Jamie came hurrying back down the tunnel just as Mary was about to direct Catherine at one of the junctions. There they parted for awhile, and Jamie led Catherine down to a wooden stairwell, a level above the Great Hall. She stopped at a turning point on the stairs and handed Catherine a single, long-stem white rose to carry.
“This is from Vincent,” she blushed. “I’m supposed to go down first to let them know you’re here. Then you can follow.”
“Thank you again, Jamie. You know, you make a very pretty bridesmaid.”
Jamie smiled shyly with barely a glance down at her unaccustomed finery, then turned and fairly flew down the steps, long skirts billowing out behind.
Catherine paused, listening to the noise of the people below her, her family and friends. There were butterflies of excitement in her heart, but it wasn’t ‘stage fright’ she felt. It was expectation; the way you feel on a Christmas morning just before tearing open magical gifts... all the anticipation of weeks of waiting wrapped up in one moment of time…the excitement, the joy, the wonder! Now, the reality of their dream was finally here, the promise fulfilled, and she was savoring this treasured moment. Vincent’s love was the best gift she had ever received. He was down there, waiting for her! Her feet descended the steps of their own volition; their love was drawing them together.
Violin strains of Wagner’s Wedding March began as soon as she appeared. The Great Hall had been transformed into a lover’s ‘fairyland’! Closed off from the howling winds outside by two massive, ancient, oaken doors, the huge underground cavern was ablaze with white candles. Festive bursts of white decorations were everywhere one looked…there were masses of white flowers, streamers, balloons, cloth covered tables, even a white runner divided the crowd from the stairs to where Vincent stood waiting beneath their portrait. It had been painted by an artist Catherine had arranged a showing for, post mortem. The painting glowed from the candlelight, and seemed almost as real as the two whom it depicted, a portrait of their love and their timeless bond.
The brightness of the hall only reflected how she felt-shining with love. As she descended the stairs, the Hall was a sea of upturned, smiling faces, but her eyes flew to meet his, and she saw the fire in his gaze. She could feel his love reaching out to enfold her.
Vincent had felt her mounting excitement at the top of the stairs, and he gasped now, at the vision she made. She seemed to float down the stairs, like a shining silver star of the night descending to light his life. He began to tremble and fought for self-control.
At the foot of the stairs, her old family friend, Peter, offered Catherine his arm. He stooped to whisper in her ear. “I once handed you to your proud parents; now on their behalf, I’d be proud to hand you to your husband.”
“Thank you,” she nodded smiling, taking the proffered arm. Somehow, it only seemed right that someone from the world Above, would be presenting her to this world Below, someone who was connected to both of her worlds and both of her families.
Peter paused before Vincent, placing Catherine’s hand in his, and patting both their hands briefly in a silent blessing, before turning back to take his seat.
Catherine looked up admiringly at Vincent, who at six and a half feet, stood head and shoulders above everyone else…vibrant with strength and love. He had the bearing of some noble prince of a bygone era, lacking only a crown. He certainly looked majestic attired in an emerald green brocade tunic that buttoned down the right side and fit him like a glove. A red rose pinned on his shoulder did not escape her notice. Close fitting, dark brown pants and tan, soft leather boots completed the impression. Even his hair, smoothly trimmed and brushed seemed to glow. Those brilliant, sapphire blue eyes drew her gaze, but it was his expression of open, unguarded love that made her heart sing. Her broad, joyful smile was returned by his own.
There was a movement beside them; the Oriental priest, Lo Chan, garbed in orange ceremonial robes, was lighting the two symbolic candles prior to commencing the ceremony. Catherine turned to pass her white rose to Jamie.
“Please join hands,” he directed. Catherine and Vincent placed their palms together between them. Just that light touch sent messages of promised closeness tingling between them, even as their eyes spoke volumes in the language of love.
“Before all of you present,” the priest addressed the assembly, “Vincent and Catherine do now openly profess their love and commitment to each other by joining together as one for all time.
“Vincent, will you now vow to join with Catherine only, and no other, for as long as you shall live?”
Vincent gazed solemnly into her eyes and vowed, “Catherine, without your love, I could not exist. I will love you and care for you until my dying breath, and then, beyond death’s dominion.”
The priest then turned to Catherine. “Catherine, will you now vow to join with Vincent only, and no other, for as long as you shall live?”
She looked adoringly at him and said clearly, “Vincent, you are my reason for living, for being. From a whole world of possibilities, I choose to spend my life by your side, loving and caring only for you, no matter what may come.”
Their fingers entwined. Catherine felt they had taken an intimate step closer to each other just in that slight motion.
“What symbols of your love do you present before these witnesses of these, your vows?” the priest continued.
Vincent turned to Mouse standing nearby, who handed him a ring. The light caught on its crystal surface and reflected a prism glow. He gently gathered her left hand in his and slipped a ring of gold braid on her finger. Caught in a topknot of the braided wire was a roughly heart-shaped crystal of the same type as the necklace that Vincent had given her on their first anniversary that unfortunately had been lost. The ring fit perfectly! Catherine gasped at its sparkling beauty. To think that Vincent had kept it secret for so long without hope! Her eyes darted to meet his.
