Jennifer led the way into the cabin and they quietly sat at the computer together. Peter had sent Devin another message.


I haven’t heard anything. How’s it going?"


Jenny put her hands on the keyboard and began to type.


Uncle Devin and I had a long talk. Just wanted to let you know I’m on board.


Devin smiled and caressed her back. Peter’s reply was immediate.


I am very pleased to meet you...well hear from you. I can’t wait to meet you in person and when people start finding out about out!"


Devin pulled the keyboard in front of him and typed a reply.


Jennifer and I just got the story out of the way. We haven’t discussed treatments yet. Interestingly enough, several things have happened recently. Last night, Jennifer said Catherine woke up calling Vincent’s name.

Give us until tomorrow to come up with something...


Devin turned and looked at Jennifer. "Any ideas?"

Jennifer sighed. "My brain’s fried. How about first thing tomorrow? Mom usually goes fishing in the morning."

"Okay, goodnight, Jennifer."

"Goodnight, Uncle Devin."

Jennifer turned to leave then thought about it and turned back. "Do I really look like him?"

Devin laughed. "Yeah."

Jennifer turned to leave again when he called her back. "Hey! Wait! I’ll show you!"

He sat at the computer and went to his personal files under photos.

Jennifer watched and smiled. "No way! You got a picture?!"

Devin opened a photo marked Halloween 2002. Jennifer watched as the photo popped up on the screen. She gasped as she looked at the face of her Father.

She sat back and began to cry. "I...I can’t believe it! I do look like him!"

Devin threw his arms around her. "Yeah, and that’s Jacob."

"I know...I mean I figured, he does look just like mom! Why does it say Halloween 2002 on it?"

"Because if anyone ever got a hold of it they would think your father’s in costume."

Jennifer stood up and began to pace furiously. "We have to fix this! Now! We have to find a way to get to them or get them here or...Damn!"

"Jennifer, would you and your mom want to leave this place and live in New York?"

Jennifer shrugged. "I don’t know, I never thought about it. I guess."

"Okay, what about this. We get Peter and Jacob to fly out here. We get your mom on the right path then we can either rent a private plane and I’ll fly us home or we can rent a huge van and drive."

Jennifer giggled. "Weren’t you the pilot of the plane that crashed?"

He pretended to be offended while she laughed. Her smile faded. " Uncle Devin I can’t wait 6 weeks to meet my Father. Let’s rent a van, what will it take us 4 or 5 days to get to New York?"

"Okay. Let’s run it past Peter."

Devin began to type furiously.


Plan A. You and Jacob fly out here and under your supervision we work on Catherine’s memory. Then we rent a van and drive back to New York. Remember, I can’t pilot a plane for a few more weeks.


Peter replied again.


I just checked with the airlines.. Tomorrow morning there is a flight to Washington at 10:30. I don’t know how I’ll get Jacob to come with me without Vincent finding out. Will Jacob even believe me?"


Jennifer opened her picture file and typed Halloween 2006 on a photo of her and Catherine then sent it to Peter.


Get a load of this! It might help to make my brother a believer.


Peter didn’t reply for a few minutes.


You’re beautiful. You have your mother’s eyes.

Send directions and I’ll get back to you tomorrow.


Jennifer sent directions to Peter on how to get to the town.

She turned to Devin. "I’ll get word first thing in the morning to Mr. Carver. He’ll make sure they get to the food storage bin. It’s only a couple of miles away. "I’ll drive up on the four wheeler and Peter can use that to come here. I’m so excited! I’m going to meet my brother tomorrow! My twin brother!"

Across the country, Peter got up from the computer then sat back down. What if he couldn’t bring Catherine’s mind entirely back? What if she had a relapse? It would kill Jacob to lose his mother again.

Peter furiously typed.

Devin, Jennifer,

Plan B. I’m going to see if Jenny Aronson...I mean Maxwell...will come with me instead. I think Catherine would have an easier time with Jenny. If something should go wrong it would kill Jacob to lose his mother again.


Jennifer sighed. "He’s right. Too much could make mom...lose it, too."

Devin typed a reply.


Good call. See you and Jenny tomorrow."


Jennifer left and headed to bed. Catherine was restless and settled down when she knew her daughter was safely home.


Peter made a copy of the photo of Catherine and Jennifer. He looked at the time on his watch and grimaced. "Oh, well. It can’t be helped."

He called a taxi and headed to Joe and Jenny’s home.

Joe answered the door in a robe, he looked curiously at the man standing there. "Peter, what are you doing here?"

Peter walked in. "It’s late, I know but I had to see you and Jenny right away."

Joe motioned him to the kitchen. "Jen’s in the shower but she’ll be done in a minute. What’s up?"

"Let me tell you both together, okay. But Joe, I can ask you ahead of time. Can you take care of the kids for a week or two if I take your wife with me on a trip?"

Joe looked surprised. "You’re serious?"


"It must be pretty important..."

Jenny walked in. "Hi, Peter." She looked at Joe. "What’s important, babe?"

Peter sighed. "Jen, can we please sit down?"

They led Peter into their kitchen. Peter sat down at the table. Joe and Jenny sat across from him and Jenny took Joe’s hand as worry set in. "Peter, what is it?"

"Short version...Devin was in a plane crash in the mountains in Washington. He’s fine, few broken bones, few stitches."

Joe nodded. "We’re sorry to hear that but..."

Peter held up his hand. "There’s more...He was rescued by a young woman who lives in the mountains with her mother." He sighed and shook his head. "There’s no easy way to say this so here goes...The woman is Catherine Chandler and her daughter."

Joe sat back. "Oh come on, Peter. You gotta be kiddin me?"

Peter pulled the photo from his pocket. "Somehow I knew you would say that. Catherine and her daughter Jennifer."

Joe’s mouth dropped open and Jenny began to cry. In the picture was an older version of Catherine with a beautiful girl who looked just like Vincent.

Jenny gasped. "My God it’s her! How? Why?"

Joe threw his arms around her as she sobbed into his shirt. He looked up at Peter. "You got any answers?"

"No, seems a trucker found Catherine in upstate New York. She was about to have a baby. He put her in the truck and delivered Jennifer. Catherine passed out and didn’t wake up for four years. The man was retiring and because of the way Jennifer looked he kept them at his cabin in Washington. Catherine and Jennifer have lived there ever since."

Jenny looked at Peter with tear filled eyes. "How could she do that to us? To Vincent and Jacob?"

Peter shook his head. "She doesn’t remember anything. She thinks her name is Carol. I think she may be blocking her memories of her past to protect Vincent and the world Below."

Joe nodded. "Sounds like something she’d do."

Peter looked from Joe to Jenny. "That’s where Jenny and I come in. Devin wants help trying to help Catherine remember her past. He and Jennifer think it would be best if she was there under a doctor’s care. We were going to tell Jacob but if anything should go wrong..."

"It would kill him," Jenny added. "I’ll go." She looked at her husband. "Joe?"

He kissed her forehead. "Of course, you can go. I’ll take care of the kids. I can leave Joey Below during the day. The girls can meet him there after school. I’ll get home early every night. I promise."

Jenny shook her head. "Joe schools out. Someone will have to care for Joey all day!"

Joe shrugged. "We’ll handle it!"

Peter handed the photo to Joe. "Hide this. I’ll e-mail you our progress, when we know a little more you can tell Vincent and Jacob." He turned to Jenny. "Can you be ready by like 8:00 tomorrow? There’s a plane leaving at 10:30, I want to be on it."

