Vincent looked over at Catherine. She stood and walked by him then snuggled down on his lap. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed the top of her head as she laid her head on his chest.
Catherine sighed contentedly. "I never realized how much I missed this."
He cocked his head and looked at her curiously.
She looked up at him, smiled and put her head back against him. "The closeness and safety I feel in your arms. The love that surrounds us."
"And our family."
She sat up to talk. "We do have a family now. Jacob’s a wonderful young man, you’ve done a remarkable job raising him."
Vincent shook his head. "Catherine, for you to raise a child with Jennifer’s apparent differences and have her be so well adjusted and confident...she reminds me so much of you, she has your strength."
Catherine leaned forward. "And she has your spirit and your beauty."
She kissed him before he could protest. Once again, their passion sprang to life. This time it was Catherine who pulled away.
Vincent was in the middle of raining kisses on a downward path into the vulnerable part of her neck. "Mmmm?"
"Vincent, where did Jacob take Jennifer?"
He sighed, knowing where this would eventually lead. "Below."
She looked up at him shyly. "Does everyone know about me and her?"
"Yes, everyone who knew you was crushed when they found out about..."
He stopped unable to go on. Catherine finished for him. "My death."
"Yes. We didn’t think it would be fair to not share the news of your life. Mary broke down and cried for a long time. Father was beside himself trying to console her."
Catherine smiled. "I loved Mary. She always treated me like her daughter."
Vincent hugged her. "Mary loved you as well. Then of course, Jacob showed Jennifer’s picture to everyone proudly proclaiming he had a sister."
"How did people react?"
Vincent rolled his eyes. "In true tunnel fashion, they insisted on throwing a Welcome Home party."
"So, when is this party?"
"I have a feeling if Jennifer is not overwhelmed they’re having it now." Knowing Catherine the way he did, he looked down. "Perhaps we should check on her."
"Do you mind?"
"Catherine, I’ve waited this long for your return, I can wait another two hours."
Catherine kissed him passionately. "It won’t be that long." She stood and held her hand out to him. "Vincent, take me home."
He stood and grasped her hand. He brought it to his lips and headed towards his world.
Jacob and Jennifer had left Peter’s house and leaded to the world Below. Jacob talked the entire time relating story after story to her. Jennifer listened as she took in her surroundings, amazed at the beauty and the vastness of it all.
Jacob showed her Vincent’s chamber and the picture of their parents.
"It’s beautiful, Jacob. They really love one another don’t they?"
Jacob showed her Father’s chamber along with the attached library. He was surprised they had encountered few people. It was still relatively early and the tunnels were unusually quiet.
Finally, as they were heading towards the dining area, they heard voices. Jacob led the way as Jennifer nervously started to lag behind. Father and Peter walked up behind them.
Father touched her elbow. "Jennifer, there is a roomful of people who are anxious to meet you but if you’re not up to it?"
She looked at him and Peter with relief. "No, Grandpa. I’m okay."
Father smiled. "Jacob has always called me grandfather but I think I like being a grandpa."
He hugged her then stepped away as she looked at her three escorts. "If you three wouldn’t mind staying close, I think I’ll be okay."
Jacob walked in and the room grew silent. "Everyone, I’d like you to meet my sister, Jennifer."
Jennifer walked in with Father and Peter on either side of her. The room erupted in applause and Jennifer watched as an older woman made her way towards them.
Father smiled warmly. "Mary, this is our Jennifer."
Mary looked lovingly at Jennifer. A stray piece of hair had fallen forward when Jennifer had hid her face nervously. Mary moved the piece of hair out of her face. "There that’s better isn’t it?" Jennifer nodded and Mary continued. "I bet it is. Now we can see what a beautiful young woman you have your mother’s eyes, you know. Did you know that I raised your father from the time he..."
Mary had put her arm around Jennifer and started to guide her down the stairs towards everyone else. Jennifer looked up and saw Devin’s familiar face smiling back. She rolled her eyes at him and smiled, showing him she was slightly overwhelmed.
