Beauty and the Beast
A Love Song That Whispers My Name
New Orleans, Louisiana
July 9-16, 2025

Roomie database

Looking to share a room?
Post your info here, including any info that might be important, such as how many roomies you're looking for, whether you're a morning person or night owl, snoring preferences....
(Obfuscating your email address, if you provide one, is recommended.)

Name Dates needed Notes Contact info Date posted
Bubba [sample record] Wed - Wed night owl; don't snore, ok if you do; can sleep anywhere bubba -at- geeeemail[.]commm 2022-08-06 17:15:03

Name(s) *
Dates needed
Contact info
Who's our mane man? (This is an anti-spammer question. Answer it correctly.)

Need to change your info? Enter a new record with a note to delete your old one and je will delete it later.