Jenny nodded. "Yeah, I’ll be ready."

"Good! If all goes well, I think we’ll drive a van back home. Jennifer needs a safe way to travel. It might be a long trip."

"I don’t care. I need to do this for her."

Joe smiled and took her hand. "We need to do this for her."

Peter looked at him curiously. "Who the hell is buried in Catherine’s grave?"

Joe smirked. "Already thought the same thing, man, its days like this when I hate my job."


Joe and Jenny both had a restless night sleeping. They ended up making love but even that couldn’t bring them the comfort they so desperately needed.

Jenny reached over and touched Joe’s back. "Honey, are you sleeping?"

Joe sighed. "No."

"I feel so guilty."


"We should have known!"

Joe turned over and looked at his wife. "I know, but it’s not our fault."

Jenny shook her head. "It’s not? We were the ones who made the funeral arrangements."

"Honey, when the guy says closed casket you just follow his lead, you don’t ask questions."

"I know but some families have a final look...why didn’t we?"

"Peter didn’t either," Joe reminded. ""Maybe we were just so shell shocked. I don’t know...I know I couldn’t think straight."

"Me either."

"Jen, we could beat ourselves up about this all night but how were we to know? I’ve got to somehow exhume a body, keep it out of the public eye and head an investigation with only a few people knowing about it."

"I can’t believe this is happening. Joe, what should we tell the kids?"

He shrugged. "Let’s just tell them you have a sick Aunt you need to go and see and that you’ll be gone for a few weeks."

"What about Joey? He’s so little...he’s gonna be screaming in the morning when he finds out I’m leaving."

"I was thinking about that...why don’t you leave early and go to Peter’s. You can wake the girls and tell them goodbye then sneak out before Joey gets up. I’ll tell him and then take him Below. He’ll be okay once he’s with the other kids."

"Okay. Thanks for taking on the house and the kids, I know it’s a really bad time for you at work right now."

He chuckled and kissed her. "Yeah, for better for worse, right babe?"

Jenny nodded and smiled. "Look it’s almost 5:00 and there is no way I’m going to sleep. I’m gonna pack and...I don’t know...pace until it’s time to leave."

Joe climbed out of bed and headed for the shower. "Okay, I’ll get ready and then cook breakfast."

Jenny opened up her closet and started dragging out clothes. She had a good sized stack when Joe came out of the bathroom.

"Let me run up and get you a suitcase from the attic."

She smiled. "Thanks, I was just getting ready to do that."

Jenny went into the bathroom and took her shower. When she came out, her arms were filled with her toiletries. She looked at the open suitcase on her bed and remembered how much she loved her husband. She sat on the bed and packed her clothes and was able to leave behind a few outfits.

She started to laugh at her choices. "Why did I think I would need a dress? She’s in the mountains in Washington. Did I think we were heading to a fine dining restaurant?"

She hung up the clothing rejects and closed up her suitcase. She carried it downstairs and had breakfast with Joe. They talked about the kids schedules and Jenny jotted down key things for Joe to remember. Six kids with different time schedules was a lot to organize. Joe shook his head in frustration at all his wife accomplished every day.

He finally gave up. "Honey, I can’t run these kids to all these activities every night. This is crazy!"

"Talk to Debbie, she’ll help you organize everything."

Joe grumbled. "I have to depend on my 15 year old daughter to help me run a household. I can’t even get her to put on a longer that actually covers her stomach!"

"Joe Maxwell! My girls are great kids. If you ask, they’ll be there for you!"

"I know they are. I didn’t mean to complain. You have enough on your mind. Will you keep in touch and e-mail me every night?"

"Yeah, I wonder what she’ll think when she sees us for the first time."

Knowing she referred to Catherine, Joe sighed. "I just hope she reacts okay. Peter’s delivers babies for a living, he’s not exactly trained in psychological stuff."

"No, but he’s the closest thing to a dad she’s got."

Joe put his arms around his wife and kissed her head. "Yeah and you’re better than a friend...more like a sister." He looked up at the clock. "Hey, it’s 7:00, why don’t you say goodbye to the girls and get outta here?"

Jenny sighed and headed up the steps. She went to the room of the younger girls first. Maria and Amy slept on bunk beds and Brittany had her own bed across the room.

Maria was already awake when Jenny slipped in. "Mommy, what are you doing in here? Are we going somewhere?"

Jenny came and leaned over and kissed her daughter’s cheek. "Come here for a minute, sweetie."

Maria scooted out of bed while Amy rolled over and blinked as she woke up. "What’s wrong?"

Jenny kissed her as well. "Come sit on Brit’s bed for a minute."

Maria climbed up on the end of Brittany’s bed while Amy headed down her ladder. Brittany in true teenage fashioned never even moved as her sisters sat on her bed.

Maria pushed her legs. "Brit get up!"

An angry voice came out from under the covers. "Get your butt off of my bed before I tell mom and she comes up and wallops you one."

Jenny smiled. "Mom already knows."

There was a delay as it took a moment in Brittany’s mind to process the voice. She flung the covers off her head and scowled at her mother. At the look on her mother’s face, her attitude quickly changed and she became concerned. "What’s up?"

Jenny sat next to Brittany and straightened up her hair as she talked to her kids. "My Aunt is sick and I have to go see her for awhile, maybe a couple of weeks."

Maria cocked her head. "Are we all going? Are we gonna fly?"

Jenny shook her head. "No, I’m going alone. Daddy’s staying home and he’s going to take care of you."

Amy looked worried. "But Daddy works too much."

Jenny smiled. "He does work too much but he knows I have to leave and he’s going to help me and come home early every night to take care of you guys."

Brittany shrugged and fell back on her pillows. "Okay, we’ll all help too. Don’t worry, Mom."

Jenny laughed. "I’m leaving soon. You can go back to bed but if you get up you have to be quiet. Daddy and I don’t want Joey waking up and causing a scene."

Brittany sat up again and groaned then looked at her sisters. "You guys better be like mice. If he screams all morning, I’m gonna kill somebody!"

Amy nodded. "Can we watch TV?"

Jenny nodded. "Downstairs, volume on low!"

Maria and Amy headed down while Brittany fell back again. She pulled the covers up to her chin.

Jenny kissed her on the cheek. "Bye, pumpkin. Help you’re older sisters and please don’t kill anybody. Your dad’s already starting to shake in his boots."

Brittany giggled. "He’ll make it through...maybe."

Jenny headed to Kelly and Debbie’s room. It was pitch black and both girls were sound asleep. Jenny walked over and opened the blinds and let light flood into the room. Neither girl even flinched. Jenny called softly to them but there was still no response. She rolled her eyes and picked up Debbie’s cell phone and hit a button causing the phone to ring.

Debbie immediately got up and blindly headed for the phone. She blinked in surprise to find her mother in her room. "Mom, who called?"

Jenny laughed. "Me." She handed the phone to her daughter. "I need to talk to you and Kelly."

Debbie walked to her sister’s bed. "Kel, wake up Mom needs to talk to us."

Kelly rolled over angrily and looked the clock. "Is she crazy? It’s 7:15 in the morning! Can’t she talk to us at noon!"

Jenny tapped her foot. "No."

Her mother’s voice carried from the end of the bed. Kelly sat up and looked at her mother worriedly. "Sorry."

Jenny rolled her eyes. "It’s okay." Jenny hated lying to her kids but her talk with the younger ones was easy. She hoped this went just as well. "I have to go away for a couple of weeks."

Kelly looked surprised. "Why?"