His voice was deep, and husky with emotion as he vowed, “All that I am; all that I have to give is yours, as my heart is.”
Before she could even draw a breath, he turned back to Mouse to retrieve another object. Then he hung her long-lost crystal necklace around her neck, murmuring in her ear in words only she could hear, “I found this below, where your love saved me.”
Her hand cradled it, and tears of happiness threatened to overcome her, but a blush rose on her cheeks from his comment. To cover her reaction, she retrieved the black and gold rose ring from a tiny pocket in her kimono sleeve. She took his left hand in hers and brought it to her lips. She kissed his hand reverently for a long moment, and then smoothly slipped the hoop ring onto his finger.
“This band belonged to my mother. I feel it unites us with the past even as it carries us into the future. With it I give all my past, all my future, my every moment, into your keeping.”
The priest then continued the service. “With these vows and symbols of your love, in the presence of all here today, I proclaim you husband and wife, until time is no more. You may seal these vows by a kiss.”
Vincent tenderly gathered Catherine’s upturned face between his trembling hands. He saw only love and trust in her eyes, felt her longing for this moment. His gaze lingered on her quivering lips, and slowly, gently covered them with his mouth. A rapture shot through them, burning at once with a bright, hot light! They pulled apart in surprise, each recognizing the truth in the other’s eyes…Catherine reached up to touch his mouth in wonder, and then her own still tingling lips.
The priest was speaking again as if nothing was amiss. “Vincent, Catherine, these two candles are a symbol of your former lives and selves; each burning separately, and shedding their small circle of light where they could. Take them,” he indicated to the couple before him, and they did so, and together lit a larger, single candle. They then blew out their individual candles, and set them aside. “Just as these small flames have joined to shed a greater light than they could alone, your souls have joined, creating a new life, which will spread your great love to guide all those around you.
“Vincent, Catherine, your courage to love serves as an inspiration to all who climb the high mountains and cross the great waters in love’s name. The tests of your love have been greater than can be endured; but the strength of your love is beyond known bounds. Its light has carried you beyond the great differences in your lives, beyond great distances and dangers, and even beyond death’s door.” Holding the larger candle aloft, he exhorted them, “Let your love now be like this flame in the darkness, bringing light to all around you, and like a flame, you must tend to it with care, so that it never goes out.”
Turning them around to face their assembled ‘family’ he announced, “Friends, may I present to you Vincent and Catherine Wells.”
One by one, their friends came forward, handing Catherine a white or red long-stem rose, and giving their good wishes, until her arms and heart were full.
“You look so beautiful, my love,” Vincent whispered in her ear, “just as I imagined you would.”
“I love you, Vincent!” she replied huskily.
Lastly, Jamie came up and helped Catherine place the armful of roses in two huge vases. Chef William then announced dinner and Vincent led Catherine to a romantically set table for two at one end of the room. They were charmingly served by some of the children, while others created a romantic mood by performing in a string quartet. Meanwhile, the rest of the celebrants served themselves from an attractive buffet.
“You are not eating,” Vincent observed, and then teased, “William will doubt his abilities.”
“William has done a remarkable job on this dinner!” Catherine answered squeezing his hand. “I’m just too happy to eat; I feel like I’m flying about ten feet off the ground.”
“I share the feeling, yet it would be a shame not to enjoy such a banquet.”
“We wouldn’t want to offend William’s sensibilities,” she laughed, “…so to please you, I’ll try to eat something.”
Catherine managed to eat all the delicious entrees served, although she couldn’t remember afterwards what she had actually eaten. With an encompassing wave of her hand, Cathy indicated the reception, “Vincent…this reception surpasses any that I’ve ever attended! Where can all this have come from?”
He smiled at her tenderly, caressing her hand. “From full, loving hearts, Catherine. We have many friends, both here Below and in the world Above, who wished to show their love and support for us, and gave from their hearts. What you see in this place is the sum of all of their most romantic dreams, imaginations, and experiences. I had no idea, myself, of the extent of their gift, their love, until I came down tonight.”
“It’s all so…wonderful, Vincent, so perfect! You are wonderful, my Husband.” She tried out the new expression on her tongue and saw the fire in his eyes in response. She leaned across the table and whispered softly. “I’ve missed you all day.”
“I know. It has been a torture beyond words not to come to you. I’ve heard you have accomplished a miraculous change in our chamber. I’m looking forward to seeing it; but it must wait until we return. I have been arranging some surprises of my own,” he added mysteriously. “Everything for our journey is in readiness, including your bag, which Jamie brought me.”
“I am looking forward to all your surprises, and the adventure of our journey; but most of all… to being alone with you,” she said, and the passion she felt was evident in her voice and expression, before she dropped her gaze.
Vincent couldn’t trust himself to reply sensibly. They enjoyed the children’s classical presentation for awhile in companionable silence. Then Vincent rose and took her hand in his. “Catherine, will you dance with me?”
The loving look that she gave him told him she would willingly do anything he asked of her. Rising quickly with a dazzling smile, she replied, “Yes I will, Vincent, and then I will be in your arms where I’ve longed to be.”
