1999 A Kingdom by the Sea Revisited
July 16-19, 1999

3 tshirts, 2 mugstote bag, conzine, Orlando guidebooks

Tote bag, candle, conzine, tshirt
image center: Vincent and Catherine from shoulders up in a pose similar to the dream sequence in A Distant Shore; text top: A Kingdom by the Sea Revisited; text below: The Romance Continues, and smaller text: Beauty and the Beast Convention, Orlando 1999
mug, front and back
same image as tote bagsame text as tote bag

Con Announcements

Angelique's con report

Sigma's con report

Becky Bain's con report & other info
on UK Helpers Network

Marina's photos/report

Sigma's photos

BlueroseCandlelight's Vids:
Opening Ceremonies
Ron Q & A
Edward Albert
David Schwartz
Linda Campanelli
Jamie Murray

Photos of con items are courtesy of Sigma.

con promo video

Con Poster Board (click for full size)