The rehearsed speech tumbled out. "I have a sick Aunt in Washington that needs my help."

Debbie and Kelly looked at one another. Both of them had done a family tree in Biology class and knew there were no aunts on either side that lived in Washington. Kelly looked at her sister expectantly.

Debbie rolled her eyes, disgusted to be the one that had to say it. "Mom, the younger ones may have bought that story but we know you don’t have an aunt living in Washington."


Kelly smiled. "Spill it!"

Jenny rubbed her hands over her forehead. She wanted to tell the truth but was afraid word would get back to Jacob and Vincent. She knew for a fact that Debbie would immediately seek out Jacob and tell him and that was something she wasn’t prepared to handle yet. "I can’t tell you the truth, not yet. As soon as we can, Dad will tell you. But he’s going to need your help while I’m gone."

Kelly giggled. "Is he ever!"

Debbie giggled as well. "Mom, we know it must be important or you wouldn’t be going. We’ll help Dad. Honest!"

Kelly nodded in agreement as Jenny smiled at them. "Joey’s going to be a handful."

Debbie waved her hand. "Nah, he’s not so bad. He listens when you and Dad aren’t around."

Jenny looked offended. "You’re kidding me!"

Kelly shook her head. "It’s true. When you and Dad are gone, Joey’s a real easy kid to deal with. Ask anyone."

Jenny was flabbergasted by this news. "I...well...Oh, forget it! I’m getting ready to leave."

She came forward and hugged each of her daughters. "Maria and Amy are watching TV and Brittany went back to bed. Your dad’s probably leaving in an hour so..."

Debbie pushed her Mom towards the door. "I’ll get up and change. We’ve got it taken care of Mom."

Kelly agreed. "Yep, take care Mom, love ya!"

"I love you too, bye!"

Jenny headed Below and grabbed a travel mug of coffee. By the time she was ready, Debbie and Kelly were downstairs.

Debbie turned to her father. "Hey, Pops! If you want to take Mom then go in to work, we got it covered."

Joe looked surprised. "Really?"

Jenny stopped in her tracks. "Girl’s, Joey doesn’t know I’m gonna be gone, your dad and I thought there’d be less hysterics."

Kelly laughed. "Good call! Why don’t you go, we’ll tell him the same story about our poor sick aunt."

Joe flashed Jenny a look. Jenny shrugged. "Family tree for Biology."

He rolled his eyes as it dawned on him that the older girls would know the truth.

Debbie patted his arm. "You guys suck at lying!"

He pretended to be offended. "That’s because we don’t have the practice that you have!"

Joe picked up Jenny’s suitcase, they said their goodbyes and headed out. The drive to Peter’s was a quiet one. Joe reached over and took his wife’s hand and squeezed it in support. She smiled at him and winked.

He pulled up in front and leaned over. He noticed lights on inside. "Looks like he’s up."

Jenny nodded. "Yeah."

Joe got out and grabbed her suitcase then followed her up the walk.

Peter opened the door before they could knock. "You guys couldn’t sleep either?"

Jenny shook her head while Joe laughed. "Yeah, right! Sleep?"

"Come on in. I’m printing the directions Jennifer sent to me."

Joe chuckled. "I still can’t believe there’s a Jennifer."

Jenny nodded. "She must be going through so much. Her whole world just got upended."

Peter started to walk backwards. "Let me get the instructions then we can leave."

He left and Joe turned to Jenny. He took her in his arms and held her tight. She sighed and snuggled deeper.

He backed away and kissed her. "I’m gonna miss you. Bring our girl back safe!"

"I will. I love you Joe."


Peter walked back in waving a paper. "Got it!"

Joe leaned in and gave Jenny one last kiss. "You two have a safe trip."

He headed out the door and they waved goodbye to him as a taxi pulled up in front.

Peter looked at her. "There’s our ride."

Jenny picked up her bag and led the way.


The plane ride was uneventful. Peter and Jenny made small talk but then each became lost in their own thoughts and the silence grew between them. About an hour out of Sea-Tac airport, Jenny began to cry.

Peter reached over and took her hand. Jenny bushed. "I’m sorry. I can’t believe we’ll see her again today."

Peter shook his head. "Jenny, I’m sorry, I should have told you. We have to rent a car and drive about four hours to a little town that’s nearest to them. Jennifer said it would be getting dark by then and the going would get dangerous. She suggested we get a room for the night then start out first thing in the morning.

Jenny looked disappointed. "Oh. I...well, maybe it’s for the best. We’ll have all day to ease her into things and see how she reacts to us."

Peter frowned. "Yes, and if the worst should happen we have daylight hours to get some help."

Jenny shuddered. "None of those kinds of thoughts, only positive ones!"

Peter and Jenny landed and within an hour had retrieved their luggage, rented a car and found the correct highway. They were on their way.



Meanwhile, Catherine had woken early and headed out to fish. She was gone for a long time and that gave Jennifer and Devin time to talk.

Jennifer looked out the window as she drank her coffee. "Jenny and Peter are on their way here."

Devin nodded. "Okay, when can we expect them?"

"Tomorrow morning. It’d be too late tonight to try and chance it. Uncle Devin, what are we gonna tell my mom?"

Devin hobbled over and sat down. "I’ve been thinking about that. Why don’t we wait to see what her reaction is...If she doesn’t recognize them we’ll tell her it’s my family doctor and his nurse coming to check on me."

Jennifer cocked her head thoughtfully. "That might work."

"You got something better?"

Jennifer sighed. "No. I haven’t been able to get over what her reaction might be. Look I’ve got to get this place ready for guests. I’m gonna need to come up with some type of a bed situation. I’ve got Grandpa Hank’s old bed in the storage barn. I’ll take it out and get it aired out. Mom and I can sleep in her bed. Jenny can sleep in here. That leaves you or Peter on Hank’s bed and one person somewhere."

"I could sleep on the couch."

"Mom won’t tolerate that...well, I’ll think of something. I’ll need to leave first thing in the morning to get the four wheeler up there. I’ll hang out until they show up. I better get a hold of Mr. Carver too. I’ll need some more supplies, maybe they could bring them with in their car."

"I’m sure they’d be happy to do that."

Jennifer stood and took her gun. "I’m gonna go hunt. We’ll need some meat for stew or soups. Tell Mom I’ll be back by dinner." She stopped at the door and grabbed a huge knife then headed out.

Devin shook his head as he watched her leave. "I wonder how she’ll take to walking to the dining chamber to get her food."

He headed to the sink and washed his dishes. Catherine came in with some smaller fish.

She smiled as she held them up. "Pickings were slim today. Maybe we can have them along with something else."

Devin shrugged. "I don’t think I would have caught that many. You’re good."

"I love to fish. There’s nothing quite like being out on the water. It’s so peaceful."

"Jennifer told me to tell you she was going hunting."

Catherine looked surprised. "Hunting? She just went the other day, how much food does she think we can eat." She walked to the sink and put the fish in it then turned around to face him. "She’s probably checking on Chip and Dale. She’s the one who taught them how to hunt."

Devin laughed. "They’re good to her. They definitely keep an eye out for her. Look, I’ve been up a lot already and I can feel my leg swelling. I think I’ll go prop it up and sit on the computer. Is that okay with you?"

"Sure, I’ll bring you lunch later."

Devin sat with his leg up on a chair as he checked his e-mails. He was surprised to see one from Peter announcing his and Jenny’s arrival at the airport. Devin sighed as he realized it was going to be a monumental day tomorrow.

