at the man then over at the wolves. "Chip, Dale...big stick...get a big stick!"

Chip and Dale took off into the woods. Chip came back first dragging a really long stick behind him. Dale came from another direction with an equally large branch.

Jennifer smiled. "That’s momma’s good boys."

She dug into her bag and got out the beef jerky. Both wolves looked at her and began to drool. She broke the piece in two and handed each of them a piece. They lay contentedly at her feet eating it.

Jennifer picked up the first stick and peeled away the dried bark. She looked at it and had another thought come to her mind. She would tie the sticks together and put the blanket in between them and use it as a stretcher to drag the man home.

Jennifer got up and headed into the woods and found her own sticks to use for splints.

She pulled the man’s leg back into place and he screamed loudly into the air then passed out. The wolves looked at her curiously but she ignored them as she put the man’s leg in a splint. She secured it as best as she could then turned her attention to his arm. Again, she followed the same procedure but this time he didn’t awaken. She secured his arm then sat back on her heels.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and took a drink of the leftover water. She sighed and got to her feet and headed to the plane. She found some items of use but left the rest to be salvaged at another time.

She found a jug of water he had, smelled it then took a long swallow. She found another container and took the cap off and filled it with water for the wolves. They drank as she snacked on a granola bar.

She covered the man up with the blanket and then put his seat cushion under his head. She scooted over to a log and leaned back against it and watched the fire as her eyes slowly shut.

Chip and Dale came over and settled around her, keeping her warm and safe.



The next morning, Jennifer woke up with a start. She blinked away the sleep from her eyes and remembered where she was.

The man under the blanket was moaning.

"That must have been what woke me up," she thought.

She got up and headed over to his side. She reached out and felt his forehead. "Damn it!"

She headed for her back pack and got out a bottle of fever reducing medication. She took out a syringe and injected him with a dose.

"How could I have forgotten to do this last night," she mumbled.

She took a look at his cuts, applied more antiseptic and then rebandaged them. She looked up and realized dawn was about a half an hour away. She shrugged and got up ready to start the move. She made her triangle frame and found a tarp in the plane. She smiled knowing she could use the tarp in her frame and be able to keep him covered with the blanket. She scooted the frame close to the man then pulled him over on to it. He moaned in pain but never woke up.

In the dawn’s light, Jennifer finally got a good look at him. He was in his late fifties, she guessed. He was tall with slightly graying dark hair. He had three deep scars down the side of his cheek. They were old and she wondered briefly how he got them.

She packed up her stuff, put her backpack on the contraption, then started to pull him home.

Jennifer had unusual strength and she easily handled the load. She smiled when she saw Chip and Dale come out from a nearby cave and start to follow her.

She walked for over a half an hour before her first break. She set the man down and walked over to a nearby tree with her 2-way.

"Mom, you up?"

Carol answered immediately laughing. "Yeah, I was wondering the same thing about you. How’s the man you found, he make it through the night?"

"Yeah, he’s got a fever though. Hey, I already walked about a half an hour. Going should be pretty easy until I get to the steep hill. I may have to go around. I’ll call you in an hour, okay?"

"Sounds good. Take care, Jennifer."

Jennifer put the 2-way away and reached for the beef jerky. Chip and Dale ran forward and looked at her expectantly. Jennifer took it then split it in half and gave it to them. She reached in her bag and brought out another granola bar. She ate that for breakfast then took a big swallow of water and walked back over to the man.

She lifted up the end and started to drag again. An hour later, she was at the steep hill. She looked up and frowned. She could struggle and make it in an hour or she could walk around and add on another three hours. She sat and rested while she debated the problem.

Her patient moaned and she felt his forehead again. He was still burning up.

"Well, I guess that makes my decision easy. I need to get you home."

With amazing strength, she pulled the man up the side of the hill. She got to the top and sat down heavily on a nearby log.

She panted and tried to catch her breath. Her stomach ached from the exertion. The man was lying on the ground, rolling his head, delirious. Jennifer sighed and took out the jug of water.

She ran to a stream nearby and filled it with the cold water. She came back and sat down next to the man. Taking a towel from the back pack, she saturated the cloth and put it to the man’s head.

He moaned and threw his head from side to side. "Mayday! Mayday!"

Jennifer leaned forward. "Shhh...You’re all right now."

The man stopped thrashing as Jennifer applied the cool cloth to his head and chest. She left it on his forehead and dug into her pack again for some more medicine. She gave him another shot then took a cup out of the pack and filled it with water.

She came around and lifted his head and pressed the cup to his lips. The man swallowed and choked then tried again. He looked up at Jennifer. The sun was in his eyes but he could distinguish a head full of long cascading reddish blond hair and feline like features.

Jennifer waited for him to react but he only looked at her oddly. "Vincent?"

Jennifer blinked in surprise. "No."

The man’s eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out again. Jennifer expelled her breath. She stood and walked over to her pack and pulled out her 2 way.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hi, honey."

"I just got to the top of the hill. I’m taking a break. I should be home in another hour or so."

"That long?"

"Yeah, I’m pretty tired. How you doing?"

"Fine. Did you send Chip and Dale here?"