He led her onto the ‘dance floor’ and taking her into his arms, swung her into the waltz the children were playing. They were so attuned to each other, that they glided to the rhythm in perfect harmony.
“You look truly magnificent, Vincent! I feel like Cinderella at the ball and that the magic will wear off at any moment.”
“I only know that I am under your spell. When I looked up and saw you on the stair, I thought you were an enchanted star falling to earth. You are so beautiful, Catherine, it takes my breath away.”
“If I’m a shining star, it’s because of you. I love you so much, Vincent.”
He pulled her even closer to him, and she could feel a sudden tension in him.
“Catherine,” he croaked hoarsely, “I am afraid of how strong…how deep….my love for you is. In the past…I have kept silent so I wouldn’t frighten you. But…to have you so near…is both a wondrous joy, and a terror that I will lose control…and hurt you. I don’t ever want to hurt…or frighten you, Catherine.”
“Vincent, I am not afraid of the power of your love…I feel safe and protected in it; and I know you will not lose control, now or ever,” she assured him.
“How can you know that so certainly?” he asked doubtfully.
“I know because, when you were ill and were lost to me, I came below to help you find yourself again. In your rage, you were about to strike me… but even then you couldn’t allow yourself to harm me. Vincent, you sacrificed your life to save me from yourself!”
“I have no memory of that night,” he murmured, “but I know your love…your sacrifice saved me.”
“Vincent, there are no words to say how glad I am that you survived. I was so afraid for you, for us…for myself. As I clung to you, desperately calling to you, you came back to me…and we loved,” she added shyly. “It was no sacrifice…it was my gift of love…I treasure those moments, Vincent, but I hope I never see you so ill again,” she shuddered.
“Then let us not remember those dark days. Today, we will begin to build happy memories. I have never been so happy as I am at this moment.”
“My love, this moment is just the beginning. I have vowed today to decorate your life with ornaments of happiness, “ she said sincerely.
Her feet were suddenly stilled and she reached up to pull his head down to hers. “Here’s one,” she whispered against his mouth and kissed him until they were both breathless. For a while they were lost in their love, but when applause broke out all around them, they came to themselves, parting with embarrassed grins.
Ten-year-old Samantha ran up to them. “Come on, it’s time to open the gifts. Everyone’s waiting!” she exclaimed impatiently.
There were gifts piled all over a side table. It should have taken some time to open and examine them all, but the children couldn’t resist the opportunity of ‘helping’ and soon all the presents were defrocked of their wrappings. They were quickly shown to the bewildered couple, who couldn’t possibly keep all the names straight, and placed back on display. There was an exquisitely carved rose from Cullen, a book of poetry from Father, a handmade afghan from Mary, a braided rug from Jamie, tinkling wind chimes made from different pipe lengths from Pascal; each friend giving something from their heart and hand.
Then William brought in his masterpiece; a romantically decorated tiered wedding cake with hearts and red and white roses cascading down the sides. After many exclamations of delight and praise, it was finally cut into and passed around. While they were enjoying the delicious dessert, Pascal banged on a pipe with his ever-present wrench for attention.
“Listen, everyone! It’s time to drink a toast to our friends’ happiness.” He raised his voice for all to hear. “If you will have your glasses ready, refills are being passed around,” he continued as the servers moved through the crowd with pitchers.
“To Catherine and Vincent…May all your dark times be behind you now. Let the light of your happiness fill your days, and may they be long and full of good health.”
“Here! Here! To Vincent! To Catherine!” The crowd cheered and drained their glasses. “Speech! Speech!” they called.
Standing, Vincent drew Catherine up beside him, his arm drawing her close for support. Catherine beamed at all their friends and said with a catch in her voice, “Thank you all for making this the first happiest day of the rest of my new life. Thank you for your welcome and for all that you have shared with us. No one could have better friends, family or a happier, more perfect wedding day. I love you all!”
Vincent struggled to express his gratitude in words. “Without your dreams that made this world a reality, neither Catherine nor I would be here today. Thank you all for standing with me in my darkest hours, and now in my happiest ones. Thank you for making this wonderful day possible in such a short time. I love all of you.”
Then he couldn’t speak further and embraced Catherine in the emotion of the moment. Their friends surged forward to exchange hugs, kisses and good wishes. The music began playing again and some couples began to dance, and others to converse.
Father approached them later in the evening, kissing Catherine on the cheek, and then Vincent. Hugging them both he said, “Bless you both. I never thought to see this day for you, and now I have a daughter and a grandson. Listen,” he said conspiratorially, “any time you two want to slip away from the festivities, do so. You’ll need to rest before your journey, and this could go on for hours yet.”
Admiring his tact, Catherine replied, “Thank you, Father, for arranging everything so well. I am beginning to tire from all the day’s excitement.” Turning to Vincent she added, “But not too tired for another dance.”
“Excuse us, Father,” he smiled and gathered her willingly into his arms once again. They were soon lost in each other’s eyes, as they danced to the romantic tune from Above. When the music ended, they found themselves at the foot of the stairs, and in silent agreement, began to ascend them. Shouts from the assembled well wishers followed them with a rain of rice. They smiled and waved, then ran up the stairs and out of sight.