Peter went to lie down to get sleep and Catherine and Jennifer shared the big bed. Jennifer was comforted by her mother’s presence and fell asleep immediately.

Jenny cleaned the dishes then straightened up the place. She sat with Devin for a few hours then went to bed in Jennifer’s bed.

Devin drove straight for 7 ½ hours before Peter woke up. He smiled as Peter came forward.

"Devin, I’m sorry. I can’t believe I didn’t wake up."

"It’s okay. It was quiet, no traffic to speak of and I just put it on cruise."

Peter nodded. "Why don’t you pull over and I’ll drive for awhile."

Devin pulled into a rest stop and Peter had to help him from the chair. He had stiffened up and his leg was throbbing in pain. He stumbled to the couch and sat down heavily. "Maybe, I’ll crash here."

Peter gave him some pain killers. He put his head back and covered up and was sound asleep within ten minutes.

Peter continued on and drove another two hours before Jenny got up. She made coffee and handed a mug to Peter. "Peter, how much longer?"

"We should be there by 9:00 tonight."

Jenny smiled. "I’ll start breakfast."

She went off and Catherine joined her. Jenny looked at her as she came out. "How’s Jennifer?"

"She’s resting. She had a few bouts last night but she pulled through."


Jenny cracked the eggs while Catherine fried bacon. "Jen, this Vincent guy...I must’ve loved him right?"

"Yeah, with your whole heart."

Catherine shook her head. "Why didn’t he come after me?"

Jenny looked at her. "He thought you were dead, Cathy. We all did."

Catherine grimaced. "If he cared so much it must’ve been pretty painful for him."

"It almost killed him but he found a reason to live."

"He met someone else?"

Jenny stared at her then turned off the bacon. "Cath, you need to hear the rest."

Catherine raised her eyebrows. "That sounds ominous."

Jenny took her hands. "Cath, you were held captive by someone because of some knowledge you had of his illegal activities. Later, he held you captive because he discovered you were pregnant and he wanted the baby."

Catherine shook her head in disbelief. "Thank God, he didn’t get her."

"No, he didn’t get her...," Jenny stressed. Catherine narrowed her eyes trying to determine what she meant by that. Jenny took a deep breath. "You had another child before Jennifer, Cathy. You had a son. He took your son."

Catherine fell back against the refrigerator. "I have a son?"


Having overheard, Peter cleared his throat. He looked at her using the rearview mirror. "It’s true, Cath."

"Is he alive?"

"Yes, he was sick when he was first born and that’s how Vincent found out about him. He felt the baby’s heartbeat and with some help found him. He raised him in his world."

Catherine tried to comprehend what she had just been told. "I...have a son." She looked up. "What’s his name?"

Jenny answered. "Jacob."

"Does he look like Jennifer?"

Peter shook his head. "Nope, he looks exactly like you. Well, he has his father’s blue eyes."

Catherine frowned. "Does he know about me?"

"Vincent has a portrait of you in his Jacob has grown up hearing stories about you."

"And now they know I’m alive...and they know I’m returning to New York."

Jenny nodded. "My husband, Joe just told them about you yesterday morning. They’re still recovering from the shock but I’m sure they’re anxious to see you."

Catherine grimaced. "Jacob probably hates me. He probably thinks I abandoned him."

"Cath! No, he doesn’t. I promise he doesn’t think that. You have to remember he knows the whole story about what happened to you." Catherine turned away and Jenny got her attention. "We e-mailed him that picture of you and Jennifer...the one that was on your mantle."

Catherine blinked in surprise. "You did that without asking me?"

"Actually, Jennifer sent it."

Jenny turned for her purse. She took out graduation photos of Jacob. "Here’s what Jacob looks like."

Catherine stared at the face of her son. "He’s beautiful." She chuckled. "He kind of looks like my dad a little." She stared some more. "He does have nice eyes. You say they’re the color of his father’s?"

"Uh, huh."

Catherine sighed. "I wish I could remember him."

Jennifer came out of the bedroom with a piece of paper in her hands. She had been listening to the conversation. She wordlessly handed it to her mother.

