A Happy Life - July 29

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A Happy Life - July 29

by jecris27 » Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:38 am

jecris27 (3:29:28 PM): 3
jecris27 (3:29:29 PM): 2
jecris27 (3:29:31 PM): 1
mahurin10 (3:29:47 PM): I just love that voice
mahurin10 (3:30:01 PM): I love how he says her name
amnethyst2002 (3:30:14 PM): it kinda melts you doesn`t it?
vickychandler87 (3:30:40 PM): oh, it didn't start!
jecris27 (3:30:45 PM): darn!
jecris27 (3:30:49 PM): credits just ending
vickychandler87 (3:30:56 PM): thanks
jecris27 (3:31:35 PM): cute tea party
photodmom (3:31:56 PM): This hits me harder than any. I miss my mom so much.
jecris27 (3:32:15 PM): i'm so sorry. i hate to think of it
chops2006 (3:32:34 PM): oh yes i know
chops2006 (3:32:35 PM): :(
chops2006 (3:32:40 PM): i lost my mom at 14
jecris27 (3:32:53 PM): awful
amnethyst2002 (3:32:53 PM): i can relate to that..mum has been gone a year now..its still so raw....
vickychandler87 (3:32:59 PM): please tell me when she's with her dad
photodmom (3:33:21 PM): wow mine was just 7 years ago. but it always like yeaterday
jecris27 (3:33:22 PM): he's here
vickychandler87 (3:33:30 PM): thanks
photodmom (3:33:51 PM): I'm so sorry Chops
chops2006 (3:34:18 PM): you as well photo >:D<
amnethyst2002 (3:34:22 PM): its hard to deal with, the loss of a mother...my husband paul still has not grieved for her...its hard...very hard
chops2006 (3:34:37 PM): its hard to believe she's been gone for 10 years
chops2006 (3:35:19 PM): seems like a lifetime ago yet just just like yesterday
chops2006 (3:35:23 PM): if that makes sense
jecris27 (3:35:42 PM): yes
vickychandler87 (3:35:46 PM): yes, it makes every sense Shiloh
photodmom (3:35:51 PM): hug moment lost-dang
vickychandler87 (3:36:16 PM): Vincent now, right?
lamartus (3:36:23 PM): yep
jecris27 (3:36:27 PM): yes
photodmom (3:36:31 PM): totally Shiloh
amnethyst2002 (3:36:55 PM): theres vincent...his comforting voice....we all need that right now
vickychandler87 (3:37:08 PM): sure thing, Amy
mahurin10 (3:37:16 PM): remember when David at the con said the closer you got to Vincent the more real he looked.
amnethyst2002 (3:37:25 PM): yes i do...
vickychandler87 (3:37:27 PM): Oh my God!
vickychandler87 (3:37:40 PM): He was too real to deal with, he said
photodmom (3:38:06 PM): i would give anything to have seen Vincent up close
mahurin10 (3:38:23 PM): me too
chops2006 (3:38:31 PM): omg this is my most favorite episode
mahurin10 (3:38:36 PM): can you imagine having a picture of you and Vincent
amnethyst2002 (3:38:42 PM): catherine your mothers memory reminds you of your aloneness, the family you lost when she died.....how true a sentence spoke......
vickychandler87 (3:38:44 PM): I still think it was way more dificult for Catherine than for Vincent
chops2006 (3:38:46 PM): yet it breaks my heart every time lol
vickychandler87 (3:38:50 PM): mine too
mahurin10 (3:39:09 PM): me too vicky
vickychandler87 (3:39:12 PM): As I always say, Vincent has everyone Below
mahurin10 (3:39:33 PM): like father said, "Catherine had no one one the other side waiting for her"
vickychandler87 (3:39:41 PM): exactly
jecris27 (3:39:48 PM): those below don't seem to understand how hard it is for vincent though
vickychandler87 (3:39:58 PM): that's true also
jecris27 (3:40:17 PM): i thought psychiatrist were drug prescribers and psychologists were talkers...