Three hours later, Catherine brought him a sandwich. Devin ate it and then lay down on the bed and took a nap. His leg was aching and his head was starting to hurt.

Later that afternoon, Jennifer came home dragging a deer behind her, Chip and Dale trotting alongside of it. She chained it up in the air to let it bleed out. She would butcher it later. With a last look at the wolves, she reached over and hacked a piece of meat off and threw a piece to each of them.

She walked into the house to find Devin asleep. She walked through the house and back outside and found her mother at work in the garden.

"Hey, Mom. I’m back. I bagged a deer."

Catherine smiled. "Great. I only caught a few small fish. I thought I could get enough out here to make a big salad to go with it."

"Sounds good, I’m hungry. What did you and Devin do today?"

Catherine straightened up. "Devin spent a lot of time on the computer then he took a nap. I think his leg is hurting pretty good."

Jennifer frowned. She needed her uncle in as good a shape as she could get him in. "I’m gonna go hunt up some of those leaves Grandpa Hank showed me. Maybe I can get him to drink some hot tea tonight."

Catherine flinched. "I hate hot tea!"

Jennifer shrugged. "I never said you had to drink it."

Jennifer left and an hour later came back with a small bouquet of the leaves. She steeped it with some hot water and poured it into a cup. She walked to her bedroom door, knocked, then entered and shut the door behind her.

"Uncle Devin? Are you okay?"

Devin gasped and blew out his breath. "Not really, kid. It’s hurtin real bad right now."

Jennifer propped him up. "Drink some of this."

Devin took the mug and sipped at the hot tea. "It’s good, it tastes minty."

"I added some mint leaves to deaden the taste, it can be kind of bitter. Give it half an hour, I made it extra strong."

"What is it?"

"Mom said you were hurting. I went and found some of those herbs I told you about. Drink it! Please, I need to you in the best possible shape you can be in."

Devin drank it down and within twenty minutes he was feeling better. He joined Catherine and Jennifer for dinner and kept them entertained for a few hours with more stories of his travels.

They retired into the living area and Jennifer told him about growing up on the mountainside and everything Hank had taught her about life outdoors.

The hour grew late and Devin looked at his watch. "It’s getting late. I should head to bed."

Jennifer looked at him, trying to convey to him that somehow they had to bring up tomorrow. He saw the look on her face and furrowed his brow. "Oh, um...I forgot to mention it. I e-mailed my doctor. He’s an old family friend and he was concerned about my condition. He and his nurse are coming here tomorrow first thing in the morning."

Jennifer shot to her feet. "I’ll pick them up on the four wheeler for you...gosh I’m bushed. Goodnight."

Catherine looked at the two of them in shock. "I don’t think it’s wise to let strangers up here to see how we live."

Jennifer shrugged. "Why not?"

Catherine shook her head. She seemed confused and couldn’t answer her. "I don’t know...I..."

Devin smiled. "They’re not strangers. They’re friends of mine. Goodnight."

Catherine sat and read for another hour then joined her daughter.


Jennifer was up long before daybreak. She butchered the deer meat and put aside some of it for jerky and some for steaks and some for stews and soups. She threw extra stuff to Chip and Dale as they drooled, patiently waiting for her to feel sorry for them.

She finished and headed in to take a shower. She was showered and ready to go when the sun was just starting to rise. She walked to the shed and pushed the four wheeler away from the house so when she started it the sound wouldn’t wake anybody.

Devin stood on the front porch watching her. Jennifer looked up in surprise then headed his way.

In a whisper she called out. "What are you doing out here?"

Devin smiled. "I was thinking you may be nervous about meeting these people."

Jennifer blushed. "How’d you know?"

Devin leaned forward. "Cause at this point your dad would be holding his stomach ready to puke."

"Me too! What if they don’t like me? What if they stare like most people?"

Devin reached for her hand and patted it. "You forget...Peter used to take care of your dad and Jenny’s been a friend of his for what...18 years?"

Jennifer shrugged and Devin pulled her to his chest and hugged her. "They’ll love you just like I love you."

Jennifer leaned back and smiled. "You sure are a hugging kind of guy aren’t you?"

Devin laughed. "Wait until you meet your Dad. He’ll never let you go!"

"Dad? My Dad? I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that."

Devin slapped her butt as she turned away. "Well you better. Be careful..."

Jennifer rolled her eyes and whistled loudly. Devin shook his head in exasperation as Chip and Dale came bounding over a hill. Jennifer started the four wheeler and with a backwards wave left.


Peter and Jenny had slept horribly and both were up early. By mutual agreement they got ready and headed out to the local diner.

The town’s people were surprising friendly and they enjoyed their leisurely breakfast.

One of the older citizens sat across from their table. "Heard you was heading up to Hank’s old place."

Peter smiled. "Yes."

"You friends of that fella that crashed in the plane."

Jenny nodded. "Yes, we are."

"That girl told Mr. Carver that he was doing okay, some broken bones is all. Her and her mama will take good care of him. The mama’s a real nice lady. Shame about the daughter."

Peter looked at him curiously, wondering what he would say. "What’s wrong with the daughter?"

"She’s kinda strange looking. Heard she had some testing done on her when she was inside her mama. She’s a cute little thing though. Ain’t seen her around here in a long time."

Jenny smiled politely, not interested in hearing anymore. ‘"Can you tell us where to find Mr. Carver? He has some things for us to deliver up there and we should get going."

The man gave them directions and they left. Mr. Carver elaborated on Jennifer’s directions and Peter and Jenny were on their way.

Jennifer was on her four wheeler when she saw the glint off a car. "That’s them," she thought. Her stomach did a flip flop as her nerves took over.

She knew they would beat her to the meeting place. She carefully wound her way up the mountainside. She pulled out on the road and approached the SUV slowly. An older gentlemen and a middle-aged woman were out walking around and looking into the woods. They turned as she pulled up.

She got off the four wheeler and assessed them quickly. They seemed friendly enough. She reached to take off her helmet. As she pulled, she felt a moment of panic, but she removed the helmet and shook her hair free. She looked up and all she saw was two smiling faces.

The woman came forward with tears in her eyes. "You are so beautiful." She held out her hands. "I’m Jenny."

Jennifer smiled. "Me too!"

Jenny’s tears fell onto her cheeks. "Can I hug you?"

Jennifer smiled. "Sure."

The two hugged briefly and backed away smiling, Jenny held Jennifer’s hand and turned to Peter.

"Jennifer, this is Peter."

Peter came forward and gave her a hug as well. When they backed away he assessed her with a doctor’s eyes. "You look exactly like your dad, but softer, prettier...and look at those eyes. You have the same fire in them that your mother always had. Do you know the first time I ever saw your mother she was naked?"

Jennifer smiled, she caught on quickly and remembered Devin’s story. "Was that in the delivery room?"

Peter laughed heartily and hugged her again. "I like you already!"

All three of them turned at the sound of angry growls coming from the side of the SUV. Peter and Jenny started to back away in fear when Jennifer rolled her eyes.

"Chip! Dale! Down! Now!"

The two wolves whined and lay down immediately. Peter’s eyes raised in surprise as Jenny released his hand.

Jennifer blushed. "Sorry, they’re a bit overprotective." She walked right past the wolves to the four wheeler. "Either one of you ever drive one of these?"

Peter looked horrified but Jenny smiled. "I did once, at my husband’s sister’s house."

Jennifer threw her the keys. "You’re the driver."

Peter opened the back of the SUV. "This is some of the supplies Mr. Carver sent."