Catherine set it off to the side as she flipped her daughter’s hair behind her shoulder. "Hey, babe. How ya feeling this morning?"

Jennifer smiled. "I’m better thanks."

Jenny threw together the rest of breakfast. She ate quickly and walked up to Peter. "Hey, you ready for a break? I could drive for awhile."

Peter shook his head. "I’m good. I would take some of those eggs, maybe make me a sandwich?"

Jenny smiled. "You got it! More coffee?"

"Sure, why not?"

Peter’s phone rang. He tried to answer it and scowled. "Damn, text messages. Now I’ll never know who called."

Jennifer looked up and smiled. "You want me to get it for you?"

Peter glanced at her. "Sure, if you feel up to it."

Jennifer took the phone and sat across from Peter. She swiveled the chair in such a way that the outside world couldn’t see her then retrieved the message.

"It says...Uncle Peter, how are my mom and sister doing?"

She blinked in surprise. "It’s him isn’t it? My brother?"

Peter nodded. "Yep! He calls me Uncle Peter."

Jennifer typed furiously. Peter cast her a questioning glace. "What’d you type?"

"I said your mom and sister are doing fine." She smiled. "Then I put Uncle Peter says hi."

She glanced at the phone. "He wants to know who this is."

Peter shrugged. "Tell him."

Jennifer thought for a moment then typed. She smiled mischievously at Peter. "I told him he had to guess."

The phone beeped and she chuckled. "He asked if it was me."

She typed one word then hit send. "I told him yes."

The phone beeped yet again and she laughed out loud.

Peter warmed by her laughter smiled. "What’d he say?"

"He said...Shut up!"

Peter scowled. "That isn’t like him to be so rude."

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Not shut up quiet. Shut up way!"

Peter shook his head. "I give up, you kids have a language of your own."

Jennifer distractedly typed. "Uncle Peter, can I use this for awhile?" She stood and walked away not waiting for his answer. She laughed as she walked to her bedroom, furiously typing her answers.

Peter smiled at her back as she walked away. "Good, hopefully those two will hit it off."

Jennifer came out an hour later and blushed. "Um, Uncle Peter? The phone went dead. Jacob said to ask for a charger."

Catherine looked at her incredulously. "You’ve been talking to him this whole time?"

Peter interrupted. "It’s in my black bag."

Catherine scowled. "Jennifer! I asked you a question."

Jennifer sighed. "Yeah, I have! Is that okay?"

Jenny smiled. "It’s more than okay! Did you quit because you ran out of power?"

Jennifer blushed. "No, his Dad came into the room. I didn’t really want to talk to him."

Catherine frowned, wondering why her daughter wouldn’t speak to the father that her whole life she wished she had known. "Why not?"

Jennifer shrugged. "I don’t know. I just didn’t."

"Did Jacob ask to talk to me?"

Jennifer looked away. "I asked him if he wanted to but he said maybe later."

Catherine pretended not to be hurt. "Oh."

Peter thought it would be an opportune time to interrupt. "Hey, I’m getting kind of tired. Would one of you girls like to take over."

Jenny nodded and Peter pulled into a rest area. He and Jenny switched drivers and Catherine once again kept her company up front.

Peter handed Jennifer, Devin’s phone and whispered. "Why don’t you text him back and see if his dad’s gone yet."

Jennifer sneaked a peek at her mother then took the phone and went to her bunk. Peter chuckled thinking how easily she transitioned to calling him Uncle Peter and how easy she was to love. He was going to have fun spoiling her.



Jacob stared guiltily as he hung up his phone.

Vincent looked at him curiously. "Was that Devin or Peter?"

Jacob shook his head. "Um, no."

Vincent sighed. "I wonder why we haven’t heard from them. I hope Jennifer isn’t in trouble. I don’t feel a sense of unrest..."

Jacob felt horrible. He didn’t want his dad to go on believing his daughter was still sick. "That was Jennifer I was texting. She seems like she’s better."

Vincent whirled around. "You talked to your sister?"

"No, I was texting her...well...then yeah...I guess I was talking to her."

Vincent rushed forward and looked at his son hopefully. "Did you talk to your mother?"

