Live the Dream OzCon 2013: A Portrait of Love
April 12-14, 2013

tote bag & contents

- a baseball cap, black, embroidered with a rose,
the Aussie flag, and the Ozcon name and date. Embroidery also on the
back. And the brim has a bottle opener in it!
- a bottle of lotion, rose fragrance
- 2 post cards, assorted scenes
- a notepad shaped like a sandal
- a pencil
- some rail maps
- a thicker notepad, with a paper attached that
says, Holiday Journal. Remember every moment of your OzCon adventure.
- the conzine on cd
- a winterfest candle decorated with white and
red roses, gold wire, a tiny crystal, the Ozcon logo, and green and
yellow ribbons
- a koala keychain (plush)
- a kangaroo keychain (plush)
- a kangaroo necklace (pewter perhaps? silver in
color with black shadows), in a red gift box
- a white porcelain trinket box in the shape of a
heart, with a big white rose on top
- a bracelet with pretty beads and 4 charms, a
rose, the Aussie flag, a koala, and a kangaroo, in a red gift box
- a crystal necklace (a big one!) wrapped in gold
wire, on a gold chain, with black pouch

Skippy's OzCon report
je's photos
je's OzCon report
con web site