At the bottom of the steps, he kissed her cheek. "You’re doing good, jelly bean."
Jacob came by her side. "Come on, let me introduce you around."
Jacob led her around and headed to the table that sat Rebecca, William, Cullen, Mouse and Jaime, Kanin and Olivia and Pascal and Marci. The next table was, Samantha, Eric, Kipper, Zack, Jeffery, Michael and Brooke.
Table after table welcomed her and Jennifer began to relax. The children, tired of waiting, were coming up and introducing themselves.
She leaned into her brother. "I already forgot half the people’s names."
"No one will expect you to remember their name. Give it a week or two."
The room suddenly grew quite once again as all eyes turned to the back. Vincent and Catherine walked in holding hands.
Mary broke down and ran for Catherine. Catherine met her halfway and hugged her fiercely.
"My dear sweet girl, you’ve finally come home!"
Catherine nodded through her tears. "Yes, I have."
Mary backed away. "You’ll stay won’t you?"
Catherine looked up at Vincent then back to Mary. "If Vincent will have me."
Vincent looked down at Catherine. "Catherine, that’s your decision...I can’t make it for you..."
Jacob and Jennifer screamed in unison. "Dad!"
He shot them both a look. "I wasn’t finished. But Catherine, if you should choose to stay..." He got down on one knee and held her hand. "I would love for you to become my wife."
Catherine broke into tears and flung her arms around his neck. "I would be honored, Vincent."
He had tears in his eyes as he rose to his feet. They embraced tenderly as their family and friends looked on. People began to come up and greet Catherine and congratulate them on the engagement. Catherine hugged all of her old friends but thankfully all of them kept their time with her short, promising to catch up as soon as she was settled.
Jennifer came up and threw her arms around Vincent’s neck. "Way to go, Daddy!"
Vincent realized he enjoyed being called Daddy. Jacob had always called him Dad. It would be fun having a daughter.
Catherine leaned in and whispered in his ear. "You know she’s only calling you Daddy because she wants something." She looked at her daughter. "Right?"
Vincent looked at Jennifer, who smiled sweetly. "That’s not true! I love my Daddy!" She blushed then, knowing she had had spoken the truth about her feelings for the first time.
"And I love you, Jennifer!"
Jennifer looked down, hiding her face. "There is one thing, Jacob suggested we have a big slumber party with all the kids in this place called the Great Hall. Is it okay?"
She looked up hopefully and Vincent knew he was being had. He tapped the end of Jennifer’s nose. "Anything for my little girl."
Catherine rolled her eyes. "Oh, great! We’re in trouble!"
Jacob walked up and put his arm around his mother’s shoulder. She smiled at him. "Hi, son."
He kissed her cheek. "Hi, Mom!"
Vincent looked over at Jacob. "What’s this about a slumber party?"
Jacob blushed. "I was just trying to introduce Jennifer to all the kids. I want her to fit in."
Catherine nodded. "That was extremely nice of you, Jacob."
Vincent rolled his eyes. "Yes, to pick the chamber the farthest from the adults."
Catherine rushed to Jacob’s defense. "It’s probably the biggest right?"
Jacob nodded. Yes." He pretended to think. "You know, Jennifer and I can always
hang out with you two tonight instead."
"Go!" Vincent growled.
The twins needed no encouragement and took off running.
Catherine turned to Vincent. "Is it finally our turn?"
Vincent shyly lowered his face and touched his forehead against hers. "Yes."
Catherine reached for his hand then turned towards his chamber.
Vincent carried Catherine over the threshold leading to his chamber. She kissed him while he placed her feet back on the floor. He looked away shyly.
Catherine wanted this to be the best night of their lives. "Vincent, is there a place where I can clean up?"
He nodded towards the stained glass window. "There’s a bathing chamber behind the window."
Catherine gasped. "Really! So close? I never knew it was there."
He shrugged. "Father allowed it when I got older. It gave me some privacy..."