Jennifer looked around and called out. "Chip! Dale!"

The two wolves came bounding up the mountainside. "No Mom, they’re with me."

"Okay, I was wondering, I saw three wolves outside. At least I know it’s not them."

"Stay inside okay?"

"I will. I am not heading outside for any reason."

"Mom, make sure the back door is shut tight, okay?"

"Jennifer! I am the mother you know!"

Jennifer flushed. "Sorry. I’m getting ready to start again, see you soon."

Jennifer dug out some more beef jerky and handed it two the wolves. She took another big piece for herself and chewed it thoughtfully. "Do I look like a guy? Why on earth would that man called me Vincent?"

Jennifer chuckled, took a big drink of water then got up to start again. She walked for over an hour before she rested again. This break was only a bathroom stop and a quick drink. She wanted to get home. She was worried about her mom and didn’t like that there were wolves close to the house.

She picked up the end and dragged him another half hour before the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She looked around wearily as she set the man down. Something was out there, watching her, stalking her. She flipped around as the bushes rustled behind her. She dashed for her gun and kept herself between the man and whatever was out there.

Out of the bushes, walked a pack of angry wolves. Jennifer saw some pups and realized she must have gotten too close to their den. There were at least three adults that gathered around to protect the pack. They kept their distance except for the one large male, who had come forward a few steps. He kept a constant eye on Jennifer. As she bent to pick up the end of the frame, he growled at her angrily. She felt a rumbling starting deep in her throat. Her lips raised in a snarl as she confronted the alpha male. She growled her warning as he came closer. He looked at her curiously. Jennifer growled louder, threatening snarls coming from deep within her.

Chip and Dale came bounding through the woods. They stood on either side of her and snarled as well. The alpha male took a step back. He continued to look at the three of them but started to back away.

Jennifer fired a shot in the air and the pack took off running. She dropped to her knees and hugged Chip and Dale. "Thanks, guys!"

She put the rifle back in place but kept it uncovered. Once again, she picked up the end and started to drag the man the last half mile home.

Carol was looking out the window anxiously and rushed out the minute she saw her daughter. "Hi, baby."

"Hey, Mom."

"You look tired."

"I am. Help me get this guy inside, okay?"

Carol walked and held doors as Jennifer pulled him inside.

"Jennifer, I’ve made up my room for him. Let’s put him on that bed. You and I can share or I’ll sleep on the couch."

Jennifer brought him to the bed and lifted him onto it. Carol got him comfortably settled then turned to Jennifer. "Go, I’ll get him undressed and put some sweatpants on him. Can you grab one of Hank’s old thermals? Maybe we can get one on him."

Jennifer left as Carol undressed the man. Thankfully, he wore underwear but it looked clean and dry so Carol left it on. Jennifer came in. "Mom, don’t put sweats on him yet. I need to rebandage his leg and I have to keep rechecking his cut. Sweats will just get in the way."

Carol nodded. "Okay. What can I help you with?"

Jennifer shrugged. "I need some splints from out by the wood pile, after that, not much. You could start dinner, I’m starving."

"Why didn’t you eat the beef jerky?" Jennifer blushed and Carol knew instantly what happened. "You gave it to Chip and Dale didn’t you?"

"I ate the granola!" Before her mom could complain, Jennifer got up. "I’m gonna go get those splints."

She left and came back within ten minutes. She had found perfect pieces and efficiently reset his leg. She spent more time with his arm. As a precaution, she splinted it but she began to wonder if it was broken. She checked his head wound and nodded in satisfaction then left to go and eat.

For two days, the man drifted in and out of delirium. Carol and Jennifer took turns cooling his fever and reading to him when he was quite. Eventually his fever broke and he slept through the night.

The next morning, Jennifer woke and came into his room. His eyes were open as he wordlessly stared at her. She waited for the inevitable reaction but it never came. She shrugged realizing he had probably seen her a few times over the past couple of days.

She stepped towards the bed. "Good morning."

The man smiled. "Good morning."

She cocked her head curiously. "My name’s Jennifer."

"Hey, Jennifer, I’m Devin...Devin Wells."

"Hey, Devin...Devin Wells."

Devin chuckled. "I take it I have you to thank for getting me here safely?"

She shrugged. "I heard your engine fail. I knew someone would be in trouble."

"How long have I been lying here?"

"It took me one day to get you here then two more days here." She showed him a pot he could use to go to the bathroom in. "I suppose..."

Devin blushed. "Yeah."

She left the room and came back in after ten minutes. She nonchalantly picked up the pot and headed out then came back in with it emptied and clean.

Devin blushed again. "Thanks."

"You must be hungry. Mom said she’d make you anything you want but I would stick to ham and eggs."

Devin was intrigued. "You live here with your mother?"

"Uh huh."

"Really, just the two of you?"

Jennifer looked at him suspiciously. "Look, buddy. You’ve got a broken leg and maybe a broken arm. I put 18 stitches in your leg and 5 in your head. Try anything stupid and I swear you’ll be buried out here."

Devin blinked in surprise. "Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it I swear. I was just curious that’s all."

Jennifer sighed. "Sorry. So, you want some eggs and ham, maybe some toast?"