Jacob blushed. ""

Vincent frowned. "Why not?"

Jacob shrugged. "I don’t know...I just didn’t want to."

"Did Jennifer ask to speak to me?"

Jacob looked away. "I asked her if she wanted to but she said maybe later."

Vincent pretended not to be hurt. "Oh."

Father walked up. "Did I hear you say you were talking to Jennifer?"

Jacob smiled. "Yes, Grandfather. I was."

"She’s doing well?"

"Yeah, she’s better."

Father smiled. "Good! That’s very good news indeed!"

Vincent leaned forward. "Did they give any indication of where they were or when they would get here?"

"Um...later tonight. I think."

His phone rang and he looked at the number. He smiled then looked up. "Let me take this in the other room and then I’ll find out."

He left and he and Jennifer text messaged back and forth until his phone began to die out. He ran for the charger and plugged it in as they continued their talk. Another hour and a half later, Jennifer’s phone began to quit. She told Jacob that she thought they would get there around 9 then she hung up.

She walked out and discreetly handed Peter the phone. He got up and found Devin’s charger and plugged it in next to his.

Jennifer plopped down in a chair and looked out the top of a window at the sky.

Peter looked up from his book and smiled. "I’m glad to see that you’re feeling better."

Jennifer shrugged. "Yeah, thanks."

"Did you enjoy talking with Jacob?"

Jennifer’s eyes lit up but she looked guiltily at her mother and lowered her voice. "He rocks! knows all this cool stuff! I could talk to him for hours."

"Jacob’s a great guy. I’m glad you to know you two will get along."

"If I tell you something strange you won’t think I’m wigging out and still sick will ya?"

Peter shook his head. "I won’t think you’re wigging out."

"When we were talking...texting...I felt like this we were connected. I’ve read books on twins being separated at birth and being reunited and stuff but I thought it was all bogus newspaper filler."

"You have the twin bond and also if you’re like your father an ability to bond with those closest to him. He and your mom had an extremely close bond. He could even tell what she was feeling all the way across the country."

Jennifer leaned forward. "Why don’t they have it now? Why haven’t they had it all these years?"

Peter shrugged. "My guess is because your mom has blocked the feelings on her end by believing he doesn’t exist."

Jennifer sat quietly for a few minutes. "So how’s this bond thing work. I mean...I’ve always kind of had it with my mom but never knew why. Can I control it?"

"I’m not sure. Why don’t you try?"


"Close your eyes and think of what your dad looks like." Jennifer followed his directions while Peter continued. "Now, don’t think of anyone else...just concentrate on his image."

Jennifer did as she was told. She leaned against the back of the chair and reached out with her mind. She felt like she was floating for a second then for a brief second she felt a connection.

She blinked and sat forward. It was much stronger than any feeling she had before with her mother. She blushed wondering if "he’ knew it was her.

Peter looked at her. "Couldn’t do it? Well, maybe after you meet your dad."

Jennifer was glad he hadn’t guessed the connection worked. She shrugged. "Yeah, maybe. I’m going to start lunch." She looked over at Devin and laughed. "Man, that guy can sleep through anything!"

Jennifer started getting the ingredients out for lunch. She wondered about the strange new sensations she felt. It was almost like she was intruding on a private conversation. She hoped that she wasn’t discovered but at the same time it was fun to try. She tried once again with the same results. A brief insight into his life, until she nervously stopped.



Vincent sat in his classroom with the middle school students. Father was helping him today teach Shakespeare to a less than attentive group. It was nearing the end of class when Jacob came in and sat at the back of the room. He enjoyed watching his father and grandfather interact.

The children were getting restless and Jacob hid a smile as Father reprimanded them once again. Father looked over at Vincent who was sitting with his head cocked, as if he were listening for something.

Father shook his head and dismissed the students who exited the classroom quickly. "Vincent, if you can’t pay attention how do you expect your students to."

Vincent looked over at him. "I’m sorry, Father. I..."

Father nodded. "Was it Catherine?"

"No, I think it was Jennifer."

"She’s not having trouble again is she?"

Jacob walked forward. "I just got done talking with her, that can’t be it!"