He trailed off, embarrassed by the difference in his looks. Catherine came forward and ran her hands up his chest then around his neck. "So, are you the only one that uses it?"
He nodded. "Yes, sometimes Father or Jacob comes in but mostly its mine."
Catherine grinned. "So no one will come in to use it tonight?"
Vincent looked at her curiously, not sure where this was leading. "No."
Catherine glanced at the entrance to the tunnels and noticed something new. She walked over and held up the curtain that hung to the side. "I’ve never seen this before?"
Vincent blushed. "It’s new."
Catherine wondered briefly and had to ask the question. "How new?"
Vincent face grew even redder. "Kanin installed it yesterday. He said it helped him and Olivia...gain some privacy."
A stunned Catherine shook her head. "All this’ve never found a need..."
She trailed off and Vincent rushed to her side. "Catherine...there has never been anyone but you in my heart. I’ve never..."
She rushed to reassure him. "Vincent, me either. Well, not since you and I..."
He looked away. "I still can’t remember that time..."
"Oh, Vincent, you don’t have to remember. Let our love guide you."
He looked at her hopefully. She held out her hand to him. "Let’s make new memories."
Vincent closed the curtain to the outside. Catherine let him lead her behind the glass window.
He looked down at her. "There are towels over there and shampoo, conditioner, soap...everything you’ll need."
He went to walk away and she tightened her grip on his hand. "Vincent, I need you!"
He gasped in surprise. "Oh! I...didn’"
He blew out the breath he was holding and looked at her shyly. "I always said that if I had to do it all over again I would never have let there be a distance between us."
Catherine reached up and slowly began to unbutton his shirt. She removed his outer shirt then lifted her hands up under his thermal. He jumped at her first touch. She kissed him and his fears went slowly away. She inched his shirt up his body and then over his head. He looked at her for any sign of revulsion but she came forward and kissed his chest then kissed her way up to his lips. Vincent tightened his arms around her as he returned her kiss.
Catherine stepped away and slowly lifted her shirt up. Vincent took over and helped her pull it over her head. She smiled at him as she stood there in her bra. Vincent caressed his hands up and down her arms. Catherine kissed him and his hands slipped up her back. He felt for a bra clasp and couldn’t find one.
Catherine pulled away. "It’s in front."
Vincent tried to still his heart but his hands shook as he made his way to the clasp nestled in the middle of her breasts. The backs of his hands brushed the sides of her breasts as he undid the clasp. He struggled for air while he hooked his thumbs under the straps and slowly pushed her bra off of her shoulders. It fell to the ground, exposing her to him.
"Catherine, you’re beautiful."
She came forward and kissed him. He felt her hardened nipples brush against his chest. He pulled her to him and deepened the kiss. Catherine slid her hands to his waist then reached between them and undid the button on his pants. He gasped and pulled away from her touch.
She smiled and undid her own button then slipped her pants down over her hips. She kicked them off her feet and stood naked before him. With a backward glance, she walked into the pool. The warm water flowed around her.
Vincent followed her lead. He removed his boots and pants and with as much pride as he could muster walked into the pool.
Catherine turned her back to him, giving him a second to come to terms with their new level of intimacy. "Vincent? Would you wash my hair?"
He gratefully did as he was asked. He knew Catherine was trying to pave the way for him. She went underwater and wet her hair down. Vincent poured shampoo into his hands and lathered it through her hair, gently massaging her scalp. She moaned with pleasure. She dipped her hair underwater and he applied the conditioner in the same way. Once again, Catherine dipped her head underwater removing the suds.
She came up and turned around to face him. "Your turn."
Vincent noticed the water dripping from her erect nipples and was glad for the distraction. He went under water to wet his hair then turned away from her.
"Vincent, you have to bend lower or I can’t reach you."
He did and Catherine poured shampoo into her hands then massaged his scalp.
He moaned in ecstasy. "This feels wonderful, Catherine."
He dipped his head to rinse and she added the conditioner. Once again he went underwater to rinse.