mahurin10 (3:40:17 PM): yes
amnethyst2002 (3:40:21 PM): cathy looks how i felt the weeks before i came to LA!!
photodmom (3:40:27 PM): That is one thing that has driven me crazy. Why couldn't she have shared it with just a few of her closest friends.
vickychandler87 (3:40:27 PM): lol!
jecris27 (3:40:52 PM): i don't get that either. i can't imagine vincent minding if she had one confidante
jecris27 (3:40:57 PM): i pick jenny!
amnethyst2002 (3:41:18 PM): me pick Jenny....if jenny were not htere, then Joe
jecris27 (3:41:36 PM): Joe might want to prosecute V. i wouldn't pick him.
photodmom (3:41:38 PM): My thoughts too
vickychandler87 (3:42:01 PM): True, I'd be scared about poicking Joe...
vickychandler87 (3:42:07 PM): much as I love him :D
photodmom (3:42:11 PM): No he wouldn't- He is more understanding then given credit
amnethyst2002 (3:42:18 PM): i think if Joe knew how serious it was, he could be trusted
photodmom (3:42:34 PM): Plus in meeting Vincent he wouldn't
vickychandler87 (3:42:38 PM): But he would be so torn
jecris27 (3:43:03 PM): yes, better not to put him in that position
vickychandler87 (3:43:18 PM): It's easy for us from the outside... but Catherine might have been so frightened, I guess...
vickychandler87 (3:43:26 PM): to loose everything
photodmom (3:43:35 PM): That is probably why it never happened
vickychandler87 (3:43:54 PM): everything!
vickychandler87 (3:44:07 PM): He gives me everything...
jecris27 (3:44:12 PM): sigh
amnethyst2002 (3:44:23 PM): evrything and more....
photodmom (3:44:39 PM): double sigh
photodmom (3:44:57 PM): look at those eyes
vickychandler87 (3:44:59 PM): Trying to be happy... according to what standards...
jecris27 (3:45:01 PM): i want to just kick her here. maybe because i am so jealous!
photodmom (3:45:16 PM): Nicely said Father
jecris27 (3:45:16 PM): take what's been given you, girl!
photodmom (3:45:33 PM): ok am I ahead agoin
vickychandler87 (3:45:33 PM): I love this sceen!
vickychandler87 (3:45:45 PM): as if I had to ask...
chops2006 (3:45:47 PM): i must say, i think I have felt like Catherine, in that traumatized state
chops2006 (3:45:53 PM): for the last 6 years
vickychandler87 (3:46:08 PM): me too, Shiloh...
chops2006 (3:46:14 PM): :((
jecris27 (3:46:15 PM): this is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series
photodmom (3:46:17 PM): where are you all?
vickychandler87 (3:46:22 PM): mine too
jecris27 (3:46:24 PM): the raging river scene
vickychandler87 (3:46:26 PM): Father river
amnethyst2002 (3:46:32 PM): the banks of the river watching the two of them trying to cross
vickychandler87 (3:46:52 PM): Vincent is so so so right...
photodmom (3:46:53 PM): Ok that is what the well said comment is said for
chops2006 (3:47:14 PM): :((
vickychandler87 (3:47:20 PM): I'd be crying if you all were not here...
chops2006 (3:47:24 PM): I can't handle this episode lol
vickychandler87 (3:47:44 PM): I love you, Shiloh
vickychandler87 (3:47:50 PM): :D
jecris27 (3:47:58 PM): i love ya too!
chops2006 (3:47:59 PM): I love you more vicky :-*
photodmom (3:48:03 PM): Jenny and the phone call is where I'm at. let me know when there please
amnethyst2002 (3:48:16 PM): we all love each other...we`re family
vickychandler87 (3:48:16 PM): I love you all
jecris27 (3:48:18 PM): nancy on the phone
chops2006 (3:48:31 PM): >:D< to everyone lol
vickychandler87 (3:48:44 PM): office now?