Vincent shook his head. "No! I think she was reaching out to see if she could sense me!"

Jacob knew how badly his father wanted Jennifer to know he loved her. He wanted her to know about his sister’s insecurities. "I think she’s just trying to figure out stuff, Dad."

Vincent nodded, grateful that Jacob was sharing his insight. "I’m glad."

Jacob smiled. "Why don’t you let her know everything’s all right. I remember feeling your presence when I was really scared and sometimes it helped."

Vincent shrugged. "It certainly couldn’t hurt."

He sat and cleared his mind, then followed a thread of emotions through the bond. It wasn’t as easy as it was with Jacob. He didn’t have the personal knowledge of her as he did with his son but he felt like he still reached her.

He looked over at Father when he was done. "Perhaps we should have our lunch now."

Father stood up. "Vincent, have you given any thought as to where or how we should make this...rendezvous?"

Jacob looked at both of them. "Jennifer and I decided it would be at Uncle Peter’s house. Its neutral territory, it’s quiet and if Mom gets too upset we can leave."

Father agreed. "Yes, that is a good plan, Jacob. I was wondering if you could call Peter and ask him if Catherine requires anything special when she..."

Jacob completed his thought. "Zones out?"

Father chuckled. "Okay, zones out."

Jacob blushed. "Jennifer and I used up the batteries on Uncle Peter’s phone and Uncle Devin’s. We’re going to have to wait awhile."

Vincent put his arm around Jacob’s shoulders. "Son, it warms my heart that you and your sister have found a way to bond. I’m just sorry that it has taken so long for it to happen."

Jacob looked up at his dad and wanted so much for him to be happy again. "You wait and see, Dad. Mom’s gonna take one look at you and remember everything. She’s probably gonna get all teary eyed and mushy. It’ll be just like the first time you met."

Vincent chuckled. "The first time we met your mother hit me with a headlight cover."

Jacob laughed. "No way!"

Father smiled. "I can attest to that. He came in with a big bump on his head."

Jacob laughed harder. "Just do us all a favor, please don’t make out in front of us though, huh?"

Vincent blushed. He never thought about that aspect of his relationship with Catherine. He couldn’t remember the one night in his whole life when he made love with a woman. He couldn’t remember the night his children were conceived. He was so caught up in finding out that Catherine was alive he wasn’t giving much thought to the future.

Father cleared his throat. "Well, yes...we should get that lunch now."



Jennifer was finishing up preparing lunch and was in the process of putting the plates on the countertop when a strange feeling came over her. She cocked her head and tried to determine the origin, when suddenly a wave of love and well-being washed over her. She guessed correctly that it was coming from her father. She hid a smile and went back to the task of at hand.

Devin had been awake and watching his niece. He saw her stare off into the distance. It was a gesture so reminiscent of Vincent, he knew exactly what she was doing.

He smiled over at her. "Did your dad reach out to you?"

Jennifer turned around. She realized that Devin had seen her and she blushed. "Yeah, I think so."

"You okay with it?"

She shrugged. "It seemed kind of odd. The feelings kind of wind through you, surround you."

"What was the feeling?"

She smiled shyly. "Love, well-being."

Devin smiled and sat up. He held his arms out to her. She came over and he hugged her. "See jelly bean, I told you he loves you."

Jennifer went back to serving the lunch she cooked and Devin stood and stretched. He noticed his phone on the charger. Knowing it was fully charged when he fell asleep earlier, he looked over at Peter.

Peter nodded at Jennifer. "She’s been talking to her brother."

"Talking, really?"

"Well, no. I mean texting."

Devin chuckled. "She ran down my battery?"

Peter laughed. "Mine, too."

"That’s gonna be some phone bill."

Jennifer blushed. "I’m sorry. I can try to pay you back somehow..."

Devin laughed. "It’s a small price to pay for your happiness. Besides, we owe you 18 years of birthday and Christmas gifts."

Jennifer laughed then served everyone lunch. Catherine and Jenny took theirs up front. Three hours later, Jenny was exhausted. She had the most traffic of any of them and the stress of the congestion with the huge RV finally took its toll.

