Chamber Music & Memories
July 6-8, 2012

Chamber Music & Memories | The Power of Vincent's Love | Beauty & the Beast | Dallas, TX July 6-8, 2012 | art by Sandy Tew | top left corner grand piano and some music notes; lower left corner a red and a white rose; left center Vincent with musical notes

Photos & Vids
je's, JoAnn's, Larry's, Linda's, Stace's & Tweetie Lynn's photos
Barbara Harvey's "White Stuff" vid

tote bag & contents
white vinyl bag with con logo
zine, plastic Mardi Gras style necklace blue with trumpets, print of Hauer Vincent, anniversary vignette, African American Visitors Guide to Dallas, coaster Texas the Lone Star State, Dallas & Fort Worth visitors guide, hand sanitizer, lip Vaseline cherry, packet of tissues, pencils, notebook, pink rose, handheld battery-powered fan, fruit snacks, small ceramic plate shaped like a flower

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Con Poster Board (click for full size)

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