photodmom (3:48:45 PM): oops nancy that is what I meant
jecris27 (3:49:17 PM): office, yes
jecris27 (3:49:32 PM): back with the shrink now
vickychandler87 (3:49:36 PM): lol!
photodmom (3:49:38 PM): thanks
vickychandler87 (3:49:42 PM): yes, the most beautiful spirit
jecris27 (3:49:51 PM): stop saying that, woman!
mahurin10 (3:49:59 PM): beautiful soul...sound familiar
jecris27 (3:50:02 PM): get out of your box!
vickychandler87 (3:50:39 PM): it is the real thing! You don't know anything!
photodmom (3:50:40 PM): real thing with a glitch
jecris27 (3:51:03 PM): it isn't impossible! grrrrr!
photodmom (3:51:04 PM): He does ask serious questions
vickychandler87 (3:51:12 PM): yes
jecris27 (3:51:31 PM): only impossible because you think it is, foolish woman
photodmom (3:52:08 PM): Boy if we could rewrite some of these episodes- their love would be so much more
vickychandler87 (3:52:09 PM): don't blame only her... Vincent is guilty of that, too...
vickychandler87 (3:52:11 PM): lol!
jecris27 (3:52:23 PM): i know
vickychandler87 (3:52:33 PM): and Father...
vickychandler87 (3:52:37 PM): ;)
chops2006 (3:52:38 PM): i just feel so much for catherine
chops2006 (3:52:50 PM): we each need to be on 50 mg on anti depressants
chops2006 (3:52:51 PM): lol
chops2006 (3:52:58 PM): of^^
photodmom (3:53:05 PM): would that be strong enough?
jecris27 (3:53:08 PM): i disagree
chops2006 (3:53:37 PM): well u realize a big part of her depression is grieving her mom
jecris27 (3:53:43 PM): anti-depressants have their place, but it's also important to deal with the underlying cause of depression
chops2006 (3:53:46 PM): that has little to do with vincent
vickychandler87 (3:53:52 PM): true
vickychandler87 (3:54:01 PM): Je, I mean
vickychandler87 (3:54:11 PM): oh, concert sceen
photodmom (3:54:17 PM): yes and deal with it through the tough times with loved ones
amnethyst2002 (3:54:20 PM): i love this scene!
jecris27 (3:54:25 PM): yup
jecris27 (3:54:39 PM): or with your god, if you have one
photodmom (3:54:47 PM): amen
chops2006 (3:54:58 PM): I think she could've dealt with the vincent situation easier if she wasn't grieving her mom
chops2006 (3:55:20 PM): but when you add the two together, it just felt like her whole world was caving in
photodmom (3:55:26 PM): or if she could have spent more time with Vincent to deal with it together
jecris27 (3:55:32 PM): but i think it's like vincent says, that it's because of the situation with him that she was feeling it so strongly
jecris27 (3:55:39 PM): yes, denise
vickychandler87 (3:55:47 PM): yes, the anniversary of her mother's dead was the trigger of it all
jecris27 (3:56:00 PM): but he's going to slam the door in her face, same as he does every time i watch this!
vickychandler87 (3:56:06 PM): it just made her put things in the open
vickychandler87 (3:56:10 PM): that's true!
photodmom (3:56:15 PM): they were still at arms length here when they should have been in each other arms
vickychandler87 (3:56:18 PM): I want to hit him!
jecris27 (3:56:22 PM): agreed
photodmom (3:56:58 PM): I think he didn't trust his own control and had to leave
photodmom (3:57:06 PM): pity though
vickychandler87 (3:57:10 PM): oh, come on! That's selfish!