Catherine took over and Jenny rested on the bed in the back room. She took the opportunity to call Joe and catch up on all the doings with kids and home.

She was relieved to find that the girls had all been wonderful and helped Joe with little encouragement. Joey had been prospering under the supervision of the world Below and Jenny smiled thinking how Jacob and Vincent were miracle workers.

Catherine drove what would end up being the final stretch of road.

Peter was concerned and came forward to talk to her. "Cath, do you think it might get to be too much?"

Catherine shrugged. "No, I’m getting kind of excited to see everything."

Jennifer knew how she felt. For the last half hour, the butterflies in her stomach had turned to bats. She sat and quietly pretended to read.

Devin looked up. "How do you want to handle this? Where should we go?"

Jennifer sat up. "Jacob and I decided it would be best at Uncle Peter’s place. If it gets to be too much for Mom, he promised they’d leave."

Catherine nodded from the front seat. "That seems fair."

The last two hours seemed to drag by. Catherine looked at everything wondrously and memories started to flash through her mind. She couldn’t hold onto one long enough to make it stick. She wondered if she was actually remembering or if her mind was creating things from the picture she had seen of Vincent.

Peter could tell she was getting restless. "Cathy, we’re almost in the city and it’s going to get tricky driving this thing. Why don’t you pull over and let me get us home."

She did and sat over in the passenger seat. It was dark but the lights of the city lit everything up.

Peter pulled off the highway and headed towards his house. Jenny scooted on the floor next to Catherine so she could be close.

Catherine gasped as she saw the sign for Central Park. Her head pounded and she held her hand to her temple. "No, I want to remember."

Memories were flooding through her so quickly it was becoming more and more painful. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as Jenny grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

Catherine screamed out. "Oh God! It hurts!"

Peter called for Jennifer, who was extremely agitated by her mother’s pain. "Jennifer, come sit with your mother!"

Jennifer leapt at his command and scooted next to her mother and held her close. Catherine thanked her weekly. She tried to shake her head to clear the images.

Catherine gasped as an images of the pain associated with being stabbed and cut flooded through her mind.

One image finally stuck. "I was hurt here! I was dumped here after the attack, wasn’t I?"

Jenny nodded. "Yeah, that’s the crappy start to this whole thing."

Peter pulled up in front of his house and parked the RV. He looked over at her gasping in pain. "Don’t fight it Catherine. Let it come."

Catherine had a memory of waking up and being intensely afraid. She was hurting so badly and she was afraid she was going to continue to be tortured. She turned at the sound of a melodic voice and all the rest of her memories flooded in.

"Oh, my God! I remember! I remember everything!"

She broke down and wept. Deep gut wrenching sobs were torn from her.


Vincent, Father and Jacob had been waiting in Peter’s house when Vincent suddenly fell to his knees. Catherine’s end of the bond opened up to him and her felt the intense sadness wash over her and come to him through the bond.

He got up and ran to the door. "She remembers!"

He flew up to the back of the RV as Devin opened the door. Vincent walked past everyone and looked at the love of his life crying and in hysterics.


She looked up and reached for him. "Vincent."

Tears flowed from his eyes as he picked her up into his arms and cradled her to his chest. The world around them ceased to exist. The love they felt washed over them surrounding them in a cocoon. The others slowly backed out of the RV leaving them alone.




Joe pulled up in his car and ran over to greet them. Jenny fell into his arms crying. "She’s okay."

He laughed and kissed his wife and then held her tightly.

Jennifer ran into the house. Peter walked quickly behind her and Devin hobbled as fast as he could.

Father opened the door as Jennifer rushed past him. Jacob stood there speechless. Peter made it inside followed not too long after by Devin. The silence was deafening.

Devin struggled with his crutches then hugged his father. "Hi, Dad!"

Father hugged his son fiercely and kissed him. "I was devastated to learn of your crash. I can’t imagine how, even you, turned it into a good thing!"

Jacob came over and hugged him as well. "Hey, Uncle Devin, sure am glad you’re okay."

Devin smiled. "Me to, butter bean."