Jennifer assessed the size of them and packed some onto the four wheeler. She took a sled like device out of a big storage container on the side of the road. And loaded the last of the boxes on it then whistled.

The two wolves came over and she handed them jerky. They ate it then she handed one of them the rope. "Home!"

The wolf turned around and dragged the sleigh behind him. Jennifer looked at the other one and pointed. "Help!"

This wolf joined the first one and helped pull as well. They soon disappeared from view.

Jenny laughed. "By any chance, do you train kids?"

Jennifer laughed. "I raised them from pups."

"I’ve raised my kids from pups and they still don’t listen like that!"

"It’s the jerky."

Peter smiled, hating to have to changer the subject. "How do we want to handle it once we get there?"

"Uncle Devin told mom that you were his doctor and nurse coming to assess his condition. Let’s just go with that for now."

Jenny looked puzzled. "Jennifer, there’s only room for two people on this machine."

Jennifer nodded. "Yeah, there are only two of you. Head down the path back there and follow it down. We’re at the bottom. You’ll be able to see me to check your progress. You can’t get lost, just take it slow."

Peter shook his head. "How far is it?"

"I don’t know 2 or 3 miles I guess. I’ll meet you there."

She took the keys back, started the bike and handed them each helmets. She waited until they hit the trail and then she took off running. She quickly caught up with Chip and Dale and grabbed one of the boxes to lighten their load. She and the wolves kept together and as she predicted she met Peter and Jenny at the bottom of the hill.

Devin came out on the front porch greeted them warmly. Jennifer looked around and spotted her mom down by the lake fishing. Catherine was packing up her stuff when Jennifer waved.

Catherine made her way up the hill. She got close and looked up and her face broke out in a grin as recognition set in. "Jenny!"

Jenny ran to her. After she hugged her, Catherine looked at Peter and smiled. Fear flooded through her and her eyes grew intense.

"Help me, Peter!" was the last thing she said before she slumped to the ground.


Peter and Jennifer raced forward as Jenny tried to hold Catherine up.

Peter eased her to the ground and checked her vital signs. "I think she just passed out." He looked around the area. "We have to get her to the house somehow."

Jennifer picked her up with ease and carried her into the house. Peter blinked in surprise at her superior strength but followed her and Jenny into the house.

Trying to lighten the mood, Devin clapped Peter on the back, proudly. "That’s my niece."

Jennifer carried her mother to her room and placed her on the bed. Peter’s hands flew over her body checking her vital signs. He went into his bag and took out a vial and syringe and gave her a shot.

Jennifer looked at him as tears flowed down her face. "What’d you give her?"

"Just a vitamin shot."

Jenny grabbed Jennifer and guided her towards the door. "Honey, let’s let Peter take a look at her. Come sit down with me."

Jennifer let herself be led into the living room. Tears poured unchecked from her face. "I should have known she wasn’t strong enough for this. I shouldn’t have pushed it."

Jenny put her arms around her and let her cry. "That’s good, baby. Get it all out."

Jennifer sniffled and sat back. "That’s something my mom would have said."

Jenny cocked her head and smiled. "It’s a mom thing."

Devin came over and sat next to his niece then pulled her to his chest. She laid back against him as he ran his hand up and down her arm, comfortingly.

Peter came out and looked at the group.

Jennifer sat forward in her seat as she looked at him. "Did she wake up?"

Peter shook his head. "No, I called to her a few times but she didn’t respond."

Devin ran his hand up and down Jennifer’s back letting her know he was still close. He looked at her then Peter. "Why can’t she wake up?"

Peter looked exasperated and shrugged. "I don’t know. She seems to be resting...I can’t really explain what happened...but she seems comfortable."

Jenny scooted over so he could sit down next to her as she commented on her friend’s behavior. "She remembered us."

Jennifer smiled. "Yeah, she did. It made her happy."

Devin scowled. "For a second, then she saw Peter and for some odd reason it frightened her."

Jennifer frowned. "No! It wasn’t Peter! Maybe something associated with you...being a doctor, maybe?"

Jenny shook her head. "I don’t think that’s it...He’s always been a doctor, in fact, he delivered her, she wouldn’t be afraid of that."

Peter looked at Devin, who nodded in agreement. Peter looked directly at Jennifer. "It’s because of Vincent. I’m connected to Vincent."

Jennifer frowned. "So is Uncle Devin."

Devin nodded. "True, but not as closely as Peter, I haven’t been around as much."

Jennifer cocked her head suspiciously. "She doesn’t want to remember my father...why?"

Peter shook his head. "I think we were right...she’s still trying to protect him."

Jenny frowned. "By not remembering him?"

Devin shrugged. "If she can’t remember him, she can’t be made to give anyone any information that can be used against him."

Jennifer scowled. "Do you think she was tortured?"

No one could look her in the face as the truth of what could have happened to Catherine sank in. Everyone was lost to explain her circumstances.

Jennifer sat back in a huff and crossed her arms defiantly in front of her. "Forget I asked. I don’t want to know."

Jenny reached over and touched her knee. "I don’t think anyone of us wants to know what she suffered through." She looked at Devin and Peter. "So now what?"

Peter shrugged as Jennifer uncrossed her arms as she looked desperately at the group. "We have to figure out something. We can’t leave her like this!

Devin nodded. "The last thing she said was "Help me, Peter". That’s all I need to know. I think she was showing us how desperate she really is to remember."

Jenny nodded. "I agree, when she saw me I could tell how happy it made her."

Peter sighed. "I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to make her remember what she’s forgotten."

Jennifer sighed. "When she remembers it causes her pain."

Peter nodded. "I know, Devin told me about the words he tried out. Jennifer, I’m not sure there’s a way for your mom to remember without going through the pain. She’s fighting with herself to not remember."

Jenny looked up hopefully. "What if we took her home? What if we had her see Vincent?"

Devin grimaced at the thought. "It would kill him to find out Catherine was alive only to realize she doesn’t remember him."

Jenny nodded. "Yes, but Joe could explain it all to him and Jacob ahead of time."

Peter debated then finally just said what was on her mind. "We don’t even know what her reaction is going to be from seeing us today."

Jennifer got up from her seat. "Grandpa Hank kept daily journals. I put them all up in the attic after he passed away. I know the early ones had things about mom’s recovery in them. Maybe there are some answers in there."

Jenny stood. "I’ll help bring them down."

The two girls walked out of the room and headed to the attic. Within ten minutes, Jenny carried a box and Jennifer carried three. They set them down on the table and Jennifer sorted through them.

The first box was pushed to the side because it contained journals from before he met Catherine. The second box was opened and Jennifer handed each person a book to look through. The room was filled with silence as each person scanned through their book.

Five minutes into his reading Devin spoke. "Here’s something...The woman was delirious and cried out a few times. The only word I could understand was tunnel. Makes no sense to me but she settled down soon after."

Jenny turned to Jennifer. "Tunnels refers to..."

Jennifer smiled. "I know, Uncle Devin told me, it’s kinda hard to believe."

Everyone went back to reading again. Twenty minutes later Jenny got excited. "I’ve got the part where she woke up, it says....The woman woke up today. I asked her what her name was and she only said C...C, twice. I offered the name Carol and she smiled and agreed." Jenny read further. "The next day it says that he introduced her to her daughter Jenny, Carol got upset and told me to call her Jennifer. I explained that after she had delivered the baby she had said the name Jenny, so I called the baby that, she insisted we call her Jennifer." Jenny began to cry. "She was asking for me. I wish I could have been there."

Peter patted her leg. "We all do."