Devin nodded. "Yeah, that sounds great."

Jennifer left and headed to the kitchen. "Hey, Mom. Sleeping Beauty’s up. He said he’d like some eggs, ham, toast...whatever."

Carol smiled and looked over her shoulder. "Good. He should start healing better now that the fever’s broken. Did you ask him his name?" She went to the fridge and grabbed all the ingredients.

Jennifer’s voice carried around the door. "Yeah, he said it was Devin Wells."

Carol dropped the eggs to the floor as a wave of fear rushed over her and her head began to pound.

Jennifer shot around the side of the door. "Mom?"

Carol stood there shaking. "I’m okay, honey. I think I need to just go sit down for awhile."

Jennifer nodded and took the rest of the things from her mother’s hands. "Okay, I’ll get his breakfast."

Jennifer watched in concern as her mother left the room. She quickly got things cooking on the stove when she felt someone come up behind her. She blinked in surprise to see Devin standing there.

He had slipped on the sweats that were folded on his chair and hobbled to the kitchen on the crutches she had left leaning against his wall.

Jennifer smiled. "You’ve done this before..."

Devin chuckled. "Yeah, a few times." He held up hi arm. "Would you be offended if I say that I don’t think my arm needs this splint?"

Jennifer looked then turned off the stove and walked over to him. "I wasn’t sure if it was broken or not so I splinted it. Here, let me take it off."

"Better safe than sorry." Devin held his arm up so she could remove the bandages. He looked around for another person. "Where’s your mom?"

"She had down for awhile. She suddenly got a headache."

"Hmmm." Devin looked around the house. "Big place you got here. Did you build it?"

He came forward and sat in a seat then picked up the glass of orange juice sitting on the table as she answered.

"No, my grandfather used to live here. He died about 5 years ago."

"Your grandfather?"

Jennifer shrugged. "Well, he wasn’t my real grandfather. He just took mom and me in right after I was born."

Devin looked at her curiously. "So, when was’re what, about 15?"

Jennifer laughed. "That bump on your head hurt you worse then I thought. I’m almost nineteen."

Devin choked on his orange juice. Jennifer came over and pounded on his back. Devin looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Must’ve gone down the wrong pipe."

Jennifer turned back to the stove and brought breakfast to the table. She served her and Devin then made another plate for her mother. "I’ll be right back, dig in."

She carried the plate to her bedroom door. She knocked and then entered.

Devin strained to hear the voices on the other side of the door and thought aloud to himself. "Oh my God! Can it possibly be?" He shook his head in disbelief.

Jennifer came out, sat down again then began to eat her breakfast. Devin finished his but had a hard time swallowing past the lump that had formed in his throat.

Jennifer grappled for conversation. "So, what were you up to?" Devin looked confused. Jennifer leaned forward. "When you’re plane crashed, where were you heading?"

Devin smiled. "New York. I have family that lives there."

"Long way, where were you coming from?"

"Alaska. I was running airplane excursions for the cruise lines."

"I hope you’re family doesn’t expect you any time soon."

Devin shook his head. "I don’t imagine you have phones around here, huh?"

Jennie laughed. "Nope, but we do have internet."

Devin’s smile grew wide. "Satellite?"

Jennifer nodded. "You’re in mom’s bed so she’s bunking with me or I’d let you go sign on now."

Devin finished his breakfast then hobbled and walked into the living room. Jennifer cleaned up the dishes and put the kitchen back in order.

She walked in to find Devin staring at a picture of her mother and grandfather taken 15 years ago. He was mesmerized. He was certain that the woman in the photo was Catherine Chandler. He gasped as Jennifer came over and surprised him.

He showed her the photo. "Your mom?"

"Yeah, and Grandpa Hank."

"She’s beautiful."

"Yeah, she is...inside and out. I suppose your next question will be how did such a beautiful lady get stuck with a kid like me?"

"I would never ask that question."

"Good, cause I don’t have an answer. I’ve searched for hours and hours on the internet. I’ve read every medical book and every article ever written. I have no idea why I am the way I am."

Devin thought to himself. "I do." He came over and touched Jennifer’s arm. "It doesn’t matter what anyone looks like on the outside. Even the most beautiful person in the world can have an ugly disposition."

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I sent word to the authorities that your plane crashed and that you survived. I told them of your injuries and that you would be in touch when you were better. I thought I would hike up to the crash site and retrieve what I could. What’s up there that you need?"

Devin shrugged. "Not much, some clothes, my laptop."

"Okay, if mom’s better tomorrow I’ll head up if not in a couple of days."

"Is you’re mom sick?"

Jennifer expelled a long breath. "No, sometimes things just set her off and she needs to go lie down for a while."

Devin looked concerned but Jennifer waved him off. "So tell me about yourself. You’re from New York..."

Devin sat down and Jennifer sat across form him. "Yeah, originally. My father, brother and nephew still live there."

"So why’d you leave?"

Devin sighed. "Sometimes I wonder. I’ve always been intrigued by travel and other countries. I’ve roamed from place to place for over 40 years."

Jennifer sat back and smiled. "I wish I could travel."