He came up and turned around and saw Catherine holding a bar of soap. She was twirling it in her hands, creating lather. She stepped forward and put her hands to his chest and started to wash him. Vincent closed his eyes and put his head back as Catherine caressed his chest and then up and down his arms. She pushed on him gently making him back up onto an underwater ledge that was on the side. He sat and she lifted his leg and gently caressed his feet and up his leg. She finished and put his leg down and grabbed the other one to follow the same routine.
She twirled the bar of soap as she lathered up. She placed her hand on his ribs then headed down from his waist. She kissed him as she gently touched his manhood. Vincent grabbed onto her waist and pulled her close. Catherine ran her hands up and down his length until he gasped and pulled away.
She knew he was close to release and trying to gain control. She gave him a few minutes then handed him the bar of soap. "Your turn."
She stood before him as he looked into her eyes, asking one last time for her permission. He lathered up his hands and started at her shoulders. He made his way downward and cupped her breasts. Her nipples hardened and he played with the buds that had formed. Catherine moaned and grasped his shoulders for support, throwing her head back. He caressed her arms and back then lifted her up onto the shelf. He lathered his hands again and massaged his way up both of her legs. At the junction of her thighs he paused and looked at her. She spread her legs for him as he touched her core.
He sucked in his breath as he felt her readiness.
"Vincent, I can’t wait!"
Catherine kissed him, grabbed his shoulders then drew her legs up around his waist. He guided himself into her and she moaned as he filled her. She leaned back exposing her breasts to his mouth. He eagerly leaned forward and suckled her. Electricity shot through her and she began to rock her hips. He moaned into her chest then tightened his hold on her. She pumped vigorously and he fell back onto the shelf and put his hands on her hips helping her with the movement.
Years of waiting drove them quickly to the edge. Vincent felt her go over as he roared into her chest, following soon behind her. Catherine held tightly to him. Eventually he slipped from her body.
Catherine became concerned at his silence. "Vincent?" He was weeping into her neck. "Vincent, what is it?"
"Catherine, I remembered. I can remember the night our children were conceived."
"Oh, Vincent. I’m so happy for you."
"Catherine, it was beautiful."
She smiled. "Yes. I told you it would be."
"I love you, Catherine."
"Vincent, I love you too."
He kissed her passionately then backed away to ask her permission. "Catherine?"
"Yes, Vincent. I’m ready."
He lifted her from the water and carried her over to the corner where he set her on the floor. He wrapped her in a towel then wrapped one around his waist. She took another and dried his hair then wrapped one around her hair.
They walked hand in hand towards the bed. At the side of the bed, Catherine removed her towels and dropped them onto a nearby chair. She pulled back the blankets and then turned towards him.
"I used to dream about being here with you, lying in this bed, wrapped in your arms."
He came forward and kissed her then chuckled. "I dreamed of this as well, although then I considered them a nightmare. It was usually followed by a dip in the coldest pool."
Catherine laughed then looked at him intently. "I promise you, Vincent. You’ll never have to do that again."
She crawled onto the far side of the bed and looked up at him. "Come to bed, Vincent."
He dropped his towel and slipped in next to her. He covered them both and turned and brought her into his arms.
Catherine leaned over him and wrapped her leg over his waist. She slowly kissed her way up his chest to his lips. She kissed him until she felt his hardness against her leg.
She pulled back and whispered. "Trust me, Vincent?"
He wondered briefly why she said something so unusual. Catherine kissed him then started a downward path with her kisses. Her hands caressed the hard plains of his arms and chest as her kisses gently feathered against him. He gasped when she was close to his waist and continued downward.
She gently took his manhood in her hands and caressed it lovingly. A bead of moisture formed on the tip as she lowered her head and kissed it away. Vincent moaned and grabbed for the sheets, balling them into his hands.