Devin and Peter traded their books for new journals and soon after so did Jennifer followed by Jenny.

Jennifer read and came upon a passage. "Hey, I remember this. I was on the internet reading about the states. I was up to New York and told my mom I wanted to go there to see the Empire State Building and Central Park. Hank says mom got really sick that day and was in bed for four days."

Peter nodded. "Here’s one says that the three of you went into town and someone asked your mother about the baby’s father. Your mother double over and Hank had to take you all home. This time your mom was in bed for..." he turned the page. "...a week."

Jenny read again. "One more, says here it was Christmas and Hank and Jennifer were talking about religion. They were reading a book and talking about religious figures. St. Vincent was mentioned and Catherine dropped a bowl on the kitchen floor and in a daze walked over the pieces of glass. She went to bed and Hank had to remove the glass and stitch up her feet. She had 27 stitches put in. Three days later she was fine and wondered how she cut her feet."

Devin scowled. "So, we have established a pattern...she gets sick when she doesn’t want to remember."

Peter nodded. "And we are looking at a recovery time of three days to a week."

Devin added. "So we have at least three days to decide what we want to do."

Jennifer stood and began to pace. "We have to get her to New York. She has to remember no matter what. If she decides to come back here I’ll bring her here but she has to be the one to choose this time."

Jenny smiled. "Honey, once she sees your dad she won’t want to come back here."

Jennifer snorted. "Yeah, whatever. I’m not so sure about that."

The others sat still, stunned by her comment.

Jennifer left the room peeked in on her mother then walked back by them. "I need to go out for awhile. I’ll be back."

She walked out the door whistled loudly then headed for the woods. Devin saw the wolves bounding after her.

Jenny sighed. "Is she going to be all right?"

Devin shrugged. "She took the wolves with her."

Jenny laughed. "Only you would find that comforting!"

Peter was concerned. "Jennifer seems to be trying to decide if she likes her dad or doesn’t like him."

Jenny smiled. "She’s scared. Jacob grew up knowing his mother’s last thought was how beautiful he was. Jennifer didn’t even know she had a father. Now she does! She’s confused, hurt and angry, but I think she’s mostly scared."

Devin looked at her. "Of what?"

Jenny raised her hands in disbelief that he needed it explained. "Duh! Her mother is going to go back and see the love of her life, she’s going to meet the son she never met...Jennifer’s not sure if Vincent will love her and she’s afraid to lose her mother’s love to her brother."

Devin got angry. "Vincent is going to adore her!"

Jenny laughed. "Well of course he is! You know it, I know it, Peter knows it but somehow, we have to convince Jennifer."

Peter nodded. "She’s right. I remember Catherine being jealous of Kay when Charles first started seeing her."

Devin chuckled. "And this why I have never had kids! It’s easier to love other people’s kids then when they screw’s not your fault."

Jenny rolled her eyes and changed the subject. "How are we getting home? Jennifer can’t exactly ride in first class on the plane."

Devin scowled. "And I’m gonna have to make it up that confounded hill to the nearest road."

Peter got their attention. "We’ll have to go with the original plan. Cross country drive in a van. Jenny and I will have to take turns driving."

Devin laughed. "This is gonna be a blast. Two drivers, 2500 miles, should take us...forever!"

Jenny’s brow furrowed. "And what do we do about bathroom breaks and meals for everyone. We can’t let Jennifer sit in a seat for 5 days she’ll go nuts!"

Devin agreed. "Which means we’ll have to do a lot of traveling at night."

Peter shook his head. "I’m no spring chicken either, I haven’t kept the kinds of hours you’re talking about since my internship!"

Jenny nodded. "We need another driver..."

Devin scowled. I had to break my right leg. I could have managed if it was my left."

Peter cocked his head and looked down at Devin’s leg. "How long ago did you break it?"

Devin thought back. "I guess it’s been...7 or 8 days. Why?"

"I wonder if we could get you in a regular cast and make it a walking one. Have you put any kind of pressure on it at all?"

"Oh, yeah! It usually hurts after a while then I have to elevate it to get the swelling down."

Peter smiled. "We can deal with that. Maybe we can rig something up."

Jenny shrugged. "We still have to get out of here in a big comfortable van."

Devin nodded. "Maybe we could get a big RV, complete with a kitchen and bathroom."

"Should we wait for Catherine to wake up to decide?" Jenny wondered.

"Jennifer seemed anxious to start, maybe we should look for a camper and start getting our stuff together," Devin added.

Peter sighed. "We’ll be back in less than a week. I think its time Joe had a talk with Vincent and Jacob."

Jenny stood. "I’ll go e-mail him."

Jenny went to the computer and typed her message. She was about to hit send when the front door opened. She heard Jennifer loudly exclaim that Catherine was awake.

Jenny wondered how she knew that coming in from outside but she got up and followed everyone else into Catherine’s bedroom.


Catherine lay there blinking her eyes. She smiled timidly as she saw Jennifer.

"Hi, baby!"

"Hi, Mom. You gave me a scare there."

"I know. I’m sorry."

Catherine peered around Jennifer. "Hi, Peter! Hi, Jen!"

Peter came forward. "You remember us?"

Catherine blew out her breath. "Yeah! I got a blinding headache but I remembered you the second I saw you."

Jenny smiled. "It’s so good to see you! Can I give you a hug?"

Jenny fell onto the bed next to Catherine and hugged her friend warmly. "God, I missed you!"

Catherine smiled. "I missed you too!"

Peter sat on Catherine’s other side. "Honey, do you remember your name?"

Catherine lowered her head. "I do now, it’s Catherine."

Peter cocked his head and caught her eye. "And everything else."

Catherine gasped and held her head as more memories flooded in. "Yeah, I remember everything."

Jenny smiled. "Great!"

Peter was more cautious. "Tell me more of what you remember."

Catherine shrugged. "I grew up in New York. I went to law school and I work as a corporate lawyer for my dad. Jenny’s my best friend and you’re my dad’s best friend as well as my godfather."

Peter lowered his head and Jenny’s face fell.

Catherine looked concerned. "What? That’s wrong?"

Peter quickly reassured her. "No, honey there’s just a little more than that. What’s the last thing you remember before waking up here?"

Catherine closed her eyes. Emotions flashed across her face. "I don’t know. Going out to eat with friends, shopping, work...the usual stuff."

Jenny grasped Catherine’s hand, she realized they needed to remember exactly when Catherine had stopped remembering. "Hey, Cath, what about Tom Gunther? Do you remember him?"

"Oh, we were supposed to go to a planning commission dinner thing...I guess I’ll be what...22 years late..."

Everyone but Jennifer realized that Catherine remembered everything up to the night of the attack, the one that brought Vincent into her life.

Jennifer leaned forward. "Um, Mom...we were talking that you might want to head back to New York."

Catherine nodded. "I need to see my Dad. Peter, does he know your here?"

Peter cringed and Jenny squeezed Catherine’s hand harder. "Cath..."

Catherine sensed immediately something was wrong. "What? Oh my God, what?"

Jenny sighed. "Cath, your dad passed away."

Catherine began to cry. "I missed it! When?"

Jenny threw her arms around Catherine. "Oh, honey! He died about 19 years ago. You didn’t miss it. You were there and it was beautiful. You read a passage from the Velveteen Rabbit, everyone thought it was so appropriate."

Catherine sniffled and looked at Peter. "How’d he die?"

"He had a massive stroke, he never woke up."

Catherine nodded as fresh tears fell. "Great, I get to lose him twice!"