Devin winced as he looked over at her and he saw that she had the exact same look in her eyes that Vincent used to have. The desire to travel easily read in their eyes. He grumbled at the memory. "Well, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be."

The bedroom door opened and Carol came into the room.

Jennifer looked up and smiled. "Mom, come meet Devin." Carol walked over. "Devin, this is my mom, Carol."

Devin leaned forward and shook hands with what could have been Catherine Chandler’s twin. Sure, she was an older version but the same beauty still looked back at him. "Nice to meet you, Carol."

"Same here, Devin. I’m sorry about earlier. I sometimes get these blinding headaches. They come up out of nowhere with no warning. I have to lie down then they usually go away."

"It’s okay. I was just sitting here visiting with Jenny..."

Carol grew agitated immediately. "Jennifer! Her name’s Jennifer."

Devin’s eyes grew round at her outburst. "I’m sorry, of course Jennifer. I knew a Jenny once, it just slipped out. It won’t happen again."

Jennifer placed her hand on her mother’s arm. "It’s no big deal. Mom, Devin was telling me about his travels and all of the places he’s been."

Devin entertained them with endless stories about his adventures. Late into the afternoon, Carol got up to make dinner.

Jennifer showed Devin to the computer in her room. She quickly signed him on.

"I’m gonna go help mom. You can sit until I call for you....happy surfing!"

Jennifer left and Devin checked his e-mails. He read about Jacob’s acceptance to law school and wrote back that he was very proud of him. Then he addressed a letter to Peter asking him to be available for the next few days. He told him he had an intriguing situation he needed help with.

Jennifer called him and he came to the table smiling. Carol served the food and they all began to eat.

Carol smiled at Devin. "You look happy. You must’ve had some good news."

Devin’s smile lit up the room. "I am happy. My nephew, my brother’s kid, sent me some wonderful news. He has been accepted into Columbia Law School in New York."

Carol gasped for breath and held her hand to her head. Jennifer looked at Devin and shook her head, indicating he shouldn’t make an issue of it.

Jennifer played with her food, trying to appear normal. "Your brother must be very proud."

Devin was concerned but he decided to try out an idea that had popped into his mind. "Yes, my brother, Vincent is very happy. I’m sure Father is as well."

He saw Carol wince in pain again then resume eating. She had pushed her hair behind her ear and exposed a scar on her cheek. Devin then knew, positively, that this woman was Catherine Chandler.

He tried to nonchalantly bring up other subjects but nothing made any impact. He looked curiously at the tin cup in front of him. He reached up with his fork and began to tap it the side of the cup. He tapped out the tunnel code for Vincent.

Catherine stared down in fascination at the cup. Fear flickered briefly in her face then disappeared as she rubbed her temples.

"I think I’m going to go lie down, again. I guess that headache’s not gone for good."

Devin’s eyes grew wide with concern. Catherine’s mind was blocking her from remembering. That’s why she had never gotten in contact with any one. She couldn’t remember them.

He stopped her retreat. "Look, I’m a lot better now. If you let me change the sheets on your bed, I’ll sleep in Jennifer’s room. You guys can have the big bed..."

Jennifer laughed. "Okay, gimpy boy...I want to see you try to change sheets."

Devin blushed. "I could try."

Carol smiled. "I’ll get them, you two can talk out here."

"I’d like to get back on the internet if I can..."

Jennifer smiled. "Go ahead. I’m cleaning this up and preparing food for tomorrow. I’ll be gone at least five hours, maybe more."

Devin nodded. "Jennifer, if it’s not too heavy can you grab my backpack in the cockpit?"

"Sure thing."



Devin walked into Jennifer’s room and signed on to the computer to e-mail Peter. He started to write and made it as brief as he could.


In case you’ve heard, I was in a plane crash in the mountains of Washington. I’m all right except for a broken leg and some stitches in my head and good leg. I was rescued by a young woman and taken to her cabin, where things have gotten interesting to say the least.

I fought a fever for three days and when I woke up had the shock of my life. Peter, the girl who rescued me is the spitting image of my brother. Yeah, you read that right! Vincent!

She and I talked and I found out that she is almost 19 years old. I hobbled around the house and found a picture of her and her mother. It’s Catherine! And before you ask, yes I’m positive! She pushed her hair behind her ear and I saw the scar on her cheek.

Near as I can figure, she has some kind of amnesia. Certain words set her off into a blinding headache and nausea. I experimented at dinner tonight saying words like Columbia Law School, Vincent, and Father. Each time she winced in...pain...I guess would be the best way to describe it. The final straw was me tapping out the tunnel code for Vincent with my fork on a tin cup. Catherine had a look of intense fear cross her face then the blinding headache. She actually had to get up to leave the room.

I’m outta my element here, Peter. I have at least six weeks before I’ll be strong enough to hike anywhere and I’m not sure yet what to do about Jennifer. That’s my niece’s name. By the way, if you call her Jenny in front of Catherine...that too sets off an intense headache, interesting isn’t it?

Please advise!



Devin hit the send button then waited. After a half an hour, he headed to bed. Every hour after that, he got up to hit the refresh button on the screen hoping for a reply.