She covered his length with kisses as she wet him with her tongue. Down one side and up the other she concentrated on the tip once again and swirled her tongue around the edges. She closed her mouth over him and went down as much of the length as she could. She fell short by a little more than the width of her hand as she closed her hand around him. As she caressed up and down her hand followed the path of her mouth.
Vincent was panting heavily and moaning her name.
Catherine slowed her pace wanting to prolong his ecstasy. He reached around her and was able to touch her womanhood as she continued to pleasure him. Catherine could feel when he came to close to the edge so she was able to slow her pace again. Finally he could stand no more.
"Catherine," he panted.
She closed her mouth around him and with a few quick strokes brought him over the edge. She wiped at her mouth then crawled up and snuggled against him. He held her as he tried to slow his heart and catch his breath.
She wondered nervously if he had enjoyed it. "Vincent?"
"Catherine, I...have read of lovers doing such things but my imagination never took me to believe it could be so...wonderful. I would never have asked that...I mean..."
She smiled into his chest. "Vincent, I liked giving you pleasure. Trust me, I get just as much out of it."
He guided her onto her back and went up on his shoulder and leaned over her. He had dreamed of doing this but didn’t know if it was acceptable. She had proven to him that it was. He kissed her passionately and smiled inwardly when he touched her breasts and she moaned in pleasure.
He lowered his head and suckled at her breast, bringing the nipple into the cleft in his lips. She gasped and clutched his shoulders. He spent long minutes moving from breast to breast treating them equally.
His hand reached for her lower half and he slid his fingers through her curls as he found her. He gently slid his fingers around her outer lips then dipped one inside of her. She bucked against his hand and gasped for breath. He lowered his head and began his own trail of downward kisses.
At the junction of her thighs he slowly lowered his head and tasted her sweet nectar. She moaned as he lapped at her with his tongue, drinking of her juices.
He slowly entered her with a long finger and mimicked the motion of making love. She gasped as he continued all the while he licked and suckled on her outer lips.
Pleasuring Vincent had almost brought her to her own completion several times so it didn’t take much for him to send her flying over the edge. He felt her plunge and gave her a few seconds to come back to reality.
He hovered over her and whispered her name. She nodded as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he plunged inside of her.
They clung to each other and this time their joining was slow and pleasurable. Their hands were everywhere, touching and feeling each other. Vincent was up on his elbows and watched her eyes as every stroke he made brought her closer to the end. Love flowed through the bond and overwhelmed them both. As they loved one another, the intensity brought tears to each of their eyes.
Vincent felt the pressure building in both of them and held off as long as he could but Catherine worked her own magic and tumbled them over the edge.
He cried out as he fell onto her. He stayed on his elbow to alleviate some of his weight but he shifted off of her as soon as he had the strength.
"Catherine, you’ll be the death of me."
She giggled. "I must admit, for old folks like us, three times tonight is pretty impressive...for both of us." A thought crossed her mind and she looked up into his eyes. "Vincent, how did you get over your shyness? I thought there was going to be a lot more of my trying to convince you."
He sighed. "Catherine, I’m glad my nervousness didn’t show..."
"I felt it in you, but you never let it stop you. I’m glad."
He smiled. "Glad?"
She giggled again. "There are hundreds of words that I feel right now but the important one is content. Thank you for loving me, Vincent. For sharing what we did."
"I regretted daily that I let my fears keep us apart. I wish I had been able to overcome them back then."
Catherine shook her head. "You did, the night you gave me our children." She frowned and he looked at her uncertainly.
"Catherine, what is it?"
"I wish I was able to give you more. I would have loved sharing my pregnancy with you."
Vincent sighed. "We have one of each, Catherine. And they’re both healthy and happy. I could not ask for more. Besides, I have a feeling that with your softness for Jacob and mine for Jennifer, we’re going to have our hands full."
She smiled. "You’re probably right."
She closed her eyes as sleep was finally winning its battle. She turned on her side facing away from him then scooted up against him. Vincent pulled her closer and surrounded her gently with his arms.
Their hearts and souls bonded once again, they fell into a contented sleep.