Jenny chuckled. "You always did do everything the hard way!"

Catherine smiled and reached for a tissue. "Well, I guess I should still head back, huh?" She looked over at her daughter. "Jennifer, what do you think? Honey, if you say no...just like that..." Catherine snapped her fingers. "We won’t go."

Jennifer smiled and covered her distress. "I want to go, Mom. It’ll be fun."

Catherine touched her face and caressed her cheek. "You’re a great kid!"

Catherine seemed to notice Devin for the first time. She looked at him and cocked her head, taking a second to think. "Hey, didn’t you say your doctor and his nurse were coming out?"

Devin nodded. "I did."

Catherine was perplexed. "Your doctor is an ob-gyn?"

Devin chuckled as raced for a solution. Peter stepped forward. "Cathy, Devin and I are old friends. Devin worked with you for awhile and he recognized you immediately. He e-mailed me and I was to come out here and confirm that it was you."

Catherine seemed to accept that answer. "Well, it’s me. Now, there are so many questions? How can we get me and Jennifer back safely? Where will we live? I can’t expect Jennifer to live out her days in a one bedroom apartment? When will she go outside?"

Devin stepped up. "We were going to rent an R.V. and drive it across the country. It will be too much driving for Peter and Jenny to handle alone, what about my nephew...I could call him?"

He looked at the others in the room. They would all know that he meant Jacob. Catherine looked around wondering why everyone was suddenly quit.

She looked up at Devin. "You do realize that I know how to drive, right?"

Jennifer laughed. "That’s right! Mom can drive."

Peter nodded. "Yes, I think that’s a better plan than waiting for your nephew to come out."

Devin took the hint. "Okay, why don’t I get on the old internet and surf us up an RV."

Jenny leaned forward. "You two are welcome to stay at my house. It’s a little cramped but we’ll manage."

Catherine smiled. "Cramped? Jen, who do you live with?"

"I got married, Cath. I’ve got six kids."

Catherine’s eyes grew round and she burst out laughing. "Six! My God, Jen. Haven’t you ever heard of birth control?"

Jenny laughed. "Not when you marry an Italian stud!"

Catherine giggled. "So who is the guy? Where’d you meet him?"

Jenny looked over at Peter who nodded. "Um, I met him through a friend. His name is Joe Maxwell."

Catherine shrugged. "Never heard of him. Are you happy, Jen?"

"Yeah, I am."

Peter came forward again. "Cathy, you can always stay at my place. It’s big and roomy and there are too many bedrooms for just me."

Jennifer looked over at Peter, Jenny and Catherine. "I’ll start dinner. Why don’t you three visit for awhile?"

Catherine stopped her. "Jennifer, wait a minute." She turned to her friends knowing that they would say yes. "Peter, Jen can I have a minute alone with my daughter. I’ll meet you in the living room."

They laughed and Jennifer sat back down. "What’s up, Mom."

"Jennifer, are you sure you don’t mind coming to New York with me? We can stay a little while and come back here. Without my dad, I really see no reason to stay there. I love Jenny and Peter and another friend of mine, Nancy is married but I have nothing binding me to the city. We can visit them or Jenny and Peter can come out here."

Jennifer knew that she would miss her home desperately. She knew the freedom she would have in New York would be greatly diminished but she also knew that her mother needed her to do this for her. Jennifer also needed to see for herself if her father was worthy of her mother. She didn’t think he would make the grade but everyone else seemed to think that her mother and he had some kind of fairy tale romance that was only written about in books.

Catherine became concerned. "Jennifer?"

Jennifer snapped back from her musings. "Sorry, Mom. I said I want to go and I meant it. Peter’s place sounds good."

Catherine smiled and hugged her daughter. "Peter’s it is. I’m gonna shower, tell them I’ll be right out."

"Okay, Mom."

Jennifer walked into the living room. "Mom’s gonna shower. When will you tell my father and brother?"

Jenny shrugged. "I wrote the e-mail but never hit send. We can talk about it."

Devin walked from the bedroom. "I found an RV place about an hour from Seattle. I’ve got us lined up. When do we want to leave?"

Jennifer turned to the kitchen. "Tomorrow or the next day, whichever, doesn’t matter."

She walked away and opened cabinets taking out pot and pans. She was going to throw on some steaks and have potatoes, corn, green beans maybe make Grandpa Hanks biscuits.

Jenny motioned for Devin to see if Jennifer was okay. He followed her into the kitchen and sat down. "Hey, jelly bean, can you come here?"

Jennifer looked up in surprise. "Jelly bean?"

"Yeah, I always said if I had a daughter I would nickname her jelly’re the closest thing I got so..."

Jennifer came over and sat down. Devin took her hand. "Wanna tell me what’s really going on in that head of yours?"

She shrugged. "It’s all happening so fast."

Devin rubbed her hand. "Yeah, but you seemed okay with it a couple of days ago. You even said you couldn’t wait six weeks for me to recover and pilot us home. I thought you wanted to meet your dad."


Devin lifted her downcast face. "Feeling like you’re on a roller coaster?"

"I’ve never been on one before but my emotions sure do sky rocket then plummet."

"That’d be the feeling. Whatcha worried about, kid?"

"In five days, I have to face the only other person in the world that looks like me and I’m not sure if he even wants to meet me. What if...what if you guys are all wrong? What if he’s happy with his life the way it is? He thought he lost my mom, what if he doesn’t want to get her back?"

Devin pulled her close to him and held her tightly. "You are so wrong about this honey. I wish I could show you how wrong and take away all your worries but I’m telling you your mom and you will be wanted."

Jennifer sniffled. "Okay, I’m sorry. I’ve got to pull this together for mom. I heard the shower go off, I better get dinner started."

"Let me help."

She shook her head. "Go get that RV ordered. I’m fine, really."

Devin walked towards the bedroom. He glanced at the kitchen then at Jenny and Peter. "I think it’s time to let them know. She needs some reassurance."

Jenny stood up. "The message is ready, I’ve just got to hit send."

She walked into the bedroom and up to the computer, hit send then smiled at Devin. "Wow!"

He chuckled. "Yeah!"

Jenny got up and waited for Catherine while Devin sat and ordered the RV.

While he sat an instant message came up from Joe. He hit on it.

Catherine was in the living room when he walked in. "Hey Jen, you got a reply from Joe. He said he would do it first thing in the morning."

Jenny nodded. "Thanks."

Catherine turned to Peter. "Jennifer said she would like to stay with you. So, I guess you’ll have some house guests for awhile."

Peter smiled. "Good!"

Devin sat down. "Hey, when do you want to leave?"

Catherine smiled. "I’m so excited! As soon as possible I guess."

Jenny laughed. "How much do you have to pack?"

Catherine looked around. "Honestly, not much. Some photo albums, some clothes. I’ll need to buy all new stuff. Somehow I don’t think my jeans and flannels will cut it in New York." A question popped up in her mind. "Peter, what happened to all my money?"

Peter gasped and decided to go with the partial truth. He had inherited the money but at when Jacob turned 18 it went to him. "Well, uh...I got it. You don’t remember but you made me custodian unless you had heirs."

Catherine smiled. "Thank goodness. I’ll need to shop pretty quickly."

Devin interrupted. "So...if we leave tomorrow we can pick up the RV and be on our way the next morning."

Catherine looked around at everyone. "Sounds like it."

They visited until Jennifer called them for dinner. They gathered around and caught up on their lives and time passed quickly.

Jenny yawned. "I am so tired. What can we do about the sleeping arrangements?"