The next morning, he slept late. When he got up, the cabin was quiet. "Jennifer must’ve left already," he mumbled to himself. He looked out the window and noticed Catherine sitting on a log casting her fishing line into a small lake at the edge of the clearing.

He smiled, amazed that she was here and alive. He grimaced, wondering how he would be able to get her healed.

He turned to the computer and excitedly opened his mail. His hand shook as he hit the button to open the letter from Peter.


Sorry about your accident but you sound like you’ll be fine. As much as I hate to see you suffer, I can’t help but think it was a stroke of luck! I still can’t believe your news. I won’t ask if you are sure, since you seem so positive.

I will check with some of my colleagues today and talk about her symptoms. As soon as I get some advice, I’ll e-mail you. For now, tread lightly and don’t offer too much, I don’t want any backlash until we know what we’re dealing with. Can you get any story from Jennifer?

For now, I think we should keep this news under wraps. No sense in telling Vincent or Jacob until we have something concrete.



Devin sat down and began to type a reply.



Jennifer hiked back to the crash site. I will try to get a story tonight. Don’t want to ask any questions if Catherine’s around. I agree with you not to tell anyone yet.

I wonder who’s buried in Catherine’s grave. Maybe tell Joe...your call!



Devin hobbled into the kitchen and made himself some toast. He looked at a box of cereal and grabbed it then went back for a bowl and spoon. On the third trip for the milk, Catherine walked in.

Devin smiled. "Good morning."

Catherine beamed with radiance as she held up five big fish dangling from a line. "Morning! It’s a good day, today. I caught our dinner."

"I can see that."

Catherine dumped the fish in the sink and grabbed the gallon of milk. "Let me carry that for you. I wasn’t sure you’d be up yet and when the fish started biting I couldn’t stop."

"Thanks, I thought I would have some cereal and toast. I hope that’s okay..."

Catherine nodded. "Yeah, it’s fine. Make yourself at home, you’re gonna be here a long time."

Devin sat and buttered his toast. "Yeah, sorry about that, I was wondering, how do you get food up here?"

"There’s a road about three miles to the west. The general store delivers our necessities once a week. Then we have a garden and Jennifer hunts, I fish. We make it."

Devin nodded. "If Jennifer brings my backpack I have some cash I can offer you, not much though. I have a friend Peter in New York who could wire me some money if I need it."

Catherine shrugged. "Doesn’t matter, I won’t take it."

Devin smiled. "You rich or something?"

Catherine laughed. "No, but we do okay. Hank had a huge insurance policy that he willed to me. He wanted me to be able to take care of Jennifer if anything happened to him. Besides, Hank helped me when I was in need, now I’m helping you."

"Jennifer told me her grandfather used to live here with you, was that Hank?"

Catherine nodded. "Yes, he died about five years ago."

Devin bit into the toast and nonchalantly asked his next question. "So was he your dad?"

Catherine shook her head and turned to begin cleaning the fish. "No, he was an older man that took us in right after Jennifer was born."

Devin knew he was skating on thin ice. "What happened to her father?"

Catherine grimaced and stopped cleaning the fish. "I never knew who he was." She looked at him then came over to sit, wondering why she felt the desire to tell him the truth. "Devin, I don’t remember anything about my life up until I woke up when Jennifer was about four years old."

Devin dropped the toast on his plate, clearly intrigued. "Wow! That’s amazing!"

Catherine smiled ruefully. "Yeah, unless you’re the one who can’t remember, Hank told me most of what I know."

"Which is..." Devin prompted.

"He was a truck driver on his last run, he was retiring. He said I came out of the woods in upstate New York. I was wearing a hospital gown and I fell in front of his truck. He got out, saw I was in labor, put me in his truck and delivered Jennifer. I guess at some point I called her Jennifer because that’s what he named her. I passed out and never woke up."

"My God, Cath...Carol that’s unbelievable!"

Devin caught himself and luckily Catherine was so wrapped up in her memories that she didn’t hear his slip.

"A local doctor found huge doses of morphine in my blood. He told Hank delivering Jennifer probably stopped me from dying. My vitals signs were low for a long time, so Hank raised her until I woke up. Once I did, Jennifer read to me and kept me company and Hank did physical therapy with me every night. I’ve recovered and here I am."

Devin smiled. "Yeah, here you are. You and your amazing daughter."

Catherine cocked her head. "You’ve accepted her so easily. Most people can’t even look her in her face."

Devin was surprised. "She’s met a lot of people?"

"Hank has an old van. We used to drive into town to get our groceries every two weeks. People always stared and Jenny couldn’t understand why, so she and I quit going. When Hank died, Mr. Carver from the general store felt bad for us and started delivering groceries. Jennifer usually hikes to get the stuff, sometimes if the weather’s not too bad I go with her."

"Three miles in this terrain is a pretty good hike."

"Jennifer has amazing strength. I don’t know where she gets it from."

Devin smiled. "You’ve had a pretty amazing recovery. My guess is that you’re stronger than you think."

Catherine shrugged. "I can hold my own. Maybe not against someone like Jennifer but I do okay. never told me why you accepted Jennifer with no questions asked?"

