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Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:12 am
by Angie
The Treasure Chambers will have a WFOL page for fan fiction and other content submitted directly.

The site is here:
Note that The Treasure Chambers is unashamedly ALL SEASON, and innovative content is welcome. It also hosts the B&B Museum Project's Museum.

All fan fiction must be edited before submission. Please indicate whether the submission is ADULT. All fan fiction is posted in pdf, epub and mobi (if possible). It may be submitted in any format convenient to the writer to

Graphics, videos and craft content is welcome.

Anyone submitting material must agree to allow it to be added to regular Treasure Chambers feature pages (such as the Library) after WFOL ends. This is so that newcomers do not have to hunt for fan fiction or other content on celebration pages.

The WFOL page will be permanent and may be accessed at any time. It will be added to the Features Index on the Treasure Chambers.

Re: WFOL Host

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:05 am
by cindyrae77
Dear Angie, thank you so much!

Something that kind of 'hit' me so I thought I'd ask. Is it okay if the WFOL story posted to you is in multiple parts or chapters? You just want those as 'one long continuous' posting, right? With the Chapter headings simply embedded in the text, rather than needing a separate link (Similar to the way I did "I, Beast," for your "Dead of Winter" celebration.)

And along those lines, as long as a 'finished story' is offered, is it all right if that story turns into something 'larger' down the road? Would successive 'installments' be posted on the WFOL page as well as the 'author's page in the library? (Thank you for setting that up, by the way. Awesome!) Or no, succeeding stories (I'm thinking of things like CL's "Communities," here, on TST) would go under the author's name only, since they're not WFOL related.

I only ask because I thought I was 'done' writing "Erika Salven" and then a continuation of that story came knocking. (You have the whole thing on your site. But what I thought was a 'standalone story' which then became 'Chapter One'' is on CABB.) The version on your site is far more complete, obviously. (Or at least it's longer!) :D

Would you like us to indicate that all WFOL stories are indeed WFOL stories, (Maybe denoting 'for WFOL 2016' after the title, so that people who click into them on the library page know what they're getting?) Or no, that's not strictly necessary?

Sorry to bother you with questions, dear. I just want to make sure I'm doing this right! (The fact you are willing to host, and that it is open to all seasons, interpretations, ratings and styles is blessing enough. I know most people seem to write to the classic/SND side, as do I. But it's nice to know that everyone will have a place to settle, if they need one.)

Oh, PS! WFOL runs during Valentine's Day this year. So those fics/art/videos are welcome as well, yes?

Re: WFOL Host

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:08 pm
by Angie
Cindy, I don't mind if a story has sequels, prequels or whatever, as long as the part originally posted is more or less complete in itself. Your Erika was complete in its original form, but was expanded beautifully. I'm quite willing to combine the parts at a later date if that's what the author wants.

Since I have quite a lot of different projects going on during the year, I would appreciate it if writers could tell me which celebration the story is for.

Adult stories will be marked as such at the time of posting, and I use a very broad brush. If it's skating along the border, or even if only one paragraph deserves the adult rating, the whole story will be so rated.

I don't personally care what Season the submission pertains too - it will be judged on its merits, not on its adherence to canon. However, if the writer wants to define it, fine with me.

Write for any celebration, or just for regular posting, as you wish. As mentioned, I do ask that the story be edited before being submitted. I will proof it for typos before posting, but cannot commit to editing.