chops2006 (3:57:13 PM): vincent tends to automatically think ending the relationship will solve problems lol (ie pilot, A Happy Life, What Rough Beast)
chops2006 (3:57:25 PM): he's not too bright sometimes lol
jecris27 (3:57:32 PM): lol
photodmom (3:58:09 PM): He has never had this kind of love before and didn't know how to handle it
vickychandler87 (3:58:22 PM): Neither did she
photodmom (3:58:58 PM): Remember Fathers brain washing through growing up
jecris27 (3:59:28 PM): i don't understand though why it took her so long to see him as her lover
photodmom (3:59:29 PM): Yes but she wants more of the relationship and Vincent doesn't know what to do
jecris27 (3:59:57 PM): she needed to take matters into her own hands
jecris27 (4:00:10 PM): it's not the 1800s for goodness sake
photodmom (4:00:12 PM): she did. vincent was scared of his other side ( his inner voice and fears)
jecris27 (4:00:21 PM): she should have done more
photodmom (4:00:31 PM): that is for sure
amnethyst2002 (4:00:37 PM): the pain....it must end!
vickychandler87 (4:01:02 PM): Why!
jecris27 (4:01:23 PM): because he can't see himself as worthy of her
photodmom (4:01:24 PM): they needed to break through the barrier they are building
jecris27 (4:01:28 PM): foolish boy
photodmom (4:01:32 PM): ture
mahurin10 (4:01:33 PM): I hate that he wants to make decisions for her and she lets him
jecris27 (4:01:35 PM): exactly!
photodmom (4:01:35 PM): true
vickychandler87 (4:01:43 PM): very very very fullish!
lamartus (4:01:43 PM): I want to kick him!
vickychandler87 (4:01:43 PM): me too!
photodmom (4:01:56 PM): ouch the pain
amnethyst2002 (4:02:02 PM): but how would we feel placed in her situation???
vickychandler87 (4:02:03 PM): It's a really selfish attitude to slamthe door on her face this way!
jecris27 (4:02:12 PM): i agree
photodmom (4:02:20 PM): especially at that very moment
vickychandler87 (4:02:26 PM): true
jecris27 (4:02:33 PM): personally, i'd have been stealing kisses from him a while ago!
photodmom (4:02:43 PM): no doubt
mahurin10 (4:02:43 PM): me too je
vickychandler87 (4:02:52 PM): Oh, me three!
mahurin10 (4:02:56 PM): He's only human, he would have to give in
amnethyst2002 (4:03:07 PM): sad bits coming up....
photodmom (4:03:08 PM): if she had he may have felt more of a comfort at her lead
jecris27 (4:03:16 PM): exactly!
vickychandler87 (4:03:24 PM): why does she have to do everything?
vickychandler87 (4:03:42 PM): So we won't ask nothing of him?
amnethyst2002 (4:03:43 PM): a melon baller.....lol
photodmom (4:03:43 PM): so take the chance. Love is worth any fight
vickychandler87 (4:03:44 PM): lol!
jecris27 (4:03:55 PM): she doesn't have to... but he has no experience
jecris27 (4:03:58 PM): or rather, worse...
jecris27 (4:04:02 PM): there's lisa
photodmom (4:04:03 PM): old lady I resent that
chops2006 (4:04:07 PM): i know
jecris27 (4:04:08 PM): she needs to do the initiating!
chops2006 (4:04:13 PM): cathy was like 32 here
chops2006 (4:04:14 PM): lol
chops2006 (4:04:32 PM): lol @ taking the shoes off
photodmom (4:04:32 PM): I want girl time like this
vickychandler87 (4:04:33 PM): in the show she was 30
jecris27 (4:04:38 PM): someone said that one of these women is supposed to be jenny
chops2006 (4:04:48 PM): ok linda was like 32 here
chops2006 (4:04:49 PM): lol
jecris27 (4:05:41 PM): no! say no!
vickychandler87 (4:05:50 PM): I just don't see Catherine as the housewife tipe... lol!
jecris27 (4:06:01 PM): not so much
photodmom (4:06:09 PM): no more like a cave wife
vickychandler87 (4:06:12 PM): it seems to be what Vincent thinks, though... lol!
jecris27 (4:06:16 PM): and what are you doing on her balcony, door slammer?
vickychandler87 (4:06:22 PM): yes!