"Here I thought I was asking too many questions." Devin looked out the window, trying to find the right words. "I’ve traveled extensively throughout the whole world, seen all kinds of unusual things. Jennifer’s not as strange as some of the stuff I’ve seen. In fact, she’s a downright beautiful kid!"

Catherine smiled. "Not many people can see the beauty in her."

"I can."

"Thanks." Catherine got up. "I need to work on the garden, if you need anything, call out."

Devin looked to the computer. "I have to send an e-mail to someone."

Catherine walked out and Devin headed to the computer.



He sat down and furiously typed a letter to Peter.


I had a visit with Catherine this morning. She doesn’t remember anything prior to the birth of her daughter. She was found in upstate New York in the throes of labor. She was rescued by the man who brought her to the woods here in Washington. After the birth of Jennifer, she slipped into a coma-like state for four years.

A local doc said she had been given a lethal dose of morphine. He thought that the birth of Jennifer stopped the morphine’s progress and enabled Catherine to live. Then one day, four years later she just woke up and the rest is history.

Is this even possible? I don’t know what to believe anymore. Peter, she looks great, healthy as a horse except for the headaches. Jennifer doesn’t seem to have any problems either.

She looks a lot like Vincent but has Catherine’s green eyes. She’s has long reddish blond hair is tall and slender. But she doesn’t have Vincent’s extra body hair. (because she’s a girl, maybe?) Her hands are normal except for some really long fingernails, which is surprising considering the lifestyle they lead up here. It’s like a lumberjack camp. Jennifer has amazing strength, she pulled me three miles through some rugged country to get me home.

Peter, she’s beautiful. I wish you could see her.




Jennifer hiked the three miles to the crash site. There wasn’t a lot of salvageable stuff but she packed up some of it then grabbed Devin’s back pack. She started to head for home and lost herself in her thoughts.

She was worried about her mother. She hoped she wasn’t going through any episodes like she did after Hank died. Her mother grieved for weeks and had headache after headache. She lost a ton of weight before she finally snapped out of it.

Jenny frowned when she thought about the headaches her mother had the day before. She decided she would just keep an eye on her for a while.

She thought about the journals Hank kept and she continued with after he died. She debated about going back and rereading them if her mom got any worse.

With a sigh, she picked up her pace hiking faster to get home.

Jennifer came into the clearing around suppertime. She walked into the house to see Devin sitting in the living room and her mother cooking dinner, the smell of fish wafting through the air.

"Mom caught dinner?"

Devin smiled. "Yeah."

Jennifer handed him the backpack. "There wasn’t a lot of stuff there."

"I travel light, Thanks for getting this!"

"No biggie! How ya feeling today?"

"Sore, my leg hurts."

"Well, I don’t have anything to give you for pain...I could hunt up some herbs Hank showed me once. They work pretty good in tea, if you drink it, the pain kinda deadens to a livable level."

"I’ll be all right."

"How was mom today? She get any headaches?"

Devin smiled glad that Jennifer trusted him to ask such a personal question. "No, she was good all day."

Catherine came in to the room. "Hi, baby. Dinner’s ready."

Jennifer went to clean up while Devin hobbled to the kitchen. After dinner, he checked his e-mails but saw nothing from Peter. He went out to the living room to read a book.

Jennifer and Catherine sat at either end of the couch reading books. Catherine smiled then returned to her book as Devin sat down. He looked at the table and found a cowboy book sitting there. He looked over at Jennifer as she was sitting on the couch with a question in his eyes.

Jennifer shrugged as she looked at him. "Hank’s."

Devin nodded. "Oh."

They all turned to their books and began to read.

After an hour, Jennifer stood and stretched. "I’m going to check my e-mails."

Devin was distracted as he read about the battle between the Cavalry and the Apache Indians.

Jennifer went in her room, signed on and was reading her e-mails when the instant message screen popped up. She absently clicked on it and a letter popped up to Devin. She went to click it off when she saw her name then the name of a woman named Catherine.

Intrigued she read the letter.


I still can’t believe Catherine is alive and she has a daughter. If Jennifer looks like her father...I wish I could see her.

Everything you said about the morphine in a strange way makes sense. With all the changes that a woman’s body experiences during labor, plus the fact that she had already given birth to Jacob and the added factor of having a child as unusual as Vincent...I guess I can start to believe that Catherine is alive.

A few of my colleagues and I concur, I believe Catherine had found a way to mentally shut off anything about her previous life. Whether she finds it too much to deal with or it’s some type of a protection mechanism, is impossible to answer.

Seeing as how she was always so protective of Vincent and his world I can picture her as she was carrying her babies, slowly shutting down the parts of her mind that remembered him. She would always protect him and maybe that’s the only way she knew how.

Her headaches would show that she is still trying to block the memories from coming back. Her body is literally battling itself to not remember.

I think the best thing to do is get your niece on board with you and try to come up with a plan. Jennifer knows Catherine best and how best to deal with her headaches. Run your ideas past me and I’ll see what the other doctor’s say about them.

Didn’t tell anyone else yet.



Jennifer sat back in her chair and gasped for breath. She reread the letter then slowly got up from her chair. She walked into the living room and gave Devin one of the strangest looks he had ever seen. It was so emotionally charged he couldn’t distinguish any one emotion.