Devin looked over at Jennifer who was looking around for a hole to crawl into. He walked over and put his arm around her. "Jennifer, I’d like to introduce you to your grandfather."

Jennifer stood still looking forlornly at the ground. "Hello, it’s nice to meet you."

Father came over and lifted her chin, making her look him in the eye. Jennifer looked up to see tears flowing from his eyes. "And it is an honor to meet you my dear, sweet child."

He wrapped his arms around her and brought her head down to his chest hugging her warmly.

Jennifer cried from the emotional impact. She had been worried for nothing, she was being welcomed warmly by her grandfather.

Jacob cleared his throat. Father offered Jennifer a handkerchief and she smiled meekly at him. He nodded over to Jacob. "That young man is the person you have burning up the phone lines with. your brother, Jacob."

Jacob stepped forward and looked at her and smiled. "How come you got all the good looks and I got nothing?"

Jennifer chuckled. "You’re not so bad in the looks department."

Jacob came forward and hugged his sister.

She pulled away first and Father took her hand. "Why don’t we go visit in the living room until your parents come inside."

Jacob sighed. "At least they’re out there and not in here spreading the mush."

Jennifer looked at him disgustedly and hit his arm. "Mush! I never realized how in love they were..." She shook her head at her mistake. "I mean...are. I bet they forget we’re even in here."

Jacob grumbled. "What do you care, you had Mom for eighteen years."

Jennifer countered. "Yeah, so! You had Dad for eighteen years."

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Yeah, there’s nothing quite like having a parent who feels everything you feel. It was like he was with me all day every day for 18 years!"

Jennifer scowled. "I would have loved that! You don’t know how lucky you were!"

Devin laughed. "You’re brother and sister all right."

Jacob and Jennifer sat down on the couch on either end facing each other.

Father and Devin sat in opposite chairs while Peter went to work on refreshments in the kitchen. Jenny helped Peter then she and Joe headed home to be with their family.

The group talked while Vincent and Catherine reconnected in the RV.




Vincent sat heavily on the couch as Catherine cried out eighteen years worth of tears. He couldn’t contain his own tears and they flowed freely from his eyes as he held her in his arms. He didn’t know if he would ever let her go now that she was here again.

Twenty minutes later, Catherine finally pulled away to look at him. "Oh great, the first time you see me in twenty years and my face is red and splotchy."

Vincent caressed her face with his hand. "You’re beautiful. Always."

She sighed. "I’m a lot older."

He chuckled. "So am I."

She smiled up at him then frowned. "Vincent, I don’t know what happened to me...I was so lost..."

"Shhh, Catherine, please! Don’t trouble yourself so. You’re back and that’s all that matters. We have a lifetime left to live. What happened in the past doesn’t matter anymore."

"Vincent, I love you. I know in my heart that I never stopped loving you."

"It’s the same for me, Catherine."

Catherine looked into his eyes then down at his lips. She knew she would not waste any more time. She cupped his face and leaned up and was pleasantly surprised when Vincent’s mouth met hers half way.

It started out as a chaste kiss but soon they were kissing passionately. Catherine’s arms pulled him closer to her and Vincent complied. He wrapped his arms around her and scooted her back up onto his lap.

Catherine leaned back on the couch and brought him with her. He was lying atop her while she ran her fingers over his head and through his hair. Their kissing was reaching a point where there would be no turning back when Vincent pulled away.

"Catherine, we have to stop."

Catherine gasped for breath and her face fell. "No, Vincent."

"I can’t."

Catherine realized his old issues still remained. "I’m sorry, Vincent. I should never..."

Vincent smiled. "Catherine! No, you misunderstand me. We should never have started what we cannot finish in less than...oh I don’t know...a month! We’ve waited 20 years, certainly we can wait a few more hours."

Catherine hung her head then nodded and lifted her face to look into his eyes. "When I make love to you, I don’t intend to stop. Not for any reason. I want to be in your chamber, in your bed, making love to you until the world stops turning."

Vincent smiled at her. "And we probably shouldn’t do that until we’ve each met our missing child. They’re actually the reason I had to stop, Catherine. I feel so much turmoil coming through the bond that I can’t concentrate."