chops2006 (4:06:23 PM): I LOVE this montage
chops2006 (4:06:26 PM): so beautiful
photodmom (4:06:26 PM): feeling guilty
mahurin10 (4:06:28 PM): yeah door slammer
jecris27 (4:06:33 PM): lol
vickychandler87 (4:06:41 PM): yet again, feeling guilty but not acting upon it...
vickychandler87 (4:06:47 PM): lol!
photodmom (4:06:49 PM): missing her and wanting more but How???
vickychandler87 (4:06:49 PM): don't mind me!
chops2006 (4:06:52 PM): if i was cathy
chops2006 (4:07:00 PM): and he slammed the door in my face
jecris27 (4:07:04 PM): i think this is the most passionate episode commentary we've had yet!
chops2006 (4:07:08 PM): i would say "no nookie for a month!"
jecris27 (4:07:11 PM): lol
photodmom (4:07:16 PM): he gives up too easily
vickychandler87 (4:07:23 PM): yes, Denise
jecris27 (4:07:24 PM): i love this scene
photodmom (4:07:31 PM): love this part even though some what corny
chops2006 (4:07:31 PM): oh i know!
jecris27 (4:07:39 PM): perhaps my favorite of the outtake kisses
vickychandler87 (4:07:41 PM): uh oh... owwww!
chops2006 (4:07:46 PM): one of the few scenes we get to see vincent in the daylight!
photodmom (4:07:52 PM): I love the arm and arm
photodmom (4:08:05 PM): oh sigh
jecris27 (4:08:08 PM): and probably the only one where he's not terrified
vickychandler87 (4:08:09 PM): everywhere!
mahurin10 (4:08:20 PM): yes je
vickychandler87 (4:08:35 PM): I want to hold him!
vickychandler87 (4:08:42 PM): :D
photodmom (4:08:42 PM): dang he is so gorgeous
chops2006 (4:08:44 PM): =))
jecris27 (4:08:46 PM): lol
photodmom (4:08:54 PM): It's NY no one would notice
jecris27 (4:09:11 PM): it's a dream, after all, what the hell ;-)
jecris27 (4:09:16 PM): lol
vickychandler87 (4:09:16 PM): lol!
photodmom (4:09:28 PM): wrong channel ladies
chops2006 (4:09:32 PM): lmao
chops2006 (4:09:40 PM): who do you think would be on top? vinny?
vickychandler87 (4:09:52 PM): lol!
vickychandler87 (4:09:58 PM): aaaaawwwwww!!!
photodmom (4:10:15 PM): the bak side of Vincent...NICE!!!
vickychandler87 (4:10:24 PM): no! I hate that feeling in a dream... when you want to scream and your voice won't come!
jecris27 (4:10:34 PM): me too
photodmom (4:10:38 PM): her pain is so felt
vickychandler87 (4:10:39 PM): no... poor Catherine!
chops2006 (4:10:46 PM): yes, i've seen thier back sides on the steam tunnels lol
jecris27 (4:10:57 PM): but i've figured out that if i can try harder and get the scream out, i can wake myself up! lol
photodmom (4:11:09 PM): too much for me- I like my imagination better
vickychandler87 (4:11:10 PM): lol!
jecris27 (4:11:43 PM): i like both...
chops2006 (4:11:50 PM): LOL @ JE
photodmom (4:11:53 PM): I know Nancy's feeling. I am a stay at home mom who didn't do more with my photography
amnethyst2002 (4:11:53 PM): do we all identify with Nancy on some levels?
vickychandler87 (4:11:57 PM): This drives me crazy... Why not photography and mom, Nancy=?
photodmom (4:12:24 PM): The travel is hard to raise your children
photodmom (4:12:40 PM): Me not daycare. that is why I did it
photodmom (4:13:21 PM): amen Nancy
chops2006 (4:13:29 PM): amen
photodmom (4:13:39 PM): Do it Catherine
vickychandler87 (4:13:42 PM): Good, Nancy!
chops2006 (4:13:52 PM): nancy is a great friend!