Jennifer put her hand up to her head. "I...I’’m going for a walk."

She walked out into the blackness and left the door open. Catherine got up and listened for the whistle then shut the door.

Devin looked confused. "Is it safe for her out there at night? Shouldn’t she have at least taken a gun?"

Catherine shrugged. "She whistled. Chip and Dale will come if she needs them."

Devin was even more confused. "Who are Chip and Dale?"

Catherine chuckled. "Wolves she raised from pups. Their mom had been killed in a trap. Jennifer adopted them and turned them loose about a year ago. They keep an eye on her when she hikes."


"Uh huh." Catherine frowned. "I wonder what upset her?"

Devin thought about it and a feeling of panic settled in his stomach. He got up and went to the computer and looked at Peter’s e-mail. He knew she had read it. Devin quickly read it and x’ed it off.

He walked back into the living room to wait for Jennifer to come home.

Catherine read for about an hour while Devin stared at the same page.

Catherine, finally set her book off to the side. "I can’t wait up for her anymore. See you in the morning."

Devin nodded distractedly. "Goodnight Ca...arol."

To cover the slip, he pounded his hand against his chest and pretended he had the hiccups. Catherine patted his shoulder as she walked to her room and shut the door.


After another hour, Devin got up and looked out the window. He hobbled to the front door and opened it. Outside on the front porch was a swing. He made his way over to it and sat down.

A half an hour later, he looked up to see Jennifer standing in the clearing. Flanked on either side of her were two huge wolves that were eyeing Devin warily.

Devin flinched as she came forward followed by the wolves. He wondered what their reaction would be to him. He could hear the one to her right growling low in his throat. The other one’s lip was starting to curl into a snarl.

Jennifer looked at Devin then at the wolves. "Chip, Dale, shush!"

The wolves immediately quieted. She knew he wouldn’t have been out there if he didn’t realize that she read his e-mail. She came up the first two steps and looked at Devin. "So..."


Jennifer walked over and sat next to him on the swing. "Is it true?"


"All of it?"


Jennifer expelled the breath she was holding. "My God!"

Devin touched her knee but Chip growled at him. Jennifer snapped her finger and pointed and the wolf went and sat down.

"Jennifer, what can I say to make this easier for you?"

Jennifer stood up and began to pace. Devin smiled that in her agitated state; she had so many of Vincent’s characteristics.

She finally turned to him. "I have a father and he’s alive?" Devin nodded so she continued. "I look like him?"

"The spitting image." Devin chuckled. "You’re much cuter though."

Jennifer didn’t laugh. "Who’s Jacob?"

"Your twin brother."

Jennifer’s jaw dropped in disbelief. "Does he look like me and my father?"

"No, in fact he looks exactly like your mother."

"So, my father didn’t want me and he kept Jacob?"

Devin shook his head vehemently. "No! Jennifer, you can’t ever believe that! The truth is he didn’t know about you. If he had he would have searched the heavens until he found you."

Jennifer shook her head angrily. "Hello! How could he not know about me? My brother was born and someone didn’t realize that another kid was coming out!"

"Your father didn’t even know your mother was pregnant!"

Jennifer’s tirade continued as she waved her hands angrily. "My mother protects him somehow, keeps some secret for him and he doesn’t even know she’s pregnant! How dumb do you think I am?"

"Honey, I don’t think you’re dumb at all. Can I explain this whole thing to you? Will you listen and then decide?"

Jennifer looked at him wearily. "Who’s Peter?"

"He’s Catherine’s...your mom’s family doctor. He was in fact, the doctor that delivered your mother." Devin thought for a moment. "And he took care of your father almost all of his life, as well."

Jennifer hadn’t expected that. She was hurting inside but needed to hear the whole story. She came over and sat back down on the swing. Sensing her distress, Chip and Dale crawled forward. Jennifer absentmindedly rubbed them with her feet. "I’ll listen."

Devin sat back on the seat and began to rock them back and forth. "Your mother’s real name is Catherine Chandler. She’s the only daughter of a rich high society family in New York and she worked as a corporate lawyer for your grandfather. She was at a social function one night when she suddenly left for the night, alone. Some guys mistakenly picked her up. They had gotten her confused with someone else and they were there to teach her a lesson. They slashed her face, broke some ribs and dumped her in Central Park."

Jennifer moaned and Devin patted her knee again. "It gets better. Your father found her bleeding to death in the park. He took her to where he lives and he and my father stitched her up. For ten days, your father took care of her until she was strong enough to go back to her life. Your mother went and had plastic surgery done to repair all but one of her scars."

Jennifer looked over. "The one on her saw it...that’s how you knew for sure."

Devin nodded. "Yeah. Your mom healed from her surgery and ended up quitting her job at your grandfather’s firm. She went to work for the District Attorney’s office. It was about eight months later, I think, before she saw Vincent...your father again. He wanted to see her. He put himself out on a limb and they reconnected and became friends."

"Friends don’t have babies together."

"You’re right. This is going to sound crazy but they have this type of relationship...its like a bond...your father was able to tell what your mother was feeling and sometimes in extreme situations your mother could tell his feelings as well."

