Somewhere I Have Never Traveled
July 17-19, 2015

outline of a maple leaf, which contains Catherine and Vincent as seen from behind, gazing at mountains; text: Somewhere I Have Never Traveled | the Lovers' Journey | July 17 - 19, 2015 Calgary, Canada | Annual Beauty & the Beast Convention

Tote bag & goodies
white canvas bag bearing con logo; top of bag is red; handles are white and each side has 2 extra tacks to help hold the handles, but they look artful; very cute bags!from top left, going clockwise, name badge, mini book of Shakespeare's sonnets, cat toy, conzine on disc, heart-shaped plushie screen cleaner, Canada notebook, paw shaped fan, hand-made body butter, flat water bottle, Calgary tourism magazine and flyers, Canada button, Canada pencil, Port Pirie RDA pen, original Lynn Wright sketch, print of Sandy Tew quote poster, maps of local area, con schedule

Body butter (tote bag item)
small jar of body butter, labeled with Cal-Con Take Me Away logorecipe: Cal-Con Body Butter; 1/2 cup olive oil; 1/4 cup coconut oil; 1/4 cup beeswax; 2 tablespoons jojoba oil; vanilla fragrance oil; orange essential oil

Con schedule

Pet videos

Closing video

photos/vids from Helen, je, JoAnn, Larry, Laura G, Linda S

CHSBB's con report

Kari's post-con report

con web site

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