amnethyst2002 (4:14:21 PM): we are all friends like cathy and nancy..no matter what continent or country...
vickychandler87 (4:14:28 PM): Yes!
photodmom (4:14:48 PM): thank you and I feel the same for you all
vickychandler87 (4:14:54 PM): I often ask myself where do I go from here, and what have i really done with my life all this time...
jecris27 (4:15:04 PM): me too, vicky
vickychandler87 (4:15:04 PM): And then I found you
chops2006 (4:15:07 PM): run to her as fast as you can vinny!!
chops2006 (4:15:12 PM): run to your lova!
vickychandler87 (4:15:16 PM): and you made me realise too many things...
vickychandler87 (4:15:17 PM): run!
amnethyst2002 (4:15:21 PM): me too...but at the end of the day we are here by the end of a phone, or email
jecris27 (4:15:23 PM): this is my favorite music of the series
vickychandler87 (4:15:23 PM): fly, girl!
vickychandler87 (4:15:38 PM): it's so powerful, I love it!
amnethyst2002 (4:15:40 PM): she does..you should of seen the out takes in LA!
photodmom (4:16:08 PM): pounce
vickychandler87 (4:16:11 PM): you can just see what's going on with that music...
vickychandler87 (4:16:18 PM): here comes!
vickychandler87 (4:16:36 PM): Everything!
photodmom (4:16:39 PM): I still hate the robbed kiss
jecris27 (4:16:41 PM): :-)
jecris27 (4:16:45 PM): me too
jecris27 (4:16:53 PM): i looked away and remember the real one
jecris27 (4:16:54 PM): lol
vickychandler87 (4:16:57 PM): Now boy, you should ask forgiveness for door-slaming too!
amnethyst2002 (4:17:00 PM): we have imagination though don`t we?
photodmom (4:17:04 PM): It was just a kiss for pete's sake
jecris27 (4:17:05 PM): damn straight, vicky
vickychandler87 (4:17:06 PM): we do!
lamartus (4:17:18 PM): =D>
vickychandler87 (4:17:36 PM): =D> =D> =D>
jecris27 (4:17:50 PM): season 2 next week
vickychandler87 (4:17:56 PM): yea!
photodmom (4:17:57 PM): oh yeah!!
jecris27 (4:18:00 PM): chamber music?
vickychandler87 (4:18:03 PM): Who'd have thought?
vickychandler87 (4:18:18 PM): Will we watch in production order or airing order'
jecris27 (4:18:26 PM): production order
mahurin10 (4:18:38 PM): I vote production order
amnethyst2002 (4:18:41 PM): :D
vickychandler87 (4:19:00 PM): :(
lamartus (4:19:08 PM): What's that order?
lamartus (4:19:14 PM): :-/
vickychandler87 (4:19:14 PM): Production order starts with Remember love
photodmom (4:19:15 PM): ok for those of us who don't know- you will have to give us the order
vickychandler87 (4:19:30 PM): Ashes, Ashes
vickychandler87 (4:19:43 PM): Chamber music, God bless the chikld, Dead of winter
vickychandler87 (4:19:49 PM): AFAPK
vickychandler87 (4:19:56 PM): Sticks and stones
vickychandler87 (4:20:01 PM): Labyrinths
jecris27 (4:20:04 PM): so Remember Love came after A Happy Life?
vickychandler87 (4:20:11 PM): yes
vickychandler87 (4:20:20 PM): fitting, isn't it?
vickychandler87 (4:20:22 PM): lol!
jecris27 (4:20:26 PM): a kiss and then taking him away to connecticut. i'm liking it. lol
vickychandler87 (4:20:47 PM): Brothers, AGR,
vickychandler87 (4:20:52 PM): and here are some changes.
vickychandler87 (4:21:25 PM): Orphans, The outsiders, When the bluebird sings, Arabesque, and then everything the same from The watcher on
lamartus (4:22:09 PM): Then, production order ?
photodmom (4:22:17 PM): got it thanks
vickychandler87 (4:22:23 PM): You're welcome