Jennifer smiled shyly. "I’ve never told anyone this before."

Devin nodded and smiled, encouraging her. "What?"

"What you’re saying is not so crazy. I can do the same thing. Well, with my mom I mean."


"Yeah, I’m better now than I used to be. When I first got the feelings it used to scare me but now..." She shrugged. "Now...I know how to handle it. Tell me more."

"Well, their friendship turned to love and they got really close. I think your mom was ready to...a..." Devin blushed furiously and looked down.

Jennifer looked confused and then it finally dawned on her what he meant.

"You mean do it?"

Devin chuckled. " it. She approached your father..."

Jennifer laughed. "Go Mom!"

Devin rolled his eyes. "As I was saying...she approached your father but he wouldn’ it to the next level."

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "A guy that doesn’t want it? Yeah right!"

"No, really it’s true. Your father was afraid that when he...Oh man, this is hard!"

Devin fumbled his words again and Jennifer again bailed him out. "Finished?"

Devin let out his breath. "Yeah, finished...he was afraid that he would hurt her. So, because he loved her so much he kept putting her off. Then your father got really sick. He wasn’t himself and he thought he was a danger to the people around him, so he went and hid. Your mother followed him and literally brought him back to sanity. While they were together, they must have...done it. Your mom got pregnant but she didn’t tell your father about it because he was still recovering. He was upset because he couldn’t feel their bond anymore, he had lost his connection to her."

Jennifer shrugged. "So, nine months is a long time. Carrying twins didn’t she start to pack on the pounds?"

Devin reached for her hand. "Jennifer this is the really hard part. Your mom was abducted by a very evil man. She was investigating his criminal activities. I think she was supposed to be...disposed of...but we think she was kept alive because the man had pictures of your father killing men while he was trying to save your mother. Right after your brother was born your mother was given a lethal dose of morphine. The man took your brother just as your father was about to break in and get to him. Your mother was given a lethal dose of morphine but she found your father and died in his arms. Your father carried her home and stayed with her until it turned light out then he left her there to be found. He thought she was dead!"

Jennifer’s brow furrowed as she tried to take in everything she was just told. "Wow!"

"Yeah, your father was devastated, bordering on suicidal. After a while, he felt a growing bond with your brother. He finally remembered that your mother had told him that they loved and she had given birth to a boy. In his grief, he had somehow forgotten. He searched tirelessly and eventually got your brother back. I can’t tell you much else. I know there was a funeral for your mother. Every person she knew thought she was dead."

Jennifer stayed quiet, thinking it all through.

Devin leaned over. "I hope you believe me."

"I do. Devin, my mom used to have horrible dreams. Sometimes she would wake up screaming. She hasn’t done that in several years. Last night, she woke up calling out the name Vincent. I didn’t know why."

Devin shrugged. "Painful memories?"

Jennifer nodded. "I can see why she’s blocked out her previous life. Her parents will be shocked when they find out, huh?"

Devin grimaced. "No, her mother died when Catherine was just a kid and her father died about a year or so before she did...I mean..."

She smiled. "Got it! So who handled the funeral arrangements?"

"Your mother’s best friend, Jenny Aronson."

"Jenny? That explains why my mom freaks out when she hears that name. She’s trying to keep from remembering her past life. But why?"

"I think because of your father. Jennifer, we live in a series of tunnels far Below the streets of New York city..."

Jennifer giggled. "Okay, I’ll buy everything else but now you’re getting just a little bit crazy."

Devin laughed. "It’s nuts, I know. Anyway, the world Below must be kept a secret from the world Above."


"Well, there are a lot of people living down there, mostly abandoned or abused people who have no where else to go. They take what the world Above casts aside and they use it to survive. They raise kids there that have no family and they educate them, love them. There’s also your father to consider. He grew up there. He has nowhere else to go. The few times he was caught Above he was caged and tested in a laboratory."

"Bastards! I guess I was lucky then, growing up the way I did."

"Yeah. Anyway, the world Below must be kept a secret at all costs for the protection of everybody that lives there. I think with all the trauma your mother’s suffered through she’s protecting them the only way she knows how..."

Jennifer nodded. "By forgetting they exist! Makes sense."


Jennifer looked at him. "So, you’re my father’s brother."

"Technically. Your father was found abandoned as a baby outside of St. Vincent’s hospital. He was brought to my father who raised him along with me."

"Devin, one last question..."

"Jennifer, I’ll answer your questions all night if you want."

She looked him in the eye. "Do my parents belong together?"


She sighed and thought long and hard for about ten minutes then stood up abruptly. "Let’s go tell Peter I’m on board."

Devin smiled as he stood up. Jennifer suddenly looked vulnerable. Devin stepped closer. "How about a hug for your uncle?"

Jennifer leaned forward and threw her arms around Devin. He cuddled her close as she wept. "Too much to take in, huh kid?"

She nodded as he caressed her back lovingly. Her tears spent, she moved away. "Sorry, I don’t think I’ve cried since Grandpa Hank died."

Devin wiped the tears from her cheek. "A good cry never hurt anyone."