"The kids are anxious to meet us but I don’t think they want to admit it."

"Oh, Vincent, I never even thought how bad it must be for you to be so connected to three other people."

He shook his head ruefully. "Four, if you count Father."

"Well, as much as I love everyone else, I prefer it be just you and me together in bed."

Vincent chuckled and nodded. Catherine smiled that he was on the same page as her. "Come on, let’s go inside so I can meet our son and you can meet our daughter."

She stood and straightened her clothing. Vincent stood and straightened his as well. She smiled and took his hand and together they ran towards the house.



All eyes turned as the front door opened and Vincent and Catherine walked in arm and arm.

Devin noticed that both of the kids had gone pale and looked nervously at the floor and each other. They simultaneously reached out and held hands.

Devin motioned to Father who stood up and walked forward. "Catherine, I have no words that could tell you how happy I am to see you!"

Catherine smiled and fell into his arms. They hugged warmly.

She backed away and smiled. "I’m very happy to see you too, Father." She turned to the kids. "Now, we came in to meet our missing children. Will you introduce me to your grandson?"

Father led her over and looked at Jacob. Jennifer squeezed his hand and Jacob looked up defiantly. He was greeted by tears falling from his mother’s eyes.

"Jacob?" she whispered.

He stood up and towered over her. She opened her arms and he stepped forward into her embrace.

Vincent stood near the end of the sofa waiting for his daughter to make some gesture. She sat quietly wringing her hands together, bereft of her brother’s support. All her old fears had crept back and she was worried about her father’s acceptance.

Devin leaned forward and touched her leg. "Hey, jelly bean. Here’s your dad."

He looked up at Vincent and nodded. Vincent finally sat down next to her and put his arm on the back of the couch above her. He slowly reached a hand out and took one of her hands into his. She held her breath at the first feeling of his touch. She briefly acknowledged the difference in his hands but her emotions had so distraught the differences didn’t register.

Vincent leaned in. "Jennifer?"

She looked at him out the corner of her eye, when his love suddenly flooded through the bond. She turned and looked at him hopefully and he smiled at her. His arms came around her and he pulled her close.

She snuggled into her mother’s usual place and tucked herself underneath his chin. Vincent’s arms enveloped her and his love surrounded her gently.

Tears fell from his eyes as he whispered in her ear. "My daughter! My beautiful little girl!"

She clung to him and cried into his chest. "I always wanted a daddy."

Devin, Father and Peter had discreetly left the room and headed Below.

Jacob pulled away from his mother’s embrace and looked at his father and sister. He smiled at his mother and sat down on the nearby recliner. Catherine sat on the arm of it and put her arm around him. He smiled at her and she pulled his head to her chest, cradling him like a child.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you, too, Jacob. You know, I saw you for only the briefest of seconds when you were first born. You were as beautiful then as you are now."

Jacob blushed. "I grew up looking at the painting of you and Dad in his chamber. You were beautiful then but I prefer the real version standing in front of me."

Catherine chuckled then reached for his hand. They looked expectantly at Vincent and Jennifer.

Catherine spoke softly but showed her concern. "Jennifer?"

Jennifer shifted her head and looked over. "I’m okay, Mom."

She pulled away from her dad and looked up at him. He put his hand on her cheek then pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

She smiled and turned to her mother then looked at her brother. "We didn’t expect you guys to come in so soon."

Jacob nodded. "Yeah, at least until tomorrow."

Catherine blushed and Vincent looked at his son as he held his daughter’s hand. "We needed to get our family settled before we spent time alone together."

Jacob looked at Jennifer and an unspoken message conveyed between them. He stood and she followed his lead. He took her hand and looked at his parents. "I’m taking Jennifer with me. Your family’s settled. We’ll see you tomorrow."

Jennifer giggled and rolled her eyes then punched his arm. "Or, maybe in a few days. How about if your two kids make sure you get served meals on a regular basis?"

Vincent looked down, thoroughly embarrassed. Jacob laughed. "You gotta eat sometime!"

Catherine groaned. "Okay, we accept. We’ll see you two, soon!"

Jacob and Jennifer left for the world Below.