Jennifer nodded. "You and Mom can take her room. Peter you can sleep in my room, Devin can sleep on Grandpa Hank’s old bed and I’ve got the couch."

Catherine looked at her daughter who looked down, blushing guiltily. "You’re not going to sleep here tonight are you? Are you sleeping outside?"

"Yeah, Mom it’s my last night with them."

Peter looked confused. "Who?"

Devin smiled. "Chip and Dale."

Jenny gasped. "You’re going to sleep outside all night with those wolves?" She turned to Catherine. "And you’re gonna let her?"

Catherine shrugged. "She’s safer here than New York." She turned to her daughter. "Make sure you pack up whatever you want to take with you."

Jennifer stood up. "I’ll do that now. It shouldn’t take long."

Half and hour later she came back as Catherine and Jenny were washing dishes and Peter and Devin sat eating dessert. "Except for the computer, I’m done. I’ll grab that in the morning. I’ll be back early."

Catherine nodded. "Be safe."

Jennifer headed out towards the front door and Devin followed her. "Hey."

Jennifer turned around and looked at him. "Jenny sent the e-mail to her husband, he’s gonna go tell them first thing in the morning."

Jennifer sighed. "Goody gumdrop!"

She walked out and whistled loudly then disappeared into the woods.

Catherine and Jenny changed the sheets on all the beds and then changed into their pajamas and went to bed. Peter headed off to bed as well and Devin lay on Hank’s bed in the far corner of the living room. Within the hour, he could hear Peter’s soft snores though the bedroom door and he could hear Catherine and Jenny giggling once in awhile. He smiled thinking about how happy he was for Catherine. He thought of his niece and worried about her out there alone. His head lifted when he heard the front door open.

Jennifer came in trying to be quiet. Devin smiled. "I’m up."

She turned at his voice. "I’m back."

"What are Chip and Dale doing?"

Jennifer laughed. "I’ve been replaced. I followed them back to the place where they usually have their dens and found their women. They were none to happy with their husbands for the intrusion."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I fed them jerky and they warmed up to me. Chip and Dale have been busy though, both wives are pregnant. Due pretty soon I would say. I’m gonna take out a bunch of deer meat to them first thing in the morning."

She yawned loudly. "I’m heading to bed, goodnight."

Devin rolled over. "Night, jelly bean."

Jennifer smiled as he covered up on the couch and fell instantly asleep.


Devin woke up the next morning to find an empty couch. He walked into the kitchen and sat next to Peter who had already started the coffee.

"Good morning, Peter."

"Good morning, Devin."

Peter stood and poured two mugs of coffee. "We got a busy day ahead of us. Better drink some of this."

Devin chuckled. "Yeah, for all the good I’ll be."

Peter laughed. "Well, you can supervise." He looked at the clock. "I wonder what time Jennifer will come back?"

"She came back last night. Her boys took wives and are gonna be family men soon. She said she was running the little ladies some deer meat."

They sat and Peter stood up. "I could start breakfast."

Devin shrugged. "Sounds good."

Peter had bacon and sausage cooked and scrambled in a bowl waiting for Catherine and Jenny. Not ten minutes later, the bleary eyed twosome emerged.

Catherine yawned. "Good morning."

Jenny scowled. "It’s not good until I’ve had coffee. I miss Joe he always has some by my nightstand."

Peter handed her a mug. "Well, I serve coffee in the kitchen."

Catherine laughed as she took the one he handed her. "Peter, I’ll finish that you sit."

Jennifer walked in. "Good morning."

Catherine kissed her. "How’s the boys."

Jennifer smiled. "Up to no good, they took wives on me, I think they’re both gonna be daddies real soon."

Catherine sighed. "Oh, well see, it’s for the best they’ll be too busy for you."

Jennifer sniffled. "Yeah, I’ll miss them though. Anyway, I gassed up the four wheeler and I’m ready to haul stuff."

"After breakfast," Catherine ordered.

Jennifer rolled her eyes and nodded. "I’m gonna clean up. I served the pack the rest of that deer meat...we won’t need it."

Jenny stood and helped get the rest of breakfast on the table. Everyone sat down to eat and the time past quickly.

Peter stood up. "Well, I’m gonna take a shower and pack up my over night case."

Jenny smiled. "I’m after you!"

Devin laughed. "Me three."

Jennifer turned to her mom. "Then you. I want to haul stuff up by the van. What have you got to go?"

Jenny came forward. "Let’s pack it up while Peter’s in the shower."

Devin stood. "I’ll do the dishes. It’ll make me seem useful."

Jennifer’s first load of boxes was loaded and she headed up to the van. She came back and Peter’s case, Jenny’s case and Devin’s case was ready. She hauled that up and came back down.

She loaded up the last few cases then hopped in the shower and within twenty minutes stood outside. "Okay, I’m ready for people. I can take one right now and come back for Devin."

Peter raised his hand. "I’ll go."

Catherine smiled as he put on his helmet. "Jennifer, Jenny and I will hike up. I want to take some time..."

Jennifer screamed over the engine. "Okay, Mom. After Devin, I’ll bring the bike back down and catch up to you."

Jennifer climbed on and Peter got on behind her. It wasn’t long before she was back for Devin. He was harder to get comfortable. "Are you ready, Uncle Devin?"

"Yeah, jelly bean. Take it easy on this old guy, will ya?"

Jennifer took a different route. It was smoother but took about ten minutes more. When they arrived, Peter had already packed all the boxes in the back. Devin struggled to get inside. His face was red from exhaustion.

Jennifer brought up a box and blanket. "Elevate it on this."

Devin nodded and Peter smiled over at her. "You would make quite a good little doctor, young lady."

Jennifer beamed. "Really! I would love to be a doctor! I’m not sure if I would ever get any patients but I would love it." She hopped on the bike. "I better get this put away."

She took off like the wind. Devin smiled. "God, she’s a really good kid. She’s so worried that Vincent won’t like her yet she’s facing this challenge head on with no complaints."

Peter got into the van. "She’s a lot like her father and her mother."

Jennifer put the bike away and checked the house one last time. With a sigh, she closed the door and started to jog up through the dense woods. Going straight up she cut the time in half and was ahead on the path of her mother and Jenny.

"Come on you lazy bones!"

Jenny smiled. "Hey!"

Catherine laughed. "I was taking my time and saying my goodbyes."

Jennifer nodded. "Yeah, but ahead you have a lot of hello’s to say."

They walked together and headed for the van. Jennifer sat in the extreme back and Jenny scooted in next to Devin. Catherine sat up front by Peter who was driving. The van pulled away from the side of the road.

An hour and a half later, they pulled into the RV place. Peter went in and paid while a technician went over everything with Devin. Half and hour later, they went and picked up the girls who were waiting in a forest preserve not far from the rental place.

Devin let them in the back door. Jennifer marveled at the beauty of the bus and was amazed at how roomy it was.

Jenny went through the cabinets. "We only need to hit a stock up center for some groceries and we’ll be done."

Catherine nodded. "I saw a place a couple miles back. Let’s head there."

Peter took his time learning how to drive the extra large RV through the streets. Devin sat up front and offered his advice and Peter soon had the hang of it.

Peter, Catherine and Jenny headed into the store and quickly had three carts piled with stuff. Peter paid again then they headed back to the RV.

Devin had stayed with Jennifer but he got up and opened the door and took boxes from Peter and passed them to Jennifer who put them on the counter. Everyone piled in and the three girls put the groceries away while Peter drove and Devin navigated.